Maddie’s Trade/Wish List

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Maddie’s Trade/Wish List

This topic contains 97 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  hershey111 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #810248


    Hi everyone! Maddie here, with a little trade list. Please let me know if anything appeals to you. I’ll be posting my wish list once (or if) this goes through. But its been hard for me to get back to Webkinz after school started, so please forgive me if I can’t get back to you as soon as you might have hoped. My Webkinz username is Madukayil, and I am always looking for new friends. Thank you for stopping by! –Maddie :)
    Molten Meals Oven (Fire Fawn PSI)
    Peppermint Swirl Slide (Waffle Wallaby PSI)
    Frozen Fun Slide (Glacier Fox PSI)
    Chocolate Fountain (Mocha Pup PSI)
    Cotton Candy Closet (Cotton Candy Sheep PSI)
    Tiger Stripe Convertible (Tiger PSI)
    Yarn Ball Sofa (Cat PSI)
    Racetrack Treadmill (Horse PSI)
    Lucky Horseshoe Fireplace (Clydesdale Horse PSI)
    Purple Tee
    Pink Bunny Ears
    Sugarberry Dress
    Vintage Glam Outfit
    Free Ride Zingoz Hat
    Zingoz Baseball Shirt
    Zingoz Shoes
    Zingoz Costume Shirt
    Hula Costume Top
    DJ Headphones
    Birthday Cake Hat
    White Knight Costume Shoes
    Fairy Den Dress
    Tyrannical Rex Slide
    Enchanted Elven Pipe Organ
    Neo Gothic Grandfather Clock
    Neo Gothic Coffee Table
    Neo Gothic Side Table
    Luxury Hot Tub
    Emperor’s Settee
    Jumping Jukebox
    Zangoz Chocolate Fountain
    Nursery Playpen
    Superfan Walls/Floors
    Gem Walls/Floors
    Moonberry Greenhouse

    1. #814105


      Hi everyone: this is just an updated wish list, with some things added. By the way, all the things on my trade list are still available, so don’t worry about that. Here goes:
      Green Swimsuit Pieces
      Vampiress Costume Pieces
      Pink Explorer Costume Pieces
      Wacky Zingoz Jeans
      Holiday Spirit Swing
      Melody Hat
      Candy Dreamland Dress
      Any Gemsters
      Cotton Candy Hammock (Candy Googles PSI)
      Starlight Stable (Mystic Pony PSI)
      Half Moon Hammock (Mystic Moon Bear PSI)
      Blue Moon Lagoon (Moon Fox PSI)
      Sapphire Piano (Sapphire Pegasus Piano)
      Empire Tower Bed (Sig Chow Chow PSI)
      Gem PSI
      Candykinz PSI
      Zodiac PSI
      New PSI
      Lava Lamps
      Colossal Movie Screen
      Emperor’s Bed
      Neo Gothic Walls/Floors
      Estore Points
      New Mystery Bag Items
      So, that’s about it (for now), and if you have any estore psi or any promo, please let me know, because I think I would be pretty interested in those as well. It’s just that I don’t know all of the promo items/PSi items/priceless items and so on, because I only know of the things I’ve seen in the trading room. Sorry if this is an inconvenience. My second trade list will be here soon: hopefully it’ll be more worthy of the values on my wish lists…hehe. Thanks for all your patience! –Maddie :)

    2. #813124


      By Starry Slumber chair, do you mean past dusk chair? I could get you those three too.

      • #814096


        Hi again OceanStar! I’m so very sorry: I now have the exclusives and the chairs. I should have let you know much sooner: it’s just that my updated wish list was refusing to go through. However, my wish list is still up, and I hope we can still work something out. I’ll have Part 2 up soon. Once again: sorry! :(

    3. #813009


      Hi!!!! what would you want for your bunny ears? i started a forum, that has my trade list so see if theres anything you would like! thanks!

      • #813422


        Hello! I tried to find your trade list, but I only saw the Neon Tutu forum and the Interior Designer forum that were under your name. If you could let me know where your trade list is, it would be much appreciated. Thanks! –Maddie

    4. #812986


      hi! i have neo gothic floor, if you have interested, i like the cotten candy closet, fire fawn psi, i didn’t get to see your with list. i’m not for sure when i’ll be back on webkinz, but hopefully soon. also, is there any way to get the sparkle pegasus now a days? i loovvvee her!

      • #815606


        Hello! Glad you like some things off my list! Sorry, but someone else has offered me the neo walls/floors, and we’re trying to see if we can work something out. I still have everything you liked, and I am open to any other offers! :) And, I agree with you, the sparkle pegasus is such a cute pet! But, they’re always too expensive to get…I was pretty upset when they retired it. :( I think the only way to get one now is to buy one off an online website, I think. But, now they’ll be more expensive than everrr! Anyways, come back whenever you’d like, and I’ll keep those items on hold for you! Thanks for stopping by! –Maddie :)

    5. #812982


      Hi Maddie, I have a Sly Slide PSI up for trade I was wondering if you have a Sailor Suit Dress and Hat if not that’s okay, maybe we can try for something else, Okay my user name is markg97 (same here and no caps) Thanks and Please let me know.

      • #814802

        Hey Mark! I don’t have the sailor dress or cap, and I’m sorry about that. However, I do need a sly slide, and I have one trade list up already, with another awaiting moderation. Let me know if you like anything, and maybe we can work something out. Glad you were able to stop by! –Maddie

        • #814804


          Mel, sorry to use your account for the above comment, but I was wondering where you are. We haven’t talked in forever, and I was hoping we could meet up or something. Hopefully this comment gets through to your email, and when it does, just give me a call, as I can’t seem to get through to you. Thanks, and sorry once again. You should change that password, haha. –Maddie :)

        • #815744


          Okay Maddie, I am also looking for a Polar Lamp Post (Minty Moose PSI) and if you don’t have that PSI I will Trade it for the Peppermint Swirl Slide (Waffle Wallaby PSI) Okay and Sorry if this gets posted twice I didn’t see it the first time.Just let me know and See you Around W.W.

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