Looking for New Fall Fest Items

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for New Fall Fest Items

This topic contains 32 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Madukayil 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #815607

    Hi guys. I’m looking for the new Fall Fest items. I’m not able to go on very much and have missed out on the majority of my opportunities to catch leaves. So, if anyone has any of the new fall fest prizes, I’d love to trade for them. Just let me know what you’d like in return. Thank you!

    1. #817420


      I missed out on a lot of leaves, too. D: I had to help set up a huge warehouse sale for the past 2 weeks, so it ate up all of my time to catch leaves for fall fest. I’m still looking for a bunch of fall leaf piles so that I can make an outdoor fall room. I also missed out on those cute potted trees (I think some had yellow leaves and some had red leaves?), these barrels filled with apples, and some of the food items (I got the cider and the donuts and some kind of candy corn cake, but I think that’s it). I’ve been following a forum to see what I missed. Apparently I missed a lot. I have some extras of a few things (Mostly food), surprisingly! Is there anything else you still need?

    2. #816746

      chilllily sent a friend reqeust i will send free rake MORHB ill send a lantern

    3. #816652

      morhb thanks for the wheel and extras! markg97 thanks so much for your gift! alice plmk which items you still need i have lots of fall fest items and would love to send! :)

      • #817125

        Hi Midnight, thanks so much for the offer! I am still looking for the Maple Leaf Toque, apple cider, cheesecake, toasted pumpkin seeds, rake, lantern, wheel, or fire logs. Thanks so much! LMK if you’d like anything in return!

        • #817187


          Hi everyone! If you have a wagon wheel you don’t want friend me. I’m crazybratz011 . I have a lot of marigolds and donuts and others that im willing to trade for a wagon wheel. ~crazy011~

    4. #816580


      Hey MORHB, could I trade one of my lanterns for one of your rakes? I haven’t gotten any rakes yet. UN: friend2day

    5. #816367

      Thanks to all who’ve sent over prizes! Forgot to mention I’d also love apple baskets, leaf piles, and fire logs. I adore the new prizes! Thank you so much everyone! If there’s anything specific anyone would like in return, PLMK! Won’t have much time to keep up with this forum, but I’ll try to check in as often as possible. Thanks!

      • #816569


        Hi Alice Thank You for the Clothes I was not expecting that but I did say nothing in return (but it was going through moderation will I sent them) I’ll send you some more and again nothing in return just enjoy, See you around W.W.

      • #816590

        Hi Alice! :) What is your username so I can send you stuff? I forgot to ask yesterday. I left mine on page 2. ;)

        • #817123

          Hi sweetcupcake. I left a post on page 2 with my UN included and what I would like. But just to recap my UN is pookiejosephine. I’ll send you an FR. I am deluxe, so I’ll send that coat. I’d love the lantern, cheesecake, and toasted pumpkin seeds. Thanks!

      • #816636


        i will send you some stuff, alice. i am looking for kinstyle shop stuff if you are deluxe. if not then i don’t care!

        • #817124

          Hi there. Thank you so much for the kind offer. Yes, I am Deluxe and will be happy to send over some Kinzstyle shop clothing. Is there anything in particular you’d like? Just LMK your UN, thanks! My UN is pookiejosephine. Have a nice day!

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