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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 17 hours, 28 minutes ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #1110120


      Please, we should be able to sell any exclusive items that we do not want in our account/dock. I have more than 2 RED RIDING HOOD SHOES & STARSTRUCK SHADES that I want to remove/sell. I really do not have space to put extra repeated items. :( Thanks! Also, I bought and almost finished making the homemade hot air balloon kit (one more final step to complete) and is placed in one of my rooms; suddenly it disappeared – when I clicked on that location, the final step to finish the hot air balloon comes out, and if I click to finish it, I was locked out everytime! Please help!

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      • #1121328

        I agree. I think we should be able to sell/send/trade ALL items. I have several junk rooms for these things because they take up room in my dock for no reason. Also, for the things purchased with E-points, it would be nice if we could send these to other users. I have more than one child playing and I can’t afford to purchase E-points for them. It would be nice to buy things on my account to send to them. Especially since all the new room themes you have to purchase with E-points. Please make some new room themes that can be purchased with regular Kinzcash.

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    2. #1109959


      I miss the old Alantiles. would it be possible to bring it back in addition to the new one? you could have Alantiles 1 and Alantiles 2. The new one is too easy, I beat it every time. Thanks for letting me share!

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      • #1112936

        Why do you keep making the games harder and harder to play? The site was built on the idea of KIDS playing, the GAmes aren’t kid friendly any more, they are so hard and impossible :( I try to help my granddaughters earn coins but I have a serious and non-correctible visual handicap, the times are insane.. Odd seconds to complete levels that on most sites aren’t even timed. Can you please make some of these games less complicated so that younger kids can feel a sense of accomplishment? The new version of Atlantiles is horrid. we can’t even complete a full level any more. Get 11 and Triple Strike have such sharp and hard timers, that kids who are learning to count and see succession can’t even start to play before the time runs out. Please stop making games set to the standards of the few sharp shooters and make them kid friendly again.

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    3. #1109927


      I just want to be able to delete stuff in my dock that I don’t want.

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    4. #1109891

      Will we be seeing new Jumbleberry Fields prizes soon? It’s so easy to get jumbleberries and sugarberries that I’m walking around with stacks of berries in my inventory because I don’t want to eat them or buy duplicate prizes. It’s like we need 10 pages of prize options for those types berries instead of just one or two. Thanks!

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    5. #1109664


      Can you please bring back the resteraunt room back to the clubhouse, sorry if it is asking too much but it was always my favorite I believe it was many others too. also, could you possibly make normal membership permanent if you have more than 10 webkinz or something like that. I have more than 100 and I think it is kind of ridiculous that even after buying that many it will still run out. Thank you if you read this I have had this game since I was around 5 and it holds a special place in my heart, its a shame this website is practically dead. one last thing, instead of adding new webkinz all the time, I personally think there are enough, maybe fixing how this website runs should be more important, thank you :)

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