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This topic contains 4,074 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 1 week ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #955097


      Has anyone else noticed the difficulty level on the Soccer Challenge has been set to impossible? I haven’t scored a goal since they reworked the program.

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      • #955276


        Yes, I have given up playing it as I can’t score any goals either.

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        • #955577


          I know right i havent scored in ages!

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      • #955301


        I wrote to them many times about it, but no reaction, as usual. They do not read any of our messages, this is true!

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    2. #954949

      It would be great if we could have a Courthouse theme.

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    3. #954814


      I think that we should be able to buy different door designs for our rooms because the plain white ones are a bit boring!

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    4. #954812


      I know there are enough Puppy Webkinz, but I think it’d be cool if there was a Shiba Inu Pet! Even cooler if it had a Japanese theme to go with it! Like a little lucky cat doll or something. Maybe even the Shiba could be part of a series. Like have the Shiba, a Calico (more oriented not just the calico there already is!), then maybe some sort of Foo Dog (they’re lion dog guardians), then maybe a room theme?? I think that’ll be pretty cool. the Calico and Foo Dog could be more stylized compared to the Shiba. But they could be stylized too, to fit a theme. Since Japanese themes are more oriental!! ~~~Webstar15

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    5. #954653


      I would be so happy and relieved if there was a way that you could see only kinzcash or only estor points items in the W-shop. I understand that Ganz has to market its product, but as a room designer, it is very difficult for me to search for the perfect piece of wallpaper or furniture. I generally don’t spend estore points unless I really want something. I used to love shopping at the W shop, but now I really dislike going there because I see all of the things that I can’t have. Please please please make a setting to only see kinzcash items!!!

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      • #955587

        I agree with you gutentag222! The W shop was so much easier to sift through when it was separate from estore points. I used to decorate a lot, I have stopped. There are so many more screen to sift through, and not everything is alphabetical, it really makes it hard to find things…..and since it no longer has the preview screen before checking out, it’s hard to see if things will match (I used to use that a lot). Also, the new dock arrangement sorts things by type and not name, so themed items are no longer together in the dock based on name, making it more time consuming to find the right things to go in a room. Sadly, since they just combined the wshop and estore about a year or so ago, I don’t think they’ll change it back. I just play differently and don’t decorate. Besides, now that my pets all sleep in the same room so I can fill hearts, I don’t visit my other rooms as much.

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        • #956444


          You are right but there’s no hurry to fill hearts unless you are desperate for money. I don’t decorate much either since there have been so many blanks or invisible items, but now it’s getting better again. I do think the different tabs on the shop and docks would be wonderful.

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