Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 1 day, 6 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #2503885

      i wish the webkinz classic mobile app was more like the desktop version, i miss out so much when im on vacay

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    2. #2503585


      I think it would be great to have some new build kits please. :-)

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    3. #2502975


      I have a Suggestion for Webkinz Next I want to send stuff to friends or sell stuff in the Wshop. Also have jobs and for Christmas this year have a Santakinz in Cafe and have Free Diamonds. Now Webkinz Classic Have Free Estore and more stuff to do because I have a tablet so I wanted to see more stuff like the Wish factory,job, kinzstyle,club house, more games on the Classic and the Today’s Activitys on Classic

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    4. #2500961

      Hi! Very longtime player here, but I’ve never made a suggestion before. I have three (similar) suggestions: #1 – What I would love to see is a feature that allows you to search for a specific room on your map. I have soooo many rooms and I struggle to find specific ones. I would love to be able to type a key word in a search bar and locate the room more easily. #2 – I would like to be able to sort my furniture into categories, similar to the clothing features. For example, chairs, beds, etc. #3 – I would like to be able to search the categories as well. For example, in clothing, search for “costume” and masks, shoes, bags, etc. could be shown. Anyway, those are my suggestions! Thank you for all that you do!

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      • #2503189

        Oh how I wish I could find my bowling alley to put my Wacky bowling statue in! I know I made one, I just can’t find it in all my rooms. I wish you could search for the rooms! Please!

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    5. #2500657


      Can we just have a hint as to how many jellybeans fit the full jar?

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      • #2500963

        Yes please!! It’s sooo hard!

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      • #2501387


        grumpy7368 10,000 Jelly Beans fill the jar. Good Luck!

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