Looking for emo

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for emo

This topic contains 19 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  alpineleopard 11 years, 11 months ago.

  • Author
  • #727711

    I have lots of clothes psi’s and more for trade, my wish list is Emo and I also like 3-D glasses please let me know if you have it and what you are looking for.

    1. #728137

      Trading room would be best too <3 alpineleopard

      • #728184


        Hi I see you are in the regular TR, so I guess we need to work out all the details here first. I will log on after dinner, TTYS, JLMK which PSIs you can offer, I am not looking for anything specific. DF

    2. #728136

      Please don’t cancel on me but I already traded licorice, I have a whole lot more psi’s and clothes I have a haunted doghouse, and a shivering ice fridge or whatever the ice mist leopards psi is called lol let me know if you are interested in any other items specifically and I will let you know <3 thanks so much for even replying to me. alpineleopard

      • #728180


        No problem I only suggested the dress to make the values closer. I don’t need the dress. I already pulled a pair of emo, and I’m on right now, if you want to work out a trade lmk. I will be eating dinner soon. I will be on all weekend, so no worries.. DF

    3. #728040

      I also have some signature psi’s like the lazy mud river and will happily offer more than one item for emo thanks again :):) alpineleopard

      • #728118


        Hi i don’t have the muddy river thing, sounds awful, bu I’l take it. If you can add something, maybe the licorice dress, it’s a deal. Wow you have more items in your dock than me, I try so hard to keep mine under 2700. Like that’s a good thing. LOL JLMK if you want to meet or send. Since we don’t know each other, maybe meeting in the TR would be better, my UN is clo91, DF

    4. #728037

      Thanks so much my user is alpineleopard I have lion costume hat, licorice dress, fire queen robe lots of deluxe, tell me what are you looking for and I will know what to offer I have over 3000 items in my dock so I wont disappoint :) thanks so much alpineleopard

    5. #727898


      Hi, I have emo, feel free to offer. Send me a friend request clo91 and I’ll send you some 3D glasses for free, I win so many in the forest and don’t know what to do with them, would love to give them to you. LMK if your UN is not the same. TTYL DF

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