Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 23 hours, 11 minutes ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #894384

      We need better Ganz World rewards to spend our Moneyz on. There haven’t been any new prizes for webkinz in quite a while. Also, the game Dicekinz should be brought back to webkinz. Thanks for the opportunity to suggest stuff.

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      • #894466


        I soooooo agree! It has been the same prizes for a year now! Time to change it up a little. Thanks :)

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    2. #894335


      let hosts help you with collections or extra stuff because of your username like extra candy canes on the candy cane collection ( sorry if I am bragging sense my username is CANDYhugs14 ).

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    3. #894206


      alyssas star challange has not been working for a long time it need to be fixed

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    4. #894203


      I think it would be really nice to have a roster of all our pets who have taken classes at the academy. It would also be a great help to know when the last time the members on our friends list have logged in…I think many of mine have stopped playing..and would like to delete them to be able to add active members on to help with challenges.

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    5. #894182


      People who have been on Webkinz for many years should get deluxe type benefits. Seems unfair that some people have been Webkinz users for so long and did at one time have use of all these features, (such as deluxe only games and vacation island) but suddenly don’t anymore. Anyone agree?

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      • #894375


        YESSS!!! I have been writing to GANZ about that for AGES!!!!!!!!!!!! I love those things too and I get to do them but others don’t and I hate that!

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        • #894637


          I have too!! I’ve been using Webkinz since I was a little kid, and I can remember playing all the games like Jazz Monsters and Skater Kat, but I can’t now! I miss them :’(

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