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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 17 hours, 32 minutes ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #990182


      Here’s some Magic Animal Friends pet ideas for you.
      Longwhiskers Bunny
      Twinkletail Mouse
      Featherbill Duckling
      Flippershell Turtle
      Tabbypaw Kitten
      Flufftail Squirrel
      Prickleback Hedgehog
      Fuzzybrush Fox
      Gigglepip Guinea Pig
      Honeypaw Bear
      Scruffypup Puppy
      Snufflenose Dormouse
      Slipperslide Otter
      Littlestripe Badger
      Fluffywing Owl
      Woollyhop Lamb
      Nibblesqueak Hamster
      Paddlefoot Beaver
      Sparklepaw Kitten
      Floppyear Bunny
      Muddlepup Puppy
      Dappletrot Pony
      Prettywhiskers Kitten
      Picklesnout Piglet
      Snowycoat Seal
      Santapaws Puppy
      Hoppytail Bunny
      Fluffywhiskers Chipmunk
      Littleleap Goat
      Scramblepaw Arctic Fox

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    2. #990152


      I would love to have an inventory button where it can show you what items you have in a room, in a chest, or in a fridge.

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    3. #990148


      was redoing some of my rooms and thought that it would be great if there was a clear all button! Instead of taking out item by item, you could just press something like “Clear Room” or “Empty Room” or something and everything would be sent to your dock. Similar to this, it would be nice to have a button to clear everything in a dresser, fridge, etc!

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    4. #988226


      I currently have a pet that is less than a year old so I have a membership. I have been keeping my account active on and off for 10 years. I use the account now when I babysit. The two things I would actually would pay more for, you do not offer. Why can’t we buy extra pixie pods for Pachinko? Also I pop into the Adventure Park now and then, but rarely find an adventure. I would pay for an extra adventure now and then.

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      • #988649


        I don’t know how to start a topic, so I had to reply instead, sorry. I like the new “Pick Me!” roster of pets, especially searching for pets by name, but I still also want to be able to tell when my pets last played. I’ve been a Deluxe member since 2010 and have 775 pets, so I don’t want to accidentally leave one too long without getting their turn to play! I LOVE MY WEBKINZ!!! Also I would like to be able to have pet specific foods separate from the regular foods in the WShop. I used to love cooking, but I don’t get the chance much any more. As my list of pets has gotten longer it’s such a hassle to click my way past all those hundreds of pet specific foods! Please consider giving the PSF’s and the groceries their own separate sections!? — RornDoone

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    5. #987925


      sorry if this was already said but I think there should be a way to sell your rooms on Webkinz. I get so frustrated because I have so many rooms and don’t use them all. ty

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      • #993215


        @junieb04 I agree!!!!

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