Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 4 hours, 48 minutes ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #965191

      Zingoz Pop is for everyone. 58

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    2. #964787


      Hi Ganz! I thought it would be cool if you did a referal program, where we invited our friends to Webkinz and got prizes if they came, which got bigger as we went. Anybody else like this idea?

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    3. #964770


      Webkinz should have a bank where you can put your Kinz Cash into a savings account and earn interest monthly.

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    4. #964771


      You should get prizes or trophies for completing sections of Quizzy’s Trivia.

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    5. #964745

      Less ads! i would buy a deluxe membership if there weren’t so many!!! ugh

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      • #964840


        When you are a deluxe member you can opt out of 3rd party ads. I am and it is so worth it! I have other accounts that are not deluxe and I can’t play on them anymore because my virus software shuts my computer down when it detects their ads that have tracking cookies- which is practically all of them!

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