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This topic contains 4,074 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 1 week ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #932533


      My suggestion is that we should be able to pay a price, say 1,000 kinzcash, and be able to make a custom piece of furniture. I would love for that to happen.

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    2. #932526


      Jingle Bell Skunk (Christmas), Jack-o-Lantern Bunny (Halloween), Golfer Bunny, King Mouse, Baseball Bunny, Football Mouse, Mushroom Bunny, Rose Mouse, Drummer Mouse, Drummer Skunk, Disco Mouse, Cinnamon Roll Mouse, Love Mouse (Valentine’s), Pansy Mouse, Five Golden Rings Mouse, Clown Mouse, Six Geese-A-Laying Raccoon, Cherry Mouse, Plum Bunny, Dracula Mouse (Halloween), Snowmouse, Icicle Mouse, Strawberry Mouse, Snowball Mouse, Snowman Mouse, Bread mouse, Mail Mouse, Pumpkin Mouse (Halloween), Dragonfly Mouse, Grasshopper Mouse, Seven Swans-A-Swimming Squirrel, Eight Maids-A-Milking Bunny, Nine Ladies Dancing Squirrel, Ten Lords-A-Leaping Mouse, Eleven Pipers Piping Chipmunk, Twelve Drummers Drumming Raccoon, Ballet Mouse, Ballerina Bear, Mummy Mouse (Halloween), Police Mouse, Fruitcake Mouse, Franken-Mouse, Bride Of Franken-Mouse,

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    3. #932500


      Angel Mouse, Apple Mouse, Trick-Or-Treat Mouse (Halloween), Beach Bunny (Summer), Petal Print Bunny, Lily Bunny, Strawberry Bunny, Icicle Bunny, Acorn Bunny, Candy Cane Bunny (Christmas), Carrot Cake Bunny, Poinsettia Bunny (Christmas), Sand Angel Bunny (Summer), Blossom Mouse, Ghost Mouse (Halloween), Candy Corn Witch Mouse (Halloween), Snow Angel Mouse, Bubble Mouse, Treasure Mouse, Camper Mouse, Wizard Mouse (Halloween), Candy Apple Mouse, Candy Corn Vampire Mouse (Halloween), Candy Mouse, Butterfly Bunny, Firefly Mouse, Bumble Bee Bunny, Christmas Cookie Mouse, Christmas Cookie Bunny, Christmas Cookie Raccoon, Cornfield Mouse, Cotton Claus Mouse (Christmas), Drum Major Raccoon, Weather Ducky, Flamingo Mouse, Creamy Cat, Butter Milk Cow, Jackpot Mouse, Fallen Angel Bunny (Fall), Farmer Mouse, Flower Raccoon, Spring Chicken, Flower Pot Mouse, Flower Mouse, Basketball Squirrel, Apple Bird, Apple Rabbit, Tinkermouse, Knight Mouse, Hummingbird Mouse, Lucky Bunny (St. Patricks), Lucky Duck (St. Patricks), Lucky Mouse (St. Patricks), Fisher Chipmunk, Cheerleader Mouse, Surfer Mouse, Cupcake Mouse, Beach Mouse, Pea Mouse, Cookie Mouse, Trumpeter Bunny, Four Calling Birds Chipmunk, Pear Partridge, Two Turtle Doves Bunny, Three French Hens Skunk, Honey Bunny, Soccer Mouse, Christmas Star Mouse (Christmas), Mushroom Mouse, Indian Bunny, Chess Mouse, Jello Mouse, Jack O’ Lantern Raccoon (Halloween), Jellybean Mouse, Fiesta Mouse, Queen Bee Mouse, Daffodil Mouse.

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    4. #932441


      Salt Water Taffy Tiger, White Chocolate Apple Camel, Chocolate Peanut Butter Elephant, Coconut Caramel Stripes Tiger, Thin Mints Mouse, Trefoils Turtle, Lilac Blossom Bunny, Vanilla Cupcake Camel, Lavender Vanilla Lioness, Meadow Shower Duck, Berry Lime Lizard, Summer Bloom Bear, Apple Cider Cat (Thanksgiving), Angel Winged Wolf (I Want that Virtual), Apple Pumpkin Pig (Thanksgiving), Autumn Leaf Lion (Fall), Autumn Wreath Rat (Fall), Beach Flower Fish (Summer), Black Cherry Cat, Black Coconut Crab, Blueberry Scone Snake, Blueberry Bear, Buttercream Bunny, Berrylicious Bear, Campfire Treat Raccoon, Candy Cane Lane Lionfish (Christmas), Caramel Pecan Pie Pup (Fall), Chocolate Layer Cake Cat, Christmas Cookie Cat (Christmas), Christmas Eve Reindeer (Christmas), Christmas Wreath Rat (Christmas), Cinnamon Stick Snake, Cinnamon Vanilla Vicuna, Citrus Tango Triggerfish, Cranberry Chutney Cheetah (Fall), Cranberry Pear Pig, Cranberry Peppermint (Christmas), Eucalyptus Koala, Fruit Fusion Fox, Golden Sand Seal (I want that virtual), Honey Blossom Bear, Honeydew Melon Mouse, Juicy Peach Pup, Juicy Watermelon Wolf, Lavender Lion, Lemon Lavender Leopard, Lilac Blossom Bunny, Luscious Plum Pig (Christmas), Mandarin Cranberry Crab, Mango Peach Salsa Squirrel, Merry Marshmallow Snowman (Christmas), Midnight Jasmine Jaguar, Ocean Star Crab, Orange Dreamsicle Dog, Peach Cobbler Cat, Peppermint Bark Puppy (Christmas), Pink Sand Crab, Pomegranate Cider Pug, Pumpkin Buttercream Bunny (Fall), Pumpkin Ginger Bark Puppy), Pumpkin Pie Poodle (Thanksgiving), Pumpkin Wreath Wren (Fall), Red Raspberry Rabbit, Red Velvet Squirrel, Sea Coral Crab, Snowflake Cookie Squirrel (Christmas), Sparkling Snow Bunny, Spiced Pumpkin Snail (Fall), Sugared Apple Snail (Christmas), Sunflower Snake, Sweet Strawberry Squirrel, Tulip Turtle, Vanilla Lime Lion, Lemon Pie Mouse, Acorn Mouse, Love Bunny (Valentines), Nutty Squirrel, Apple Skunk, Gourd Raccoon, Pear Chipmunk, Nutty Chipmunk, Dandelion Mouse, Rose Mouse, Sneezy Chipmunk, Leaf Mouse (Fall).

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    5. #932435


      I’d love to see a special day designated to everyone for either KINZPOST any item of your choosing (even those that were estore bought or shown as non giftable) or a free TRADE ALL day where you have the option to trade any and all items in your inventory. I have 9 grandkid accounts and they all have items they have collected or bought that are not giftable or not allowed to trade in the trade room. I understand why many items aren’t meant to be gifted/traded but it’s their accounts, their inventory, and if they would like to send to a family member or friend of their choosing they should be allowed to do it. Even if it was just for one day and limited to 3 items to Kinzpost or a limit set to trade any items (3 or more for the day). Either that or there should be a parental control feature that would allow the adult who is responsible for the account to allow this activity to happen by doing some type of agreement or click option to override the NON GIFTABLE or TRADE feature when they want. It could be that it allows that account user to trade or gift when THEY feel they want to with parental approval. For adults who own their own account, they should be able to gift or trade anything they want since they bought it, earned it or did the special mission or activity to get a particular item. If they want to trade or gift it, it should be the owners choice. You could even make it a Deluxe Only type feature. I just see these kids go back and forth about trading or swapping and there are just too many items locked out. Let them take ownership or their own items or and adult authorize it and lift the lock even for just a day during the year. Thanks for your time.

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