Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 1 day, 3 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #894511


      I think that they need to make a bed for the new christmas room.

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    2. #894510


      I think they should make a fairy dog Webkinz.

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    3. #894506


      I want a tye-dyed pig. Its psi would be a love swing and its psf would be peace popcorn

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    4. #894402

      Please find some other form of advertisement. The animated advertising on the right hand side really slows down the game and my family is very disappointed in this. They cannot enjoy their time on Webkinz, interacting with their pets, all due to the interference of the animated advertising which makes the connection super slow. We have had to cut back on playing due to the aggravation. And know others who feel the same way. Thanks!

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    5. #894398

      I have a suggestion for a Webkinz Tarantula! A Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula to be exact. If possible, I would like a plush, but online-only would be okay too. Ganz has made butterflies and a lady bug, so why not a Tarantula? Personally, lady bugs and butterflies aren’t my thing, but I think I would buy a Webkinz Tarantula! It would be so cool! Who else wants a Webkinz Tarantula? ***MidnightQueen***

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      • #895424


        Yeah, Webkinz should make more insects! (and more underwater pets, like octopuses)

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