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This topic contains 4,074 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by gatorgirl54 1 week ago.
August 22, 2014 at 1:30 pm #872953
Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.
June 3, 2015 at 1:35 pm #940413
oh! could we also have a storage unit for rugs and floor tiles? and for windows? and for wall art? and maybe a cabinet to keep objects like lights and chairs and plants and stuff? i’d love to get all my things organized, you know? thx!!!
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June 5, 2015 at 11:14 am #940556
I would love to see storage for other wall items as well.
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June 3, 2015 at 1:29 pm #940410
Personally, I believe Ganz should make a brown tabby cat. I have a brown tabby in real life and they are some of the most common in colors and markings. Just make the fur a dull brown with black stripes and a white muzzle and belly. I just think it would sell well and I’d like one to name after my cat.
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June 3, 2015 at 1:27 pm #940404
We need a “sorry I missed your party, I wasn’t in webkinz world” message in webkinz world. Sometimes I get busy and don’t log on, and then when I do I see I’ve missed a party invite. Then I feel bad, thinking maybe the person thinks I just didn’t want to go and ignored them.
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June 2, 2015 at 11:11 am #940085
We need more bugs and need some spiders: Wolf Spider, Crab Spider, Black Widow Spider, Garden Spider, Water Spider, Trap-Door Spider, Daddy Longlegs, Wheel Spider, Purse-Web Spider, Bolas Spider, Jumping Spider, Raft Spider, centipede, Ant, lightning bug, Honeybee, Dragonfly, Moth, grasshopper, silk moth, water strider, Giant Stag beetle, Eyed Click Beetle, and American Bombardier Beetle.
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June 2, 2015 at 11:09 am #940078
We need more reptiles: Leatherback Sea Turtle, Anole, Nile crocodile, monitor lizard, rattlesnake, Alligator, leaf-tailed gecko, vine snake, garter snake, snapping turtle, Spitting Cobra, Thorny Devil, Whipsnake, Leopard Tortoise, Gila Monster, Desert Tortoise, Patchnose Snake, Queen Snake, Leopard Gecko, Terrapin, Egyptian Tortoise, Desert Iguana, Gopher Snake, Sidewinder, Collared Lizard, Chuckwalla, Racer Snake, Blue-Tongued Skink, Horned Lizard, Coachwhip Snake, Banded Gecko, Diamond-Backed Rattlesnake, Whiptail Lizard, Tree Lizard, Rock Rattlesnake, Earless Lizard, Ball Python, Map Turtle, Komodo Dragon, African Puff Adder, and Mamba.
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