Lovely Design that you will Love

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Lovely Design that you will Love

This topic contains 719 replies, has 64 voices, and was last updated by  designergirl101 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #90635

    <p>Thank you for visiting Lovely Design that you will Love in order for me to make you a amazing room there are a couple of simple things for you to fill me in on. Is your pet or pet a boy a girl or will this room be used by all pets.Colors what are your favorites and what is your style. Those are the main ideas but I do need to know a room size and how much you are willing to spend. So have a great day.

    1. #669742

      Chelsea315 wrote on 2012-09-28 at 08:12 PM

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-09-28 at 11:42 AM
      Thank you for visiting Lovely Design that you will Love in order for me to make you a amazing room there are a couple of simple things for you to fill me in on. Is your pet or pet a boy a girl or will this room be used by all pets.Colors what are your favorites and what is your style. Those are the main ideas but I do need to know a room size and how much you are willing to spend. So have a great day.

      A girl
      Maroon and orange
      Less than 2000

      Tangerine Bed, Crimson Wall Paint,Light Pine Wood Floor,Tangerine Dresser,2 Ruby Red Wall Sconces,2Modern Loungers and Amaryllis.

    2. #669741

      Boys Spa Porthole Hot Tub, Beach Sofa Sea Blue Towel Rack,Sea Blue Wave Mirror,Royal Blue Wall Paint,Sea Green Tile Floor,White Daisies,In Ground Lap Pool and Weathered Wood Side Table. Girls Spa Mosaic Mirror,In Ground Lap Pool,Mocha Swirls Wallpaper,Citrus Swirl Painting,Mocha Squares Floor,Pink and White Swirl Rug,Orchid and Moral Floral Sofa.

    3. #669737

      okay I will get it to you as soon as possible

    4. #669735


      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-09-28 at 11:42 AM

      Thank you for visiting Lovely Design that you will Love in order for me to make you a amazing room there are a couple of simple things for you to fill me in on. Is your pet or pet a boy a girl or will this room be used by all pets.Colors what are your favorites and what is your style. Those are the main ideas but I do need to know a room size and how much you are willing to spend. So have a great day.

      A girl
      Maroon and orange
      Less than 2000

    5. #669716

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-09-28 at 11:42 AM

      Thank you for visiting Lovely Design that you will Love in order for me to make you a amazing room there are a couple of simple things for you to fill me in on. Is your pet or pet a boy a girl or will this room be used by all pets.Colors what are your favorites and what is your style. Those are the main ideas but I do need to know a room size and how much you are willing to spend. So have a great day.

      Hi designer101 !!!! I need a spa to be used for my boy pets I was planning to use the tubs from the beach house theme . And another spa for my girls . I would like some plants and make them both omnigender but add a little girlish touch to the girls spa

      • #716562


        designergirl101 can i please have a blue spa. it will be used for all kinds of girl pets. budget doesn’t matter. and i would like a boys lounge. green please. all boy pets will be using it. budget still doesn’t matter. THANKS!

      • #791101


        Help! Where will I put e store ruffle tunic! pink pony, starry stallion, ‘lil husky, or birthstone(September)

        • #791104


          Shoes and hat go as high as $50,000! I earned it all. no cheats

          • #795154

            What? Okay let me know but I think you have got the wrong forum!

    6. #851702


      aquarius sagiturius and capricorn ok (this is probably ur longest order

    7. #855568

      Webkinz244~ Here is your order, and no, it is not the longest in our history. I promise! However, if you would to look through one hundred twenty six pages, be my guest! :) I loved your idea for a deluxe room, and I really thought over how I would do it best. I have decided simple gold elegance is exactly what we should aim for. So, without further ado, a room designed just to showcase deluxe! Elegant Exposed Brick Wall, Majestic Mahogany Floors, 8 Mahogany Dining Chairs, 2 Mahogany Dining Tables, 2 Magic Carpet Couches, 2 fancy Tables, Enchanted Area Rug, Foggy Night Pirate Lamp, Alchamy TV, All Stocked Up display and Dogbeards Portrait. I hope you like the room, it does come in under budget. If you want to add a few windows, I think it would look fine, so long as they are city chic! Also, thank you for waiting on me to return from my travels, if you need a layout or anything I promise it will be done shortly (this time, I will have WiFi access :) ) Thanks again ~designergirl101

    8. #856172


      those where the things i had

    9. #856117


      ok i would like a layout thx for ur help

    10. #857557


      how many fancy tables

    11. #856118


      ps ill pass on the pages it would take an age!!!!!!

    12. #856119


      and ho many windows would be idea

    13. #856264


      ho was typo how and where do i find the 8 chairs :?: i can’t find any of them:!:

    14. #856275

      maybe six, all pushed together. So like like one larger window. They are from one of the city condo themes in the wshop!

    15. #856289


      and where do i find the chairs they are not in the chairs section of the w shop and i really want to find them

    16. #856333


      its taking a LONG LONG TIME

    17. #856471

      I am sorry about that. Your layout order is above your room order. I don’t know how it got there, but since you tend to post a good deal of comments it may be that. As for the chairs, they are the fifth page, third line, and first chair in that line. I hope this helps. I hope you saw your layout above, it also just posted. Although, I posted it the 14th, oh well, who knows with forums these days? :)

    18. #857040


      idk thats for sure and thx and there are no doors except the won side

    19. #857523


      Hey DG101, thanks for inviting me to see your rooms. Unfortunately I only got to see the one. The second room was empty and then on the 3rd it froze up. Same thing when you came over. I left to go to another room and it froze again. I was so disappointed because I really wanted to see your rooms. Next time you catch me on please invite me over. I love seeing others rooms. Maybe next time will be better, I hope. :)

    20. #857775


      hello me again wondering wether i could have a zodiac big room with kc and floaty clickys only. colours are up to u but not to many

    21. #857835

      Hey Becky, yes it was all glitching the whole time, and YES I totally want you to see my rooms! They are all a work in progress as not all item are easy to find! Hence, little by little my rooms take shape! Also your rooms are GREAT! Loved them! I can’t wait to see you again, and yeah I will totally invite you over!

    22. #857888

      I hope you enjoyed looking through some of my rooms. My chat bar was removed by a glitch, so I could not tell you when I was planning on jumping from room to room, and of course it was not ideal when I had to go just to log out! However, I was sure you would understand. Some of my rooms are a work in progress, and some I did not mean to show you., like my Halloween catastrophe! At any rate I hope you will come again soon, and I am planning some new Rockerz rooms as soon as I can score the items! Dog normally helps with all my rockerz rooms, however she has not been on recently. Have you seen her? I am afraid my kinz chat phone may be glitching! Thanks for coming to see my rooms!

    23. #857836

      Sure, I will try to get that to you quickly!

    24. #858693

      Webkinz244, here is your zodiac room. The only item that is not available in the w-shop is the wallpaper. I thought with the free e-store points you may want to purchase the zodiac wallpaper. If not, that’s your decision and the ancient civilizations wallpaper will do fine. However, if you have no resources left and can’t buy or trade for either of those wallpapers, then the light sea foam green wall paint will do fine. Stone age floor will play off the zodiac theme, and on one wall you will use a newz zodiac on the farthest end of each side. Then, following that, use 2 starry night bookshelf’s. With a zodiac symbol in the middle of that and a Navigators Desk directly under. As a desk chair use the stone leaf dining chair. Now adorn the rest of the walls with click and win wall symbols and use 3 magic carpet sofas with two stone age side tables to make a U shaped sitting area. If you need anything else let me know. Sorry for the wait!

    25. #858162


      Yes I enjoyed the tour. So you were able to look at some of my rooms? I wasn’t sure because it froze up on my end so instead of logging out I left it just in case you were still able to jump around. And I needed to get dinner going anyway. I still have a few different Rockerz items if you need any just let me know. Maybe next time I can give you a tour of my house and I can show you my favorite rooms. All my old rooms aren’t as nice as the ones I put a little effort in to. And as of right now I have no interest in re-decorating the older rooms. Maybe one day I will get caught up. And no haven’t seen her. I think she is on facebook now.

    26. #858692

      I agree, others have also told me she has been playing allot of webkinz friends. Yes, I did get to see, and VERY much enjoyed your room designs. I am not caught up on my rooms either don’t feel bad. As for the rockerz items, that would be amazing! However, I would hate to impose, and hardly want make it seem like I am using you. So, I will leave it at your call, but in case you have tons of extras and don’t mind sharing; I am working on several rockerz rooms, one of them being a rockerz -music -video-shoot! So for that room I will be needing, 2 Pyro Performance Platforms, Punk Stunt Stage, Rockerz Name in Lights. Other rockerz items I have room ideas for are; Rockerz Backstage Wardrobe, Reggae DJ booth, Disco Dance Floor, and 4 rockerz booths and tables (for a rockerz diner). However, I do have several more items that are not rockerz, that I need to complete rooms; 2 Funky Striped Sofas, Country Sensation Stage (signature PSI), and lastly a doggy diving pool. I do not expect it all, but I thought I may as well give you the whole list. Thanks, designergirl101~

    27. #859220



    28. #859403


      Awesome. I can help you with a lot of that stuff. I am going to add you to all my extra accounts that way I don’t have to move stuff around. Plus I have so much excess and since you love to design I am going to send all the stuff that I will never get around to using. And you can keep it, trade it or gift it. Once I send it will be yours to do what ever with. OK? I will wait until this goes through before I sent the FR so that way you know and won’t deny them. And PLEASE don’t feel like you need to send me anything in return. Be warned it will be mass quantities. But not of the same item, just many different items. I will have to write them down. And it still might be possible that I send you repeats or stuff you already have or stuff you don’t even want. But like I said do with as you please. :)

    29. #859407

      No problem, I hope you enjoy the fun time you and your pet will share in your new zodiac theme room!

    30. #859792

      THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    31. #859887


      One more thing, please don’t worry with sending thank you notes. How about if and when you are ready for me to stop sending stuff, just send me the plain no stickers thank you note. And then I will stop. OK? Hope you are enjoying everything I have sent so far. And remember if you don’t want just use it to trade or gift to your friends.

    32. #860421

      Oh okay, I just stopped by now. Let me know when you want to stop sending stuff. I’ll take it as long as it keeps coming, but your SO generous, and by now, I’m sure, SO tired of sending gifts. So let me know when you want to stop! Thanks!

    33. #860514


      HI Becky and D, I am now posting at the same place atom went to , where we get our values. Hope to to see you both there, where I am kuteykat. TTYL DF

    34. #860983


      wow this is really awful, please go to the other forum, many others are there already. I waited in the TR the other nite, it just doesn’t work. DF

    35. #860975

      I would enjoy that! I may ask mom, however, IDK yet……………………………………………………………….. I always go to kinzvile park the 2nd park……. But its hard…… I may have to stop the forums here and do what your doing I ask mom tomorrow!

    36. #860959


      Yeah!!! I will be obvious, it is the same as here and WW. :) D, I still have more to send but took a break. My son and his friends were getting on my nerves. They finally went home. :) DF, I tried to add you to my friends list and it said not found. Is there a number added to your user name? If you can add me mine is exactly like it is on here. Thanks

    37. #860958


      Yeah!!! I will be obvious, it is the same as here and WW. :) D, I still have more to send but took a break. My son and his friends were getting on my nerves. They finally went home. :)

    38. #861044


      Becky when you go to the forum page at the bottom it says who is on, I will be on later today, but I think I already added you. The visitor message thing is just like here D, but your mom may not want you doing the private thing, IDK. Next time send me a note D and I will go to that park, because the CH is a waste of time. I run into people sometimes but it’s random. DF

    39. #861078

      Okay, I will send nose back! :) Also, took your advice and its same here as forums!

    40. #861079

      OK, I am doing it now. designergirl101 may start her very own house thread sometime soon!

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