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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #2398381


      I am hoping one day we could have some kind of option to trade/send/sell non-tradeable items. Maybe we could earn a “trading ticket” by doing something, or we could purchase a “trading ticket” with KinzCash preferably, or? It sure would be nice to be able to pass on, move from one account to another, or plain get rid of some of these items that we have been stuck with forever. I know others would love to have some of these items, so why should they have to just sit around? It’s sad :(

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    2. #2396653


      I think that new challenges should be released, that’s one thing that actually keeps me coming back to this game. They give me something to do! I now only get the monthly ones and the random ones on the events calendar and I think it would be fun to have a brand new set of challenges for people to go through.

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    3. #2396587


      I have two suggestions. The first is to add an exchange unit to the W-shop. For example, you want to send your friend a 1,000 Kinzcash coin, but you don’t have one. You can then go to the W-shop, go to the exchange unit, and select 1,000 kinzcash (there would be a list of options up to 10,000 kinzcash), exchange 1,000 of your kinzcash for one 1,000 kinzcash coin, and send it to your friend. The second option is to be able to change your pet’s name. For example, you have just entered your pet fish’s code into the adoption center, and you want to name him/her ‘Tomato’. However, you misspelled it and put in ‘Tamato’. You can then go to your pet page, click on your fish, click on a button to change his/her name, and enter ‘Tomato’. Voila! You have fixed your fish’s name’s spelling! Anyway, those are just a couple of things I think would be great additions to Webkinz Classic. If they are at all possible, could you please consider adding them to the game? Thanks.

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    4. #2396585


      Hello! I have two suggestions for Webkinz Classic. They are as follows: Number 1: I think a great addition to Webkinz Classic would be the ability to purchase Kinzcash coins (worth up to 10,000 Kinzcash) at the W-shop. For example, say you want to send a friend a 1,000 Kinzcash coin, but you don’t have one. Then you can go to the W-shop, purchase a 1,000 Kinzcash coin, and send it to your friend. Number 2: Another great addition to Webkinz Classic would be the ability to change your pet(s)’ name(s). For example, You have a fish you wanted to name Tomato. However, you accidentally put in Tamato. Then you can go to your pet page, go to your pet, and change his/her name to Tomato. Anyway, those are two things I think would make great additions to Webkinz Classic. Whether they are at all possible or not, I don’t know. If they are, could you please consider adding them to the game? Thanks.

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    5. #2395073


      My suggestion is to allow the “newer” items, like the furniture themed items (Sunny, Soft Grey, etc) that are in the Peek-a-Newz each month, show up more often in the gift box you find. Today is May 13th and with 5 accounts, I have yet to get the Sunny Chair! WHY are the new themed items so hard to get? I’m tired of getting items that I already have a whole lot of!!! And, No!….I am not going to go to the Trading Room and “hopefully” be able to “trade” for it. The Trading Room is my least favorite room in the Club House. Apparently, I never have anything anyone is willing to trade with me for. It’s disheartening to go to trade and no one will trade with you if you’re not “offering” something rare or of huge value. I LOVE all these new themes in the Peek-a-Newz challenge, but would rather buy the room items, using KINZCASH ONLY! Please! Please! Please! Let the newer items show up more often! I’m sick of getting the same two or three items over and over and over! Thank you! (farout1)

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      • #2396025

        @alucard Hey hey while the trade room can be frustrating have you tried out the trade forum here on newz? There are lots of great people sharing extra items which many times are gifted with nothing needed in return. There are different sections to post in, “I need this item”, “Let’s make a deal”, “My want list”, and the very popular “Giveaways”. It does moderate differently than the newz blog and it can take a few hours for a message to show up and doesn’t moderate on the weekends. Also the message length is shorter. Come check it out :) On a side note I think we are friends on some of my alternate accounts from an old fan site that has recently gone dark (beanies) :)

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        • #2396059


          Beanies! :-) Oh, were you on Webkinz Insider? I was “Star Child” on that site. I really loved that site. I left that site somewhere around 2012 or so. My father passed away that year and I just had too much going on, so I left Webkinz Insider and the Webkinz game for several years. I really missed Webkinz and came back about 2018, I think. I love Classic Webkinz (NOT a fan of Webkinz Next! I’ve tried playing the game several times and it just doesn’t interest me. Don’t care for the “making baby pets”. That’s a little strange. Ha! ) I will try the trading room here. Thanks for telling me about that. My user name on Webkinz in farout1. Good to connect with you again! :-)

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          • #2396223

            @alucard . Yes I remember you! When you were closing out your farout accounts our beanie accounts were the recipients of many great items. :). Sorry to hear the reason you left, losing a parent is hard. I’m glad you’ve returned but the game has changed quite a bit. I don’t care for Next either. I will send over a fr from my aunty and webkinzplayer accounts today. I also have the need to win at supermodels but it will clear two challenges for me. I’m usually on during prime time tv time and I’m on Webkinz time. I’d be happy to play in the arena. Have a great weekend :).

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            • #2396381


              @webkinzplayer121. How wonderful to be back in touch with a WI player that I sent my items too! I actually never thought I would come back to play Webkinz again, but I’m so glad I did! I’m also still very happy that I shared my Webkinz items with my friends on WI! It gave me such pleasure to share! When I started playing again, the only items I still had in my accounts were those I couldn’t sell/trade/send. So, I still had a few cool items. Ha! To me, half the fun of playing on Webkinz is the “collecting” of the items you truly enjoy. I’ve been so blessed by several wonderful Webkinz Friends, that have gifted me some rare items that I no longer had. I’ve started collecting all the items in room themes that I like, and so far so good. I do have a number of items that I don’t really care for, so if there is something you don’t have you are looking for, let me know. I might have it. Yes! I would love to play with you in the Tournament Arena some time. I am in Central Time, but always check Webkinz Time

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