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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #961597


      ​@WEBKINZ, I have some suggestions for a few new ideas on Webkinz World.

      1st Spree , how about making it to where when you complete your shopping bags you win a random prize bag which may contain different things other than tiles and signs. You could use different colored bags and for example the pink bag prize could be past clothing items, the yellow bag could be past spree items (other than tiles), the green bag prize could be past outdoor items like trees , flowers , bushes. The blue bags could stay as the tile prize, and the red bag prize could be past holiday/ seasonal items. It would be the same concept as now once you complete all your shopping bags , but the prize would now be random and give us all a chance to win other things we might not have. I don’t know about anyone else but I have tons and tons of tiles and signs won from spree bags and just find no use for them aside from a parking lot or park etc. It would be awesome to get some new items, once in a while.

      2nd for the Balloon dartz toss , you could make little seasonal prizes , like in spring have 4 different types of flowers that could be won, summer maybe 4 different outdoor related items such as a bbq tool set, picnic basket , deviled egg try etc, For fall/autumn you could have 4 different leaf patterned cups and saucers sets with like different leaves on them or scarecrows etc. For winter you could do cups and saucers again with like 4 different snowmen on them or plates with snowmen , or little wall hangings that say Merry Christmas , Seasons Greetings, etc. These could be all little accessories we could all use in our rooms. This would make it to where Webkinz would only have to change this prizes 4 times a year with the change of the season’s . Plus it would allow all of us members enough time to hopefully win each new prize. Having the same old plushes / clothing on here that’s been on the wheels of WoW and given away at webkinz newz kind of get’s old.

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    2. #961544


      The Sophie’s Specials page is not loading in my Chrome browser.

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    3. #961427

      Hey -I’m working on making an music arena type room for my pets after having acquired a drum kit and keyboards from SPREE, and guitars from various events such as St. Patrick’s and the W-Shop one… but will webkinz ever have bass guitars for our pets in their rooms? As of late, I pretend that one of the guitars is a bass, but it would be cool to see a decorative bass for my webkinz rock arena -especially since I have a pet named after a bass player and will likely soon have a second one.

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    4. #961178

      Zingoz Pop is for everyone.56

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    5. #960970


      I have some pet ideas under the color theme.
      Red Pets: Red Bull, Red Dog, Red Kitten, Red Duckling, Red Spider, Red Parrot, Red Pufferfish, Red Flying Fish, Red Angler Fish, Red Bat, Red Squirrel, Red Bunny, Red Mouse, Red Aardvark, Red Panda, Red Beaver, Red Elephant, Red Shark, Red Lion, Red Frog, Red Dragon, Red Bear, Red Monkey.
      Orange Pets: Orange Husky, Orange Lion, Orange Bear, Orange Kitten, Orange Cheetah, Orange Bunny and Orange Fox.
      Yellow Pets: Yellow Bear, Yellow Giraffe, Yellow Kitty, Yellow Puppy, Yellow Pony, Yellow Lion, Yellow Skunk, Yellow Bunny and Yellow Fox.
      Green Pets: Green Puppy, Green Kitty, Green Tiger, Green Bear, Green Giraffe, Green Monkey, Green Elephant, and Green Owl.
      Blue pets: Blue Bear, Blue Dog, Blue Owl, Blue Giraffe, Blue Elephant, Blue Dolphin, Blue Kitty, Blue Monkey, Blue Zebra, Blue Dragon, Blue Panda, Blue Fox, Blue Pony, Blue Mouse, Blue Raccoon, Blue Bunny, Blue Polar Bear and Blue Hedgehog.
      Purple Pets: Purple Kitty, Purple Puppy, Purple Bear, Purple Skunk, Purple Panda, Purple Owl, Purple Poodle, Purple Pony, Purple Orca, Purple Dolphin, Purple Lion, Purple Sloth, Purple Elephant, Purple Seahorse, Purple Penguin, Purple Bunny, and Purple Sea Otter.
      Pink Pets: Pink Bunny, Pink Giraffe, Pink Dolphin, Pink Orca, Pink Crocodile, Pink Tiger, Pink Panda, Pink Sloth, Pink Seahorse, Pink Sea Otter, Pink Bushbaby, Pink Lobster, Pink Lion, Pink Bear and Pink Seal.
      Teal Pets: Teal Owl and Teal Bear

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      • #961409


        Hope you can add my ideas for themes and pets like the Jolly Jubilee pets. So here’s some more my ideas.
        Clover Crescent: Cottontail Rabbit and Mule Deer
        Silver Pond: Box Turtle and Bog Turtle
        Aster Way: Monarch Butterfly and Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
        Saw Grass Swamp: Alligator
        Sleepy Hollow: Red Bat
        Cattail Pond: Canada Goose
        Autumn Lake: River Otter
        Northwood Lake: Common Loon
        Stony Brook Farm: Firefly
        Apple Tree: Bumblebee
        Willow Creek: Garter Snake
        Birch Treetop: Daddy Longlegs
        Acorn Place: Flying Squirrel

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        • #961603


          I think you should make these for pets.
          Golden Raccoon, Snowy Egret and an Great Blue Heron
          Sea Friend Dolphin (For Earth Day by saving our oceans from oil spills)
          Love-a-Lot Kitty (For valentine’s day)
          Tenderheart Pup (For valentine’s day)
          Daydream Puppy
          Grams Turtle
          I Love You Pup
          Perfect Pup
          Polite Pup
          Surprise Jackal
          Take Care Kangaroo
          America Care Pup
          Bashful Lamb
          Best Friend Kitty
          Laugh-a-Lot Hyena
          Thanks-a-Lot Turkey (For thanksgiving)
          Hopeful Bunny
          All My Heart Kitty (For valentine’s day)
          Amigo Chihuahua
          Heartsong Canary
          Play-a-lot Pup
          Shine Bright Firefly
          Superstar Dog
          Sweet Dreams Owl
          Pink Power Pup (for breast cancer awareness)
          Snuzzle Bunny
          Cotton Candy Cat
          Butterscotch Bear
          Minty Bear
          Blossom Bear
          Blue Belle Pup
          Applejack Alpaca
          Bow Tie Kitty
          Seashell Otter
          Bubbles Bear
          Lickety-Split Cow
          Posey Pup
          Tootsie Tiger
          Cherries Jubilee Cat
          Sunbeam Snail
          Glory Gorilla
          Medley Songbird
          Firefly Firebird
          Twilight Terrier
          Moondancer Wolf
          Powder Polar Bear (Winter Theme)
          Skyflier Songbird
          Heart Throb Hyena (For Valentine’s Day)
          Surprise Kitty
          Sparkler Snake
          Gusty Goose (Fall Theme)
          Parasol Duck (Spring Theme)
          Moonstone Wolf
          Skydancer Swan
          Windy Wolf (Fall Theme)
          Sunlight Sparrow
          Starshine Owl
          Tickle Monkey
          Confetti Kitty
          Trickles Terrier (Spring Theme)
          Starflower Bat
          Pinwheel Piglet
          Flutterbye Fox
          Peachy Pup
          Sprinkles Duck
          Lemon Drop Dog
          Majesty Lioness
          Sundance Squirrel
          Best Wishes Wolf
          Party Time Puma
          Scoops Puppy
          Cupcake Cat
          North Star Nightingale
          Ribbon Rabbit
          Wind Whistler Wolverine
          Lofty Lion
          Magic Star Mouse
          Truly Dove
          Shady Sun Bear (Summer Theme)
          Paradise Panther
          Hippity Hop Hare
          Bouncy Bear
          Fifi French Poodle
          Twist Tiger
          Skippity Doo Springbok
          Scrumptious Snake
          Taffy Tiger
          Bangles Beaver
          Crumpet Camel
          Angel Affenpinscher
          Sweet Stuff Swan
          Gingerbread Giraffe
          Fizzy Frog
          Masquerade Magpie
          Whizzer Wasp
          Galaxy Grouse
          Sky Rocket Sparrow
          Speedy Cheetah
          Sweet Pop Skunk
          Mimic Macaw
          Quackers Duckling
          Bright Eyes Rooster
          Tic-Tac-Toe Tiger
          Locket Liger
          Rosedust Robin
          Peach Blossom Bowerbird
          Honeysuckle Hummingbird
          Morning Glory Goose
          Forget-Me-Not Finch
          Lily Lark
          Wind Song Swan
          Cloud Puff Parrot
          Wind Drifter Dipper
          Tropical Breeze Bee Eater
          Sweet Tooth Crocodile
          Love Melody Maltese
          Dancing Butterflies Dog
          Sugarberry Bear
          Up, Up, And Away Airedale
          Bonnie Bonnets Bear
          Merriweather Mouse
          Night Glider Bat
          Munchy Chipmunk
          Yum-Yum Yorkie
          Milky Way Wolf
          Salty Stingray
          Slugger Shih-Tzu
          4-Speed Ferret
          Steamer Sand Lizard
          Quarterback Quokka
          Tex Coyote
          Chief Dalmatian
          Barnacle Whale
          Wigwam Wolf
          Peppermint Crunch Collie
          Crunch Berry Cow
          Coco Berry Crocodile
          Banana Surprise Monkey
          Sherbet Snake
          Swirly Whirly Snail
          Tossles Bear
          Tall Tales Giraffe
          Woosie Mouse
          Squeezer Pup
          Romper Rabbit
          Braided Beauty Bear
          Curly Locks Lion Cub
          Twisty Tail Tiger
          Bouquet Bombay
          Pretty Vision Poodle
          Ringlets Rabbit
          Cuddles Bear
          Mirror-Mirror Mouse
          Magic Hat Bunny
          Cloud Dreamer Dog
          Floater Frog
          Cherry Treats Kitty
          Raspberry Jam Jaguar
          Cranberry Muffins Mouse
          Blueberry Baskets Bear
          Strawberry Surprise Squirrel
          Boysenberry Pie Pup
          Mint Dreams Dormouse
          Sugar Apple Alligator
          Lemon Treats Lion
          Caramal Crunch Cat
          Sugar Sweet Sugarglider
          Molasses Mouse
          Daffodil Dog
          Tulip Tabby
          Snowdrop Snake
          Bluebell Bear
          Playtime Pig
          Paintingtime Puppy
          Musictime Moth
          Sportstime Snake
          Mainsail Manta Ray
          Shoreline Seal
          Seaflower Sea Lion
          Sand Digger Crab
          Beach Ball Bulldog
          Wave Runner Whippet (a dog breed)
          Daisy Sweet Dog
          Sweet Suds Skunk
          Dainty Dahlia Dhole
          Red Roses Rabbit
          Lavender Lace Lion
          Sweet Lily Lab
          Bright Night Owl
          Starflash Bat
          Sunblossom Songbird

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      • #961412


        Here’s my Jungle Sweets pet idea.
        Hippo Berry
        Safari Apple Leopard
        Fruit Punch Zebra
        Swingin’ Vanilla Monkey
        Pineapple Mojo Giraffe

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        • #961602


          Great White Shark and Basilisk Lizard
          Malabar Giant Squirrel (Virtual) and Zebra Lionfish
          Hazel Dormouse and Storm Wolf (Both Virtual)
          Lemon Shark and Goblin Shark
          Blue Ring Octopus and Carousel Zebra
          Christmas Horse and Caribbean Unicorn
          Leopard Seal and Winged Monkey
          Slow Loris and Hairy Nosed Otter
          Coati (Virtual) and Sloth Bear
          Rainbow Peacock and Rainbow Giraffe
          Candy Corn Unicorn and Electric Cat (Virtual)
          Shetland Sheepdog (Virtual) and Star Spangled Leopard
          Bat-eared Fox (Virtual) and Pink Fairy Armadillo
          Frilled Lizard and Gila Monster
          Komodo Dragon and Teacup Pig
          Archaeopteryx and Fireworks Butterfly
          Siamese Butterfly Cat and Flame Fox (Virtual)
          Royal Unicorn and Rainbow Chameleon
          Rainbow Pony and Peacock Pegasus
          Ribbon Candy Tiger (Virtual) and Rainbow Husky
          Candy Apple Panda and Borneo Giant Squirrel
          Luau Dolphin (Virtual) and Rainbow Glow Tiger
          Purple Tundra Giraffe
          Purple Polar Bear
          Purple Gazelle (Virtual)
          African Golden Cat and African Red Hog
          Emperor Angelfish and Icicle Unicorn
          Desert Anteater and Ice Hyena (Both Virtual)
          Albino Kangaroo (Virtual) and Golden Moon Bear
          Aurora Panther and Constellation Dolphin (Both Virtual)
          Northern Pike
          Barramundi Cod
          Bicolor Angelfish
          Moon Phoenix and Hanukkah Octopus
          Northern Lights Griffin and Radiant Otter (Virtual)
          Blue Velvet Unicorn
          Blue Bengal Tiger
          Blue Shark
          Blue Wildebeest
          Blue Sabertooth Tiger
          Blue Bear
          Amazon River Dolphin
          Chinese River Dolphin
          Irrawaddy dolphin
          Spinner Dolphin
          African Buffalo and Common Wildebeest
          Madagascar Red Owl (Endangered)
          Scops Owl
          Eagle Owl
          Great Grey Owl
          Long-Eared Owl
          Great Horned Owl
          Neon Giraffe
          White Elephant
          Rainbow Bear
          Sumatran tiger
          Snapping Turtle
          Red Footed Booby
          Blue Footed Booby
          Snowflake Blue Jay
          Peregrine Falcon
          Easter Peacock (Easter)
          Canada Goose
          Red-Tailed Hawk
          Cooper’s Hawk
          Green Sea Lion
          Green Rhino
          Green Polar Bear
          Green Rat Snake
          Green Sawfish
          Yellow Zebra
          Yellow Elephant
          Yellow Wolf (Virtual)
          Red Dragon
          Strawberry Poison Dart Frog
          Diamond Dolphin (Virtual) and Clockwork Griffin
          Maned Wolf
          Ankylosaurus and Camptosaurus
          Hammerhead Shark
          Desert Lion
          Gothic Lion
          Sapphire Lion
          Pink Seal
          South Dakota Snow Seal
          Himalayan pine seal
          Aqua Seal
          Tiger Shark
          Great Barracuda
          Seashell Peacock and Leaf Tailed Gecko
          Wisteria Fox (Virtual)
          Snowflake Peacock and Snowflake Pegasus
          Fresh Sparkling Snowshoe Hare (Virtual)
          Snow Tiger
          Mars Tiger (Virtual)
          Mountain Tiger
          Desert Tiger
          Marine Tiger
          White Camel
          Rosey Camel
          Arctic Bison
          Arctic Camel
          Arctic Kangaroo (Virtual)
          Arctic Tiger
          Arctic Panda
          Arctic Meerkat
          Moon Cheetah
          Moon Leopard
          Moon Tiger
          Chocolate Squirrel and Cotton Candy Fox (Both Virtual)
          Flame Pegasus and Fire Red Panda
          American Bighorn Sheep
          African Elephant
          Japanese Serow
          Javan Rhinoceros
          Przewalski’s Wild Horse
          Thompson’s Gazelle
          Big Brown Bat
          Dog-faced Bat
          Leaf-nosed Bat
          Spear-nosed Bat
          Wrinkle-faced Bat
          Flying Fox Bat
          Fishing Bat
          Red Bat
          Fruit Bat
          Hog-nosed Bat
          Orange Bat
          Ghost Bat
          Speckled Bat
          Yellow-shouldered Bat
          Butterscotch Cat
          Cherry Panda
          Strawberry Giraffe
          Raspberry Fox
          Root Beer Owl
          Sour Apple Dragon
          Sherbert Owl
          Marshmallow Polar Bear
          Grape Hippo
          Pomegranate Marmoset
          Ice Berry Penguin
          Peppermint Tiger
          Boysenberry Hedgehog
          Licorice Penguin
          Blueberry Elephant
          Shortcake Lion
          Wildberry Spaniel
          Cotton Candy Poodle
          Mint Tiger
          Tangerine Tiger
          Cranberry Fawn
          Cookies & Cream Skunk
          Kiwi Frog
          Pink Lemonade Pony
          Mint Tiger
          Mint Chimp
          Green Anaconda
          Green Stingray
          Green Giraffe
          Green Elephant
          Green Leopard
          Green Wolf
          Green Dolphin
          Green Tree Monitor
          Pink Tiger
          Pink Seal
          Pink Penguin
          Pink Sea Otter
          Pink River Dolphin
          Pink Harp Seal
          Pink Seahorse
          Pink Spotted Ray
          Pink Harbor Seal
          Pink Giraffe
          Pink Bunny
          Pink Elephant
          Pink Sea Turtle
          Pink Siamese Cat
          Pink Polar Bear
          Pink Owl
          Pink Bushbaby
          Pink Guinea Pig
          Pink Alligator
          Pink Deer
          Pink Frog
          Pink Arctic Wolf
          Pink Panther
          Pinkadile (Pink Crocodile)
          Sassy Kitty
          Sassy Pup
          Sassy Snake
          Sassy Owl
          Sassy Elephant
          Sassy Unicorn
          Sassy Dragon
          Honey Badger
          Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
          Northern Hawk Owl
          Eastern Screech-Owl
          Whiskered Screech-Owl
          Burrowing Owl
          Flammulated Owl
          Northern Saw-whet Owl
          Short-eared Owl
          Long-eared Owl
          Hawaiian Owl
          Eastern Grass Owl
          flat-headed cat
          Iriomote cat
          Asian golden cat
          bay cat
          King Cheetah
          Chinese mountain cat
          jungle cat
          Martelli’s cat
          sand cat
          black-footed cat

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      • #961604


        Spiderweb Cat, Christmas Cat, Winter Leopard Cat
        Harvest Moon Cat, Autumn Leaf Cat
        Cattails Cat
        Waterlily Cat
        Red Velvet cat
        Orange Cat
        Pomegranate Cat
        Apple Cat, Blueberry Cat, Banana Cat
        Purple Blossom Deer
        Pink Rose Deer
        Ivy Buck, Moss Buck

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