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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #873342

      My suggestion is for more gardening plants. Green beans, zucchini, blueberries, green onions, cantaloupe, bananas, green pepper, grapes, oranges, mushrooms, peaches, pears, peas, pineapple, spinach, radishes, yams, raspberries, sunflower seeds, etc. Just a few suggestions, lol. ~MORHB~

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      • #873900


        That’s a great idea!! And trees so we can build an orchard, apples, orange, nectarines, peaches, cherry, apricot, lemon, lime, pears, coconuts, figs, different nuts etc.

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        • #879511


          oh, yeah! fruit and nut trees would be sooo much better than those awful candy trees! and it would be great if they were beautiful so they’d look good in our yards. you know, we could also grow flowers that could be sold in bunches in the WShop or maybe they would be in vases and we could put them in our rooms or give them to friends! (hello to MORHB and chrissyranch!)

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      • #873860


        yes morhb,that is a GREAT idea! but the should not be e-store points.

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        • #874404

          I agree TigerKinzKG. That is why I chose foods that are already in the wshop and are used for food recipes. :D ~MORHB~

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          • #874674


            thank you morhb!

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        • #2389133

          Yes. Why are so many things you have to estore points? I believe it beats the purpose of having etsore points as valuable.

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      • #873866


        i love love this also grapes, oranges, mangos , figs etc

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      • #873772


        HEAR HEAR! An idea after my own heart! At least seeds for foods not sold in the W-shop. Hey, Ganz, it’s always a good idea to listen to “MOM”!!

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      • #873785


        Hooray, momofredheadboys. Great idea BUT ONLY if they make them work like most of the other veggies and fruits. It’s miserable when they don’t react to watering, weeding and harvesting. If they design them to work properly, I’d buy a lot more garden plants. Here’s hoping they’re listening.

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        • #874405

          Hi Shoshone. Just to let you know that you don’t have to water your plants. I have never watered mine and they still produce. I just harvest and rake. If I’m busy, I only check every three days. After 3 days stuff starts to die off. But, I do agree that they should fix that you have to leave the room and come back to water after you harvest and rake. ~MORHB~

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      • #873651


        I agree with you MORHB, They need more gardening plants (or even trees that aren’t eStore only). And since were talking about gardening why don’t they grow/harvest with each other i.e. Watermelons take 7 days, corn takes 8-9 days and Tomatoes take 12 days to grow? Why can’t they all grow in 7 days?

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      • #874629


        Yes MORHB!!! That would be awesome. I have suggested they make flower seeds and every time you harvest them they come in a vase. And each different flower has it’s own specific vase and you could use them to decorate your room or send as gifts to friends or sold back to the Wshop. Of course I would assume if they did it would be eStore. But I would so buy them, as many as I could.

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        • #874675


          ganz needs to add more non e-store stuff to the w-shop!

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        • #875600


          Oooooh, I really like this idea! So many good ones, I hope you webkinz folks are considering some of these!

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      • #875885


        Yes! I have been wanting more seeds! :) Great idea momofredheadboys! :)

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        • #877019


          Oh wait, do you want me to start calling you MOM?~PRP

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          • #915456

            ok my suggestion is beds for two pets shoud not just be bunk beds they should be a normal sized bed that can fit two pets and the beds should cost kincash not ganz and they shoudnt be duluxe

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      • #971905


        I would love that too

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    2. #873339


      Hi. I also have an idea for Webkinz. We should have a recipe book you can buy in the W shop with all the girl clothing recipes and one with all the boy clothing recipes.

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      • #889299


        yes that would be awesome!

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    3. #873404


      Please add new items more refrequently for redemption of “Moneyz” on WebkinzNewz. It would be great to have seasonal items to match the seasons/holidays.

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      • #873923


        YAS I totally agree!!! ~Queen

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      • #875316


        I so agree with you shananski I have not bought anything in a long time because there is nothing new and I have all that I am going to buy that is there.

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      • #879510


        oh, yes, please put up more GanzWorld rewards! please!

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    4. #873133


      Hi everyone! I think there should be eStore coupons! I mean, if the Wshop coupons are not going to work (I mean, eStore items ARE in the wShop!) we should at least be able to get eStore item coupons! And I think all members should be able to get them, not just deluxe! :)

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      • #873378


        Good idea prprprprp kinz should do that :) :) :) :)

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      • #873325


        totally agree

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      • #873202


        Hi prprprprp, i dont think ganz is gonna let people use coupons. I only think this because ganz is not gonna let people have a pet for 1000 instead of 12,500. Thay would be loosing money then. Hope you get it! Thanks!

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      • #873264


        Are you talking about a discount coupon – like twenty percent off? Interesting idea. Maybe you could win them on the Wheel of Wow or the Deluxe Wheel or the Super Wheel or the Wheel of the Month – something like that? I don’t think Ganz would do that as it is actually cash money, but it’s a good idea.

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      • #873859


        i loooove that idea prprprpr! but how about you can not use the coupons on e-store pets.

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      • #874626


        Well they do do discounts on items and also discounts on eStore points. And when you combine both you have really great savings. Like say you buy your points 50% off then buy one of the 5.00 pets then technically you paid 2.50 for it. Or say the deal of the day is 1000 points you only paid 50 cents. Even a little lower since now you get bonus points when you buy points from the eStore. But I understand what you are saying and that would make it even sweeter if they made those coupons.

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      • #877872


        hi again! thats a awesome idea because I’m saving up for a pet in the w shop and if the coupon works on pets it would be great! nice idea prprprprp!

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        • #878170


          Thanks everyone for the support of my idea! :) Hope it comes true! :)

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      • #879509


        eStore coupons are a great idea! they would make awesome prizes on the Wheel of the Month or Wheel of Wow or for challenges, too.

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    5. #873081


      I have a great suggestion! I think you should sell the trading table in the W Shop. Why? Heres a story! Lets say 2 people who met on the forums wanted to trade. They would try to meet each other in the clubhouse, but they would end up in different trading rooms! See what i mean? So, if you sold it in the W Shop, then these two people could just become freinds on Webkinz, then invite each other, and trade with their trading table! Make Sense? Or you could just let us choose which room we want to go to like the park! But i think it would be easier if you sold the trading table in the W Shop. Please Respond Gennelle! If ayone likes my idea leave a reply!

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      • #873377


        I like your idea! But if kinz did sell those tables it would probally be for E-store points even so I would buy a table for E-store points :)

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      • #873203


        I Love that idea! Do it Ganz!

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        • #873308


          Thank you for liking my idea!

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          • #883925


            I like that idea. But if that did happen, I think that we should be able to use Kinzchat Plus when we invite people to our house. And not just for deluxe members, for everyone who had access to Kinzchat Plus.

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      • #873227


        I suppose they could sell it in the Wshop but for some reason that feels a little wrong. I don’t know… hmm… maybe when you invite someone to your house their could be an icon in your room which says ‘Trading’ and when you hit it asks the other player if they wanna trade. Then if they say yes it will be the Trading Scene we all know and love

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      • #880195


        Fix My Account !!!!! Once again I’M the only one in my family, who can’t play and win a prize for clicking on the LAMB on the map page. she’s not there at all!!!!

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        • #941861

          You guys should totally make an icon to delete rooms! My little sister has WAY too many rooms and she wants to delete some, but she can’t. :( Also, can you make some more fairytale room themes, like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, or Snow White. :)

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      • #903990


        Well…. I like the trading room as it is, but if we had these tables, I bet nobody would even go to the trading room anymore.

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      • #903992


        I have a few suggestions, too. first of all, I think we should eliminate deluxe memberships. It`s just not fair!!!!!! Second, what if we could chat to pets at other places with kinzchat plus, like the tournament arena and other clubhouse rooms. PS webkinz, please, PLEASE bring back the super surprise boxes|!!!!

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      • #947822


        I really wish you could jump to another room without having your pet come too. Because when I wintered in my new pets codes, one of my other pets got stuck outside. My pets can never be all in their rooms.

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        • #971907


          I want to be able to delete rooms in your house

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