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This topic contains 4,076 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 1 day, 12 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #2394691


      Please could you put back the option to do difficult school challenges by paying 250 kinzcash to get one pass on that level, but this time include level 10. Most people find the weightlifting much too hard once you get past about level 5, or you could just make the weightlifting so much easier. I have arthritic hands and due to my age don’t have such quick reactions. I am not sure why on one account I have several pets with Diplomas and my other pets need to do so few to get a Diploma, whereas the other account has only one pet who has a Diploma and they need to do many more. The book on doing the School Activities doesn’t explain this, it just says less goes for the next Diploma when you have a pet who has passed. Also, It would be great if you could add a search feature on the Dock to let us check by alphabet, i.e. all in A, B, C and so on, so that we don’t have to click forever on a glitchy dock with too many items in it and can quickly locate items we need. Thank you.

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      • #2395317


        I have been wishing the same thing for the Kinzville Academy. I really want the tutor option to be brought back and be allowed to tutor ALL the way through level 10. The new app seems to be even harder now with the weight lifting class than it was before and it was terrible before. Great suggestion @netge. Ganz please consider this!

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    2. #2393545


      hey, so i recently got the potm item the Air Hockey Arcade unit, and it darkens the screen and does nothing when i try to use it. Could you please work on fixing it?

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      • #2393781


        So sorry, the Hockey Arcade Unit has not worked for a very long time – several prizes in the Pet of the Month Prize Pool have been broken for years but Ganz has chosen to ignore that. They want us to buy the points to purchase the the pets, but have not addressed the problems of the PotM prize pool. If broken things cannot be fixed then they should be retired and replaced with new prizes so players will not be stuck with items that don’t work anymore.

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    3. #2393365


      Hey! In the classic Webkinz game. Please please please allow the purchase of a 11×11 room. It would create a more dynamic setting. Things could actually be centered and not off. Thanks

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      • #2395971


        That is an excellent suggestion! It would be so awesome if we had 11×11 rooms! A 10×10 room is 1000KC, so an 11×11 room should be no more than 1100KC. That is a good price. I never buy the Medium rooms, but I do buy the Small rooms to use as hallways between other rooms and as pathways to make sure a group of rooms are only connected left to right, or top to bottom, and not on all four sides. I really dislike having doors that mess up the look of our rooms. Let’s hope someone from Webkinz Team will read this and make it happen. I’m tired of NEXT getting all the cool new things and updates! :( (Plus, I just wish that we could actually get answers to our questions on here.)

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    4. #2393123

      I am not entirely sure what Ganz can and cannot do due to the code, however if we could get the option to invite buddies over to our houses without having to host a party that would be amazing! Or maybe add more kinzchat plus rooms in the clubhouse so there are more varieties of rooms to visit?

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    5. #2391293

      I wish that GANZ would publish a list of features (such as the ones that so many of us have suggested for years) that they would like to add to Classic but are currently prevented from implementing because of difficulty adapting the codebase.

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