Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 1 week, 2 days ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #892396


      Hey, it would be cool if in Kinzpost you could click multiple people so you could send ONE message to a limited amount of people at a time. Since not everybody can’t receive gifts, I want to send holiday Kinzpost to all my friends. This would help a lot to celebrate the holidays with my friends.

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    2. #891775


      I know I already said this earlier, but I’m going to make a “formal” suggestion for an axolotl Webkinz! Its PSI could be a Fountain of Youth (referencing the fact that they stay in their larval stage their entire life), and its PSF could be an Earthworm Enchillada (yum yum). Thoughts? Feelings? Compliments? (haha just kidding you can say this is bad if you want)

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      • #891796


        YES!! WONDERFUL!!!! PERFECTO!!!! AWESOME!!! DO IT GANZ!!! Please. And pleeeeaaaase make it a plush! I KNOW IT CAN BE CUTE!!! I’VE SEEN ADORABLE AXOLOTL PLUSHES!!! IT CAN BE DONE!!!!!

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        • #891809


          *bows* Thank you, thank you so much! Now allow me to make a long-winded speech as I accept this Pokekinz Seal of Approval. So, uhh…I’d like to thank Pokekinz for giving me her seal of approval. And GANZ for making Webkinz Newz so I could use it as a podium to make this speech. And also axolotls. Thank you. *wipes tear from eye as the audience wildly applauses for my well-thought-out speech* Also, of course an adorable axolotl can be done. It’s already been done. BY ALL THE AXOLOTLS EVERYWHERE. (Woah I guess I’m adopting Blossom’s habit of saying “of course” in front of every sentence. What do you know)

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    3. #891725


      My pet is having a really hard time completing the weight lifting in the Kinzville Academy. He’s already graduated speed and agility and he’s level 10 in strength, but it’s pretty much impossible to complete even one class! Is anyone else having this problem?

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      • #891756


        You need an older slower computer, that’s how I completed level 10 in Strength. It’s the only way to get the bar to rise and fall slowly enough to be able to stop it in the right place in the time allowed.

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    4. #891663

      Zingoz Pop is for everyone. 3

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    5. #891660


      I sure would hope you would make my ideas. Like…
      Diamond Dolphin (want it virtual) and Clockwork Griffin
      African Buffalo and Common Wildebeest
      Raccoon Butterflyfish
      Blushing Bottlenose Dolphin (Valentines)
      Snowflake Blue Jay, Yellow Zebra
      Yellow Elephant
      Yellow Wolf,
      Aurora Panther and Constellation Dolphin
      Moon Phoenix (Want it virtual) and Hanukkah Octopus
      Malabar Giant Squirrel (Want it virtual) and Zebra Lionfish
      Northern Lights Griffin and Radiant Otter (Want it virtual)
      Moonlight Jerboa and Mandarin Duck, Purple Gazelle, Ghost Wolf and Shadowcorn (type of unicorn)

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      • #892295

        A Ghost Wolf would make an amazing pet! It could be like the Dire Wolf, a Halloween special! I think it should be virtual only, but maybe that’s what you already said! ***MidnightQueen***

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