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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #873922


      Please, Ganz, same ole request to move or REmove our unwanted rooms! This is a BIGGIE! EVERYONE wants this one! Also, can we please have some more bows and headbands in different colours/shades? We need black; green; dark blue/pink; white and orange. Socks would be cool, :) and more clothes for boys! Also, covers for our pets, in bed??! Thanks!

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      • #879531


        totally want room editing! idk about deleting rooms, but it would be cools to be able to move rooms around and/or change sizes. also, i really dislike the doors. they’re far to short for the wall height and i’d really like to be able to move them or remove them and to have different styles and colors to choose from. and it would be really awesome to be able to size windows or to have larger windows for sale. and it would be great if we could purchase curtains to add to our windows in various colors and patterns.

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        • #887233


          YES THANK YOU, but tbh I really need the delete rooms thing. As for the moving around rooms things I agree whole-heartedly.

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        • #908027


          You sort of can move rooms around, now that you can replace the wallpaper and put it in storage. I have been changing lots of rooms like that. Now all the classrooms for my school are lined up!

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      • #879532


        i also agree with Elizabeh’s suggestion about the bows and headbands. i’ve been wanting bright blue (like the cheerleader outfit) and hot pink, especially. maybe pale and bright yellow as well. and i’m pretty sure i would also use the black and white. also, i have a floral hairclip from one of the spring events with a mixture of different flowers and i love it. could we get more like that? thx!

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    2. #873278

      Here’s my suggestion for Webkinz Newz . . . webisodes about the Kinz!!! Wouldn’t that be awesome?!

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      • #873869


        awesome hope they do it dino

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      • #875888


        Yes, that would be very cool dinosaurtracker13!! :D

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    3. #873256


      I would like to see us be able to send notes through KinzPost where we can type the words. Kind of like these forums, but just to someone specific if we want to meet them at the park or clubhouse either to talk or trade at a specific time or just be able to ask questions and have them answer back. It doesn’t make sense to be able to make friends and then never talk to them. Also could you put on each person’s My Page the last time they logged in? That would be great because then we would know if our friends is still playing or not. I would also like the ability to talk at the Adventure Park to be taken away so it would go faster. Making this a talking room slows the system and nobody really talks there – we are there to complete challenges. I would also like to see the prizes updated on all the wheels. Especially the ones where the prizes have been the same forever, like the wheel of the month, vacation wheel, deluxe wheel, just all the wheels. The only one that ever gets updated is the Wheel of Wow and even that is not updated often enough. Also I would like to see the deluxe items in their own category in the WShop. It is really hard to find what you want when you have to wade through all the deluxe items that you can’t get. We also need to be able to remove doors from our rooms so that we can use the wall space. That’s it for now. Your review of my suggestions is appreciated. Thanks for all you do – I LOVE WEBKINZ!!

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      • #873969


        i LOVE your idea jellydonut I’ve been wanting to write my notes in kinzpost too!!!! I mean really it’s much more personall if someone sent u a gift or something and u can say thanks u for the kinz bowling alley or if u want to meet someone at the clubhouse instead of saying meet u at the clubhouse later u could say what time and everything!!

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      • #873862


        cooooooool ideas!

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      • #873812


        Nice suggestions! In a Podkinz episode they said that they were working on letting us move/remove doors. Fingers crossed!

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      • #875887


        I LOVE LOVE LOVE your idea, xoingtoby!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!! Ganz totally should do that!! I hope they do! Please ganz, listen to their ideas!!!!

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      • #879528


        it would be really awesome if we could have something like the last login date on My Page! i’m always wondering if some of my friends are out there or not, you know? my list of friends is between 200-300 on each of my accounts and i bet a lot of them are gone.

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    4. #873322


      We need some new Webkinz prizes in Ganzworld! The same things have been there a long time and I have them all-even more than one of some things!! Thank you!

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      • #873861


        yes, new ganzworld prizes! i have all the prizes i wanted already! maby some plushes would be great for some prizes! i am a HUGE plushie collecter.

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        • #874614


          Oh No! I wish I had known this a few days ago, catlover. I detest all those plushies, esp. the ones that you cannot store in trunks, and after saving them, FOR YEARS I just sold them all! I would have sent them all to you! Are there any you still need or want? I may have missed a few, and I will send them if I find any. I am mothersattic, orchardwall, charlestonian and noonesfriend.

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    5. #873321


      I would like webkinz to have actual roads so we can see our pets drive to different areas. Also since webkinz friends is going can we transfer some of our things from that world and some of the buildings like the grocery store and gym building along with the cafe. Usually see there are not so much clothes for boy pets please make more clothes for boys.Since we have an upstairs and downstair house building can we have steps to go up and down stairs.Thanks Webkinz love playing .

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      • #873803


        Yes my poor dog Sam never has ANYTHING to wear because there are absolutely no clothes for boys in the KinzStyle Outlet!! Like what is up with that? Maybe the majority of Webkinz users are female but that doesn’t mean that every single pet is going to be a girl! Girls like to have boy pets too! ~Queen #equalityforall

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        • #874643


          Tell me about it. I have raised 2 boys and no girls, so it is the same in real life. Boy’s clothes are just boring. Most of my pets are girls because of this reason.

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          • #874903


            I want my boy to be cute and I’m not going to settle for “Red T-Shirt” and “Blue Jeans” because that is possibly the most boring thing ever. ~Queen

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            • #875886


              Hi Queen and all others, I will make some cute boy’s clothing combinations, and then post them in the favorite clothing combinations forum, you can all look at them their! :) Hope I will help! :)

          • #875043


            I agree! Most of my pets are girls because there are so many girl clothes in webkinz world, and not very many nice boy ones. Ganz should maybe work on a boys only clothing line. Lamb

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            • #875120


              OMG Persephone should come out with a Boyz line!! That would be so cute!! ~Queen

            • #877901


              Me too, I only have two boys because this matter, and FOUR girls. Clothing for boys isn’t cute! I wish it would be though. It’s gotten some better though. My poor Alex is stuck with five outfits because none of them are cute. Persephone does NOT have a single boys attire, I mean come on!

            • #877962


              @tubs2014 RIGHT boy clothing is SO UGLY! And for that matter there aren’t many choices for boys’ bedroom themes at the Wshop! There’s the Pirate theme, the Baseball theme…. I guess some like “Beach” could go either way but still. The selection is pretty lame. ~Queen (Romans 12:2)

        • #875318


          I have several boy webkinz and I dress them in boys outfits from the kinzstyle outlet. From jeans to suits, from tees to Blazers or suit jackets. Tennis shoe to work boots to dress shoes. I even put them in sports jerseys. Don’t understand no clothes in kinzstyle outlet for boys.

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          • #876261


            I like some of the clothes they have at the Kinzstyle outlet (such as the blue jersey) but it’s just that there’s a limit amount of boy clothes there (compared to the variety of girl clothes). Right now, Sam is wearing the blue plaid shirt, blue stretch jeans and those silver high top sneakers and a red beanie. The thing is that the stretch jeans are really meant for girls and the beanie isn’t even available at the KinzStyle Outlet and these are the items that make the outfit. I’m just saying there should be more variety. I don’t settle for OK outfits because I’m a HUGE fashionista ha ha :) ~Queen

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        • #887232


          I have more guy pets than girls lol

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          • #887529


            Same here. I feel like I should remedy that, but usually I have a pet’s character all planned out in my head by the time I log it on. Oh well; I’m not really into dressing my pets that much anyways, so it doesn’t really matter much to me. :P

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      • #873660


        Oooooh… I Love you stairs Idea! the door would be on the top of the stairs and before you get to the doo your pet climbs the stairs. I would be Awesome! Ganz please concider!

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      • #879516


        hello, agent! i don’t think we’ve met! i love your idea of using the vehicles more in Webkinz World! it’s a little weird to just drive around in your house! and i love the vehicles! i wish we had more super cool sports cars, maybe like the concept cars? (google “concept cars” if you’re not familiar . . . super cool . . . super.)

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      • #884671


        I think all of your thoughs are very good ideas although the webkinz pets driving cars even so the normal loading screen takes so long, can you imagine an even longer loading screen that loads slowly from an old computer.

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      • #908025


        I really like the idea of roads your car actually stays on. I loved playing Webkinz Friends on my iPad. It was great getting all the different types of houses and other buildings. They had lots of trees and pavers and even mountains. I wish they would make the map on WW like WF so we could really decorate the map.

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      • #911694


        I also agree. I believe it would also be useful to be able to delete old rooms and also to drag around existing ones to put them in other places.

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