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This topic contains 4,074 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 6 days, 9 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #948520


      I like the new look of Webkinz X, but there are a few things that drive me nuts. I don’t like the fact that there are things all around the screen, instead of just at the bottom. It makes it feel very cluttered. Also, not sure if you were planning to fix this, but you should make the dock go away when your in an arcade game. It has caused me to lose several games, due to the fact that it covered part of the game screen and blocked my view. Also, you should have a choice on how you want your dock sorted, alphabetically or by type, like all the beds are together, the wallpaper and floorings, tvs, tables and the like. This would make it even easier to find stuff.

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      • #949195


        Please Ganz, I’m begging you, give me back my pets! I loved them, all 729 of them. Now you’ve changed them all into whiny, demanding, hateful BRATS! “New look, same pets,” right?? But not true! I want my old pets back, the way they were when they loved me. I play WebKinz to create a break where I can relax. Now I’m just finding new demands from what used to be a safe-feeling space. Playing WebKinz used to be something I looked forward to. I was there every day I could manage. I’ve slacked off since X came. I don’t get a good feeling when I play any more. I can tell you that, in the 5 years I’ve been playing AS A DELUXE MEMBER, I’ve spent $$$ tens-of-thousands $$$ in the eStore or eStore items on W Shop. I feel robbed, cheated, abandoned, rejected and lied to. There’s no more joy. I keep coming back, reluctantly, to see if things will get better, but there’s no joy. I quit within minutes, feeling sad, angry, discouraged, defeated, helpless and hopeless. I’m literally crying and grieving — did you intend to do that to millions of people? I’ve lost ALL of my best little buddies, and now may never see them again!!! It’s like they died. They’re different pets, not my true ones! Please, I didn’t do anything wrong. I just want them back. I want them to be like they used to be when they accepted and loved me just ‘cuz I was ME and I came to see them! I want WebKinz to be a safe space to come to, again! It was my only place in the whole world I could truly feel safe! Now I never know what’s going to happen. I try to get my pet what it wants, and it doesn’t KNOW I’ve played the game or bought the item or fed them — in fact, sometimes I feed them and the meter goes DOWN instead of up! Then they frown at me like they hate me. It used to be unconditional love. Now I can’t even do what I enjoy, because it’s always interrupted by a demand with a three minute timer, like a parent counting up to a threat. And I HATE it when they tell me to buy something, cuz I know my REAL pets wouldn’t do that!!! Please, please, PLEASE, can you put them back? Please. I’m really, truly begging with blurry tears — I need my pets. I don’t want them to be gone. I want to feel loved and wanted by them again. Please listen. Please help. Please. Please.

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    2. #948387


      I’v had my account since 2007. I hadn’t played in awhile, because I had gotten older and busier with school. I would log on from time to time, and check out all the updates. Though when I started middle school I hadn’t had the time to play it so I’d mostly forgotten about it. I had recently logged in and I noticed all the changes, which I am not happy with. I had tried to play my usual games, and do the fun stuff I used to, only to find it blocked. It would want me to get a deluxe membership, or upgrade to something else. I love playing Webkinz because it was a lot of fun for me as a kid, and I still find enjoyment in playing it. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed. I’m not playing it as often as I used to, I don’t have the time. However, when I do play it, I’d like to actually be able to play it. It’s extremely frustrating. I can’t buy a deluxe membership because it’d be a waste of money considering the minimal time playing it. Personally, I’d enjoy it more if they changed it back and took off most of the blocks on games and other stuff. I do understand Webkinz needs to make money, but it’s an annoying way to do so. I want to have fun playing it, not get frustrated by restrictions.

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    3. #948235


      I like the family score idea! I like winning the prizes and seeing the hearts fill up. I also like not having to take care of my garden. However, I’m not a fan of my pet’s hunger decreasing rapidly and never staying full like it used to.

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    4. #948234


      I wish we could move our rooms around! Like if I had rooms A, B, and C in a row, then I could move room A next to room C so that the new order of the rooms would be B, C, A.

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    5. #947823


      I keep logging onto Webkinz, and I had about 100,000 kinzcash, and now it’s gone and I have 1,500 (or something close to that). It’s charging me triple when I buy something in the clothing store AND in the W-shop. Every time I am in the Wheel of Wow it takes down 10 hunger, 10 sleep, and it actually DECREASES my happiness by FIVE POINTS. This honestly needs to be fixed. When I go to my rooms in Webkinz, only half of the item placed in the room shows up. I bought a whole bunch of things today, my kinzcash went down but I never received the items. The whole screen is blurry, and yes I did update my browser. tried Google, Internet explore, Firefox and DuckDuckGo. Nothing will fix this. I even believe some of Webkinz are gone from my account! This Webkinz X was a really bad idea, there’s so many bugs! There should be an option when you log in asking if you would like to play the normal version of Webkinz or Webkinz X, because I know they will not remove Webkinz X. I am NOT impressed!!!!

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