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This topic contains 4,076 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 1 day, 14 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #2499211


      I think it would be really useful if there were a way to “upgrade” the size of existing rooms! I have so many rooms that I wish were large, but its just sometimes such a pain to rearrange the house! Really not sure how realistic this would be from a developer perspective, but I am certain it would be well-received by the community!

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    2. #2499061


      I’m sure someone else mentioned this but I really think on webkinz classic there should be a way to upgrade the size of a room after it’s been purchased. I’ve been a member since 2008 and I have so many old rooms I don’t use simply because they’re too small to decorate.

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    3. #2493503


      I doubt this small rant will do any good, but I feel this needs to be said. This concerns the current Employee Challenge. I have two Deluxe accounts, on which I can’t do the Kinzville Mover Job…because I can NOT play the Strength Class at the Kinzville Academy! Can’t do Level 1 much less get to Level 2! So…my only options are: Don’t play this challenge, or use my ePoints to skip this part of the game. I can’t even play it on my Full Accounts either, since I don’t have ePoints on them. Challenges should never use the Academy or the Tournament Arena! Not everyone that plays on Webkinz likes the Academy or the Tournament Arena! Please stop making them a part of the challenges! If you MUST use them, then FIX the issue with the Strength Class! I don’t like being forced to play Quizzy’s just to get to do certain jobs, either. Quizzy’s is boring. Some of the Academy games are not working properly and are too hard to play. The Tournament Arena games are frustrating to play. I am not a competitive person. I would rather just play a game without having to compete with someone

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      • #2494715


        I object to that, you don’t have to do certain challenges if you don’t want to. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Strength class. I’m at level 4 or 5 on it and I have not had any issues. And Quizzy’s is not boring either.

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        • #2500915

          The strength class at levels 8-10 is nearly impossible, which I think should be addressed (I think it’s the button coming back down that glitches). I agree that Quizzy is fine, if my pet wants to go there I usually just ignore them though lol. The only problems I ever have with Webkinz are one off glitches :(

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    4. #2492465


      I agree with KitCat1973. There should be a way to get a full set of a collection. It’s not fun to get several of the same ones.

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    5. #2492299


      i was very disappointed with the Collector Kinzcash Coins event. I went on every day and was not able to get the full set. I got 2 Goober, 2 Nibbles and 3 PJ Collie. I don’t think it is fair to run an event and not make it possible to get each coin. I also have an issue with the voting gifts collected in the park. I got 1 Dr Quack sign, 2 hats and 3 plush. I Goober hat, 1 plush and 3 signs. I got 4 Nibbles signs, 1 hat and 1 plush. I got 3 PJ collie hats, and 3 plush but was unable to get the sign???? There must be some sort of algorithm to make sure that those that log in every day be able to complete the collection!!!!! How will this be corrected?

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