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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #967712


      I agree about too many ads, it is almost impossible to get very far in smothie moves, because of the loading and running of the ads. I understand the need for some, but not all the time.

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      • #968235

        I agree on that also, and understand the problem you mean with the arcade. If there have to be video ads, maybe only have those play in the room and in the curio shop and other shops and places where one doesn’t have to have good reaction time for clicking? It’s only a real problem for me when I’m trying to do the Kinzville Academy, Arcade games, Tournament Arena, Employment Office or Woodland Wonders, and the screen lags so I can’t hit arrow keys or click things before their already moved or gone. (I’ve also missed out on a few floaty clicky things because of the lag…). Other than there, the delay from it is only a nuisance really, but for the scenarios I’ve listed, I’ve failed jobs and classes because the screen lagged and I couldn’t see to react in time, and it’s making it hard to do the winterfest challenge because Wacky’s Bullseye batter is hard to play when you can’t see where Wacky is and Zangoz doesn’t swing until four seconds after you click him. And when it loaded without any video ads on the side, I had no lag at all and could play just fine -but I have no way of making it load that way every time. I also have tried using other browsers besides Chrome, which is the one I use. IE doesn’t lag, but instead the video ads make the flash plugin crash so many times -half the time I can’t even get get down the list of arcade games to the one I want before it crashes and I have to log in again, only to get kicked straight back out another time. Firefox is the worst, it crashes before I can even get my username and password typed into the login screen, because a video ad plays there. Ads are fine -I have no problem with advertisements on the side of the screen, but I wish there would be fewer video ads, and those specifically are what cause the problems I’ve had.

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    2. #967635


      i think that the Webkinz company should make less features available to only deluxe members or if you adopt a new pet and make them available to the free users. one of my favorite games is polar plunge and i’m disappointed because i can’t play it anymore. also, the ads that i receive are video ads that make the Webkinz experience not fun because of how slow the ads make the game. they should restrict the usage of video ads and stick to the standard picture ads. the company shouldn’t act so desperate for your money or make the ads make gameplay miserable.

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      • #968018


        I really think we should have a gallery in the Share Center where we can upload pictures of plush pets. Kinda like the Fan Art section, but with plush pets!

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    3. #967527


      I am having trouble playing on one of my accounts due to ads running and taking up my CPU. I am on an older mac. I am also now deluxe and should not have to have ads running all the time.

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    4. #967346

      Hi ive been a webkinz player since the game basically came out.You see i went on recently and realized that it well definatly has changed. Mainly I mean Webkinz X. I have some suggestions of things that would help me to continue playing. My first suggestion is to chill with this deluxe stuff. I know you need to make a profit but it is ridiculous at this point. Zingoz Pop is an example. Zingoz Pop was something that i would share with my sister and made me love webkinz. Also being a Deluxe member I know many things about the membership.I have many other things to say about deluxe but you dont have the time to read a twenty page essay. Webkinz X. Give me a option to use the old setup its as simple as that. I dont like the way it looks. I dont like the way you have to filll up the heart. i like none of it. nothing. These are just some of my suggestions that i felt needed to be shared. Dont take this too offensively. Hopefully you do though read this and think about the changes. OKay thanks.

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    5. #967210


      I would like them to make a river otter or another ferret

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