Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives LOOKING FOR THESE ITEMS:

This topic contains 113 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  ponyprincess1228 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #802436


    Looking for the following items or e-store points:

    Finger Painting Easel
    Buried Treasure Beach
    Around the World Plane
    Playground Slide Promo
    Ancient Dig Site
    Majestic Wardrobe (curly lion)
    Recess window
    Blooming Garden Shed
    Lavish Lounger
    Friends JB Jam Makers Pantry
    Friends Tabby Desk
    Midnight Snack Fridge
    Slimy Monster Bathtub
    Bouncy Banana Bed
    Cryptic Crystal Ball
    Triassic Toybox
    Bouncy Banana Bed
    Luxurious Pink Bubblebath
    Midnight Snack Fridge
    Lollipop Lamp
    Prinstine Alpine Cave
    Pirate Ship Playhouse
    Toad Stool Trampoline
    E-store Points

    Trade list will follow when this post!

    1. #814368


      AQUA hi there. I still have the stage and piano, am interested in the dog waterfalls for both, let me know if this works for you and meanwhile please send friend request to nanacrazy, also just let me know your WW user so I know the invite is from you please!

      • #814491

        NO WAY!! OMG This is GREAT!!! I will TOTALLY TRADE!! As it turns out, we’re already friends. Thank you thank you THANK YOU a MILLION TIMES!!! :) ~AQUA

    2. #813942

      Hi there Ladytrader! I was looking at your list and saw you had the country sensation stage and the polka dot piano, two items that I’ve really been looking for! Please let me know if you’re interested in ANYTHING on this list for either of them. If not, how many estore points would you want for them? Please let me know as soon as you can! :) ~AQUA

      Gushing Green Geyser PSI
      Dog Bone Sofa (Promo)
      Enchanted Loch (Signature Westie PSI)
      Water Dog Falls (Signature Portuguese Water Dog PSI)
      Endangered Island Getaway (Signature Endangered Red Wolf PSI)
      Wild Game Gourmet BBQ (Signature Endangered Bengal Tiger PSI)
      Big Bark Clock Tower (Signature Beagle PSI) x2
      Sly Slide (Signature Fox PSI)
      Banana Boom Box (Signature Chimpanzee PSI)
      Nutty Conveyor Belt (Signature Chipmunk PSI)
      Sunny Savannah Oasis (Signature Endangered Cheetah PSI)
      Butterfly Dress (from Webkinz Friends)
      Anyway, I’m sorry the list is so small, but again please let me know if you’re interested ASAP. I’d be willing to trade multiple items and send first if you’re interested. Thanks again! ~AQUA

    3. #813831


      DOGFISH I assume those fabulous gifts the other day were from you, thanks so much. Been having some connectivity issues internet wise so was limited to be on, hence the late appreciation nod.

      • #813856


        Hi Lady, yes it was from me. Not sure you saw my other post, but I will have all the mystery items in bulk next month. I only got enough for me and my bffs this month. I did send a few new request, like I said they all have names kids would never choose. Like kinzfire and such. My poor friend who now has that PSI account is being sought after in the CH by kids wanting PSIs, LOL They think it’s me, too funny. LMK what you are having a hard time finding off your wish list. DF

    4. #812038


      twinks – if I get extras on your mystery bag items will send your way

      • #812803


        Great! There are 3 I am most interested in, the Autumn Balcony Window, the Autumn Pool and the Gemstone Chair. I have a Taurus Telescope I can trade or I can trade eStore points. I also have those Zum items I mentioned and can get any items you want from the Zumthings catalog up to a total of 100 zummies as I have all 4 colors at 100 zummies. :D

    5. #812037


      lady – thanks so much for the items, you must be a mind reader.

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