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This topic contains 4,074 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 1 week ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #940552


      I have an idea!!!! You should make Survivorz, A series of Webkinz that are designed like they live in the woods or something. They should have matching clothes!!! Please do this idea!

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    2. #940548


      moonberry cat please make a moonberry cat make it soft and beautiful,psi a moonberry bed or wallpaper and flooring i’m crazy about moonberrys please please then a sugarberry puppy, psi sugarberry window or something and a jumbleberry dragon , pickleberry frog or something please Genelle and Webkinz Team

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      • #940683


        These are great ideas! I support!

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    3. #940493


      I just wanted to ask why Wacky Bingo hasn’t worked for at least a week. I have checked everyday on my UK and US accounts and neither have worked, as it says 0 for goes on 1, 2 and 3 ball cards. Also, I am still having trouble with my pets jumping rooms when I don’t want them to. I did discover that if you go into a room where you will want to open more than one item to check for clothing or food, I have rooms which are just closets or fridges, if you click on edit and then play again, it does stop them jumping when you try to open and close storage. When I am in my room and open up the list of places I can go to next and say click on Magic Forest, it doesn’t go to Magic Forest, it goes to whichever room is on the map of my rooms, which is closed and so shouldn’t be working at that point. The way round that is to go to the Kinzstyle store, being careful to click on the very right of that option on the list and then it will take you out and you can then go wherever you want, but it does take more time. Just thought these points would be useful, if like me, it drives you mad when you have to take your pet back to its room again when you weren’t wanting to go to another room. Please could I suggest you change that in the new X version, so it doesn’t happen any more. Thanks

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    4. #940415


      would you please update our house maps maybe with little icons that would show where things like food and clothing storage are? it could be like a little apple for the food and a little clothes hangar or t-shirt for the clothing. thx!

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    5. #940414


      and could you fix the kid’s dresser and toychest so we can keep shoes in there?

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