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This topic contains 4,074 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 6 days, 9 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #950594

      Listen everyone. I know basically everybody “hates” the new Webkinz X ok? But read this. STOP CONPLANING OK!? The Webkinz team is trying their best to fix everything. It hurts my feelings that you might be hurting their feelings about it. I mean, they worked really hard to bring you Webkinz X. and they are still working really hard to please you! PLEASE GIVE THEM A BREAK! THANK YOU

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      • #951491


        Yes! We should be thanking Ganz or even apologizing, Thank you for making the site bigger and better :) Your Furry Friend, Redgreen

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        • #951591

          Thank You redgreen! It is really annoying and thoughtless when ppl say bad things about it!

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    2. #950532

      Does anyone{or Webkinz} know why this happens? With some of my items, it will only show 1/2 or a 1/4 of it. It’s really annoying, because 1 item is a bed that my pet has to sleep on the edge of because the other 3/4 of it is ‘invisible’. Then my outdoor pool and tulip trampoline also seems ‘invisible’. For my trampoline, it shows a square where it used to be, but it isn’t there. For my pool, it just disappeared. It might just be ‘invisible’ because my pet can’t stand on where it used to be. I know webkinz said that they didn’t finish with all the items and i went through the missing items list, but I can’t find the names of MY missing things. What is wrong with my things? Someone, please help!:{

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      • #953646


        Salutations @goldenrose100! Some of my items are having the same problem! I am pretty sure it is just a usual glitch that comes along with Webkinz X. I think I may have a couple of missing items also! My Raziel Wings that I have on my Red Wolf are glitched out also, they look like a block sitting on top of his back XD Don’t worry! It should be fixed in no time! ~Lavadragon~

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    3. #950478

      Dear Ganzworld/Webkinz, I have great ideas for new webkinz, and I would really appreciate you using them. So far I have 2 ideas. Please read! 1. The Ice Horse. It has a light blue icicle mane and tail, with some dark blue hairs in it{if you know what i mean}. It also has icy colored fur, dark blue snowflakes all over it, and dark blue white sparkle hooves. 2. I present {named after me} the Goldenrose Horse! It has a pink rose colored long mane and tail with golden hairs too, a pink rose saddle, rose on head, and golden fur. I hope you like and will use my ideas! From: goldenrose100

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    4. #950314


      Amethyst Dachshund, Brie Mouse, Hush Puppy, Happy Hippo, African Gray Parrot, Pretty Guinea Pig, Painted Kangaroo, Painted Dachshund, Painted Beaver, Painted Yorkie Puppy, Painted Leopard, Painted Lion, American Eskimo Dog, Magpie, Stained Glass Butterfly, Wedding Swan, Raven, Love Bird Parrot, Firefly, Angora Cat, Lhasa Apso dog, Schnoodle Dog, Sharpei Puppy, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Rat Terrier, Snuggle Bunny, Tarantula, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Bumblebee, Dragonfly, Thistle Hedgehog, Truffle Pig.

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      • #950373


        Teacup Chihuahua, Smitten Kitten, Dazzling Delight Elephant, Emerald Elegance Elephant, Radiant Ruby Elephant, Purple Pizzaz Elephant, Dazzling Wisdom Owl, Elegant Vision Owl, Playfully Lucky Owl.

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        • #950383


          Blue Wolf, Yellow Wolf, Green Rhino, Gray Cougar, Golden Moon Bear, Green Sea Lion, Green Rat Snake, Green Anaconda, Griffon Vulture, Guanaco

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          • #950387


            Cringing Wolf, Dancing Bear, Impatient Squirrel, Swift Squirrel, Restful Wolf, Speedy Turtle, Reckless Crow, Dreaming Bear, Little Fawn, Red Duck, Black Elk, Black Hawk, Blazing Crocodile, Blue Fox, Crazy Fox, Crazy Horse, Brave Buffalo, Brave Fox, Crazy Squirrel, Dark Hawk, Fast Buck, Fast Raccoon, Fighting Falcon, Golden Bear, Golden Bobcat, Golden Eagle, Sly Fox, Morning Dove, Golden Fox, Golden Hawk, Green Iguana, Ice Wolf, Lightning Moose, Mighty Mouse, Red Dog, Red Eagle, Red Fox, Red Hawk, Shining Dove, Shining Owl, Singing Dolphin, Sky Hawk, Sly Snake, Sleeping Badger, Speedy Bear, Storm Eagle, Sun Eagle, Thunderhawk, White Eagle, White Panther, White Shark, White Wolf, Winter Hawk, Blue Cub, Blue Dolphin, Blue Eagle, Fire Dragon, Friendly Eagle, Merry Mouse, Friendly Fawn, Feisty Fox, Golden Pony, Honey Bear.

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            • #950518


              Angel Bear, Giant Anteater, Pheasant, Black Lamb/Black Sheep, Grasshopper, Blushing Pink Bear, Red Bull, Purple Rabbit, Blue Dog, Buttercup Yellow Bear, Bumble Bee, Candy Pink Frog, Cinnamon Cat, Crystal White Bear, Daisy Yellow Bear, Firefly, Purple Hippo, Jellybean Bunny, Mango Orange Bear, Misty Blue Bear, Rose Pink Bear, Red Dog, Orange Frog, Sky Blue Bear, Sunshine Yellow Rabbit, Teal Bear, Violet Purple Bear, Bayou Alligator, Rainbow Fish, Smitten Frog, Thankful Turkey, Tangerine Orangutan, Coconut Monkey, Coconut Crab, Garlic Skunk.

    5. #950281


      I don’t know whether anyone else has made a note of how many points their account puts on each day towards the rewards, but I have. I play a great deal, do all the activities I can and play games, but my two accounts only put on around 150 points a day each and I can’t find ways to put on more. I worked out how long it would take me to get to 1,000,000 points and the final prize on each account. It works out that if I play each day for the next 19 years I will finally get the 1,000,000 point prize. Given that I will shortly be 61, there is a possibility that I won’t live long enough to claim that prize. I have 124 pets on one account and 11 on the other. Doesn’t Ganz think that 19 years is far too long to wait to get the top prize. One account is Deluxe and the other isn’t, but it doesn’t seem to matter where gaining points is concerned. I did read that Ganz were going to speed up the points gathering, it will need major speeding up to make it worth doing.

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