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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 1 hour, 34 minutes ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #966106


      my webkinz doesnt seem to be working at all nothing will move and my tvs dont turn on my special yeti window doesnt move. what is goin on with it, everything has changed and i dont really like it. please help if yo can. thanks.

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    2. #965718


      Hi Webkinz, I really like the daily prize give away where you click the floating thing on the screen that has been going on all year. I noticed it was going to end soon, it would be great to continue on with that because I like being able to get things that I do not have yet. (new clothing items esp) Also, one suggestion when playing on Webkinz, it would be great not to have to move my dock down each time I want to spin a Wheel or play a game whatever, my dock does not move down on its own, and each time I have to move it out of the way to play stuff. Thank you :)

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    3. #965740


      I am suggesting that Ganz STOPS the video ads while I’m playing arcade games. That’s the only time the video ads pop up and it makes my games very slow and laggy. I’ve gotten far in a few games, and all of a sudden, another video ad starts loading up, so I run out of time on Webkinz Rally, or I hit the tree on Polar Plunge, and it’s just SO FRUSTRATING!!! Please fix this!! I’ve been a member for 7 years and this is honestly one of the only complaints I’ve ever said.

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    4. #965534

      I understand the advertisements on the side of our screen. I love the messages and reminders of Webkinz special activities and events. I also like the real life cooking tips. And you have several other advertisers that I can just chose to ignore if I am not interested in their product. I understand that you need advertisers to help pay and maintain this game. The problem I have is the content. After all this is a child’s game. While Ganz may not endorse the advertisements, none the less they are being broadcast-ed on your game. Ganz should have some say so about the content being displayed. “Go Cotonelle, Go Commando” People saying how clean they get when they use Cotonelle. Then pulling the waist down jut a bit on their clothes to show they are not wearing any underwear. I was rather surprised since Cottonelle has so many cute commercials with their puppies, why can’t they use something more child friendly for a children’s website. I was hoping to just send an email in the comment section but I was directed here to make a post. Please let us know what you intend to do about this or what we as parents can do to protect our children.

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      • #965563

        Key Master

        Hi, Katelynn! We are always striving to ensure that the advertising content on our sites are appropriate, but things do slip through. It would be immensely helpful if you are able to take a screenshot of the offending ad and capture the URL (right click the ad and click “copy link”) — if you could send both the URL and the screenshot to, our ad manager can then block the offending ad.

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        • #966989

          How do I turn off Notifications? I didn’t uncheck the box with the first post I made and now I am getting a lot of emails. I looked at my settings and didn’t see anything other than changing my password. I even tried submitting a blank post and unchecked the box and that didn’t work. With this post, I did uncheck the box and maybe that will help. Or do you have a suggestion?

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          • #966997

            Key Master

            Click on your name next to your comment, then click on Subscriptions. You can unfollow conversations from there.

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    5. #965291


      Please make the Deluxe Golden Dragon available for purchase at the estore. I missed him last time and since then I’ve been waiting and waiting for him to become available again|!

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