Make Suggestions!

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #967209


      Webkinz suggestions/comments: I really thought this out lol so its pretty long…
      I want to be able to move rooms.
      I want to be able to delete rooms.
      I like how you can get back walls and floors now!
      I like how it doesn’t take as long to go to one room to the other!
      Somethings are glitching and I can’t see the item I placed on the floor. Please fix thanks!
      I like the new games!
      I don’t like how the games I already played are deluxe.
      I don’t like how the kinz cash items are mixed with the ganz e-store items, it pisses me off going through fourteen pages of things I can’t buy or when I’m looking for a specific item and it takes forever!
      It needs more organization.. For example: Kitchen: Fridges, counters, stoves etc… More tabs would be nice.
      I want to be able to buy the things I already could buy as a non deluxe member… That’s a rip off and a pathetic money grab, an upgrade to customers means to have things better than regular items, and do more.. But to have regular things deluxe is just a money grab.
      Things to do:
      I want to be able to move the boxes to fit my needs, to have it personalized would be great.
      Doctor Quack… :( Why is he retired?!
      Ms. Birdy: Looks kinda weird btw XD
      Vacation island deluxe: Um that’s a rip off… I would at least like to play the game or spin the wheel…
      It taking forever to get a diploma btw I’ve had these pets since 2010… Five years later lol not even one diploma… I have a life I can’t go to webkinz school everyday when I have school?!
      I love the family score! Great idea, who doesn’t love free prizes.
      I like how the deluxe challenges are separated from the other challenges. Keep the challenges coming!!!
      Sincerely: redqueen1999

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    2. #967041


      I have some cool Pet Suggestions: Binturong, Blue and White Cat, Lullaby Dragon, Tanuki, Vulture, Fire Dragon, Water Dragon, Wind Dragon, Love Dragon, Light Dragon and Dark Dragon.

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      • #967386


        Good Ones.

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      • #968689


        I think a binturong would be adorable!

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        • #968691


          It would also be awesome to have more seasonal plants. I would love to make a spring garden with tulips, crocuses, and daffodils. A fall garden would also be awesome, with mums, although the decorative crops are very helpful. I would also love some new building kits. Some of my ideas were: a treehouse, a gazebo, climbing wall, or a cliff.

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        • #980365


          I think so too!

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    3. #967042


      We need a new doctor since Dr. Quack has retired.

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    4. #966993


      I am sure it has been suggested before . Or begged for before . But it would be wonderful to be able to move rooms. something i wish the ganz team would look at. Thanks

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      • #967032


        Yes, great suggestion. When I first started playing, I had no idea I would end up with as many pets/rooms that I have. So everything is very unorganized. I know eventually there will be a “search” feature (something I’m looking forward to), but it would be nice to be able to move all of my outdoor rooms to one side, and have Christmas rooms and Halloween rooms together. However, before this is done, I would love to see broken items fixed. Especially the totally invisible items that can’t be removed from rooms. Please put those at the top of the list.

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    5. #966885


      My Suggestion is that when your pets make a request to do an activity like the arcade or Quizzys, you should be able to click on the request bubble and its a link to take you there.

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