Lovely Design that you will Love

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Lovely Design that you will Love

This topic contains 719 replies, has 64 voices, and was last updated by  designergirl101 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #90635

    <p>Thank you for visiting Lovely Design that you will Love in order for me to make you a amazing room there are a couple of simple things for you to fill me in on. Is your pet or pet a boy a girl or will this room be used by all pets.Colors what are your favorites and what is your style. Those are the main ideas but I do need to know a room size and how much you are willing to spend. So have a great day.

    1. #785193

      Okay chilly lily, I have to admit this was hard! I bent the instructions you gave me but this was what I would have done for my pets room! I promise myself for almost every room I do, that I would only use items and designs, that I would use for my pets. So this is one of those cases! I went I tad over budget but the room would be to bare if I would not of but don’t worry its all under 3,000 kinzcash, but if that is to much add me (boxcarchild) and I will help! So I tried to use only outdoorsy natural items, but I am more designer girl, not nature girl! (with the ocean as a exception, I LOVE DOLPHINS!) (I do have a campkinz but still.(my pets sleep in cabins) So I tried! But here is what I came up with enjoy! 3 purple blossom trellis’s, Poolside Umbrella, 2 Lawn Loungers (the blue ones), 2 Blue Petunias, Wisteria Tree and 5 Allium Flowers! I hope you like it, I know its not much but I already stretched the budget! I am nervous but I am taking a leap of faith and praying you will like it! Okay remember you already have some items that will match! Okay THANKS! SORRY FOR THE WAIT1 I hope you enjoy it!

    2. #779438

      Yeah, you can use her PSI, that would be great!

    3. #778218


      Yes. It’s the blue and white hammock and I already have it so you don’t have to put it in the budget. And the PSI can go in a Treetop Room. And the room is a Treetop Room, not an outdoors room. Thanks~Stay Chilly and Pretty Like a Lily

    4. #776561

      Hi designergirl101, I need a living room for my virtual Sleepover Cub that is a girl. The room has to have dark colors (such as a dark purple or blue) to have an “night-time” appearance. I have a budget of 10,000kc or lower. I really want the room to be like you’re in a sleepover so be creative! I wish you the best of luck! I hope I am not being to hard…so if you have any questions just ask me! Thank you!!!

      • #778562

        Okay that is fine! I have some ideas and while you were VERY informational I do need to know one thing, I am using your sleepover cubs PSI? Okay thanks I make sure my rooms are like always under 2 weeks so don’t worry!

    5. #776245


      Hey designergirl101, I’m still lovin’ that room you designed for me but now I need a room for my Sapphire Pegasus(I just adopted her), Saphira. The room HAS to be all light blue BUT, it’s a Treetop Room. So only outdoor W Shop items can go in it and her PSI and the W Shop Hammock HAVE to go in it. The budget is 2500kc but I really want the room to feel VERY nature like so there can’t be any grills or coolers or pools or fences or anything man made. Sorry, I’m not trying to make your job hard but I want the room to be perfect. I have a feeling this is going to be your hardest job yet….. so GOOD LUCK! P.S. I already have the Hammock

      • #776608

        Okay well I hope its the blue and white hammock because if its not……. I think I may have to squeeze it into the budget! But I am sure it is, another thing is do you know for sure that its PSI can go outdoors? because if you don’t that may be a problem. Just a few things I thought may be good to bring up, okay god bless have a great day!

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