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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 1 week, 2 days ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #905865


      a suggestion that i think would be good is possibly have a week on webkinz where all deluxe stuff is available for a reasonable price

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    2. #905516


      I think the next best thing that Daisy can do with these wonderfully healthy dishes is to provide real life recipes. Since Ganz is promoting a healthier life style, I think this would be great to encourage children to cook with their parents. I have found with my own children, they are more willing to eat healthier meals, if they help make them. Plus this would be pormoting spending time as a family while the children learn good life lessons. Such as eating healthy, learning how to cook, and most importantly bonding with their family.

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    3. #905510


      I would love if there was a way to put pets from multiple accounts and join them into one single account, preferably without losing all your items. If you could even slowly mail all your items to the one account you want all your pets to be on and then be able to transfer the pets to that account as well.

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    4. #905485

      Zingoz Pop is for everyone.21

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    5. #905454

      It would be so awesome to have a clothing machine recipe book for Webkinz ( like the recipe books ) ,so the users don’t have to search on Google. Also, It would be nice for Daisy’s dinner if we could choose what food we wanted and only choose on item, and Ganz, pls, get more selections for stuff u can buy with ur moneykinz, thx….. P.S My username is emmabema04love. :)

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