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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #2649320


      A suggestion for Next, I would love to be able to filter my dock by prize type for trading. Sometimes I’ll be in the middle of a trade and it takes me too long to find other items of the prize value that the other person is asking for. Also, there seems to be an issue where items that I’ve traded don’t immediately disappear from my binder, but also don’t move when I try to remove them manually and it usually takes me logging out and back in for the space to actually free back up

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    2. #2648706


      Hi again GANZ team, have you ever thought about adding the w a s d movement to Webkinz NEXT? , it would be much easier and more comfortable to move with w a s d through the mines or through Kinzville

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    3. #2648576


      Hi GANZ team, in case you dont bring amazing world back ( at least as a mobile app ) could you please implement amazing world features in webkinz next, for example music or a new area that looks like spring bay, minigames, zings… thank you very much for reading me.
      PD: amazing world was one of the chillest and friendliest games i have ever played

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    4. #2648384


      Please consider having a Gym in Kinzville for NEXT. Then wouldn’t have to go back home to exercise when a pet asks. Think I’ve suggested this before.

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    5. #2648346


      Dear Sally Webkinz, I have a question about the Pet of The Month prizes. I noticed that the Birthstone of the Month prize has been changed from what that months birthstone is, to a random birthstone each day. Why was this changed? I love getting the birthstone items from each month, especially when I need more of certain months. Yes, it does take a year to try and get each months birthstones, but that’s better than just getting a random birthstone. It’s really hard to try and get equal amounts of each individual item of that particular month. PLEASE consider changing it back to giving each months birthstone items for that particular month! I truly enjoy winning all the prizes each day playing the POTM game, but winning the birthstone prizes are my favorite. :-)

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