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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #898553


      Can anyone tell me if they have a problem with their computer having high CPU uage when they are on Webkinz….every time I log on this happens – any suggestions and please excuse the post if not in proper forum and direct me to right one – thanks

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      • #898934


        Yes, I do too! :( Playing for short periods of time seems to be the only thing I can do.

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        • #899221


          Thanks for your response – the site seems really slow most of time and the high CPU usage keeps popping up for me. Wish there was an answer as to what to do.

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          • #900531


            We really need more wish factory items, I have them all and am getting very bored when I have more than fifteen tokens and I do not want to buy anything because nothing seems worth the work of building up all of those tokens.

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      • #900678


        I wish I could tell you. Every time I log into webkinz my computer lags. I can’t hardly play games in the arcade, do most jobs, even spinning the wheel of wow takes for ever. I have pinged my internet and it is working fine and my computer works fine in any other website except webkinz. It has gotten so frustrating that I am about ready to let my deluxe membership expire in 3 months. I cannot get the coupons to work in the w-shop and I can hardly drag food to feed my pets. If you get an answer please share it. Thanks

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        • #900877


          YES! I am also experiencing frustrating lags. (Typing that sentence was sooo slow!) Having all the same problems as you!

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    2. #898300


      how about a karaoke machine! I know I know, there already is one but it is only a decoration, but what if we can really sing songs! We can sing the music starz songs!!!!

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    3. #898299


      how about a voice recorder! you click on it and you record your voice and click save, then you invite your friend over (you click on your phone turn it on then click on your friend and click on invite friend, you need your friend loged on and their phone is on), your friend clicks the voice recorder, your friend clicks play and they hear the voice message!!!

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    4. #898297


      same here, but how does the parent center work? I did it but I did not get access to kinzchat plus.

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    5. #898280


      Hey I know I have complained about pets names before, well now I want to complain about kc+. This morning I was in the park on kc+ and I was just sitting there waiting for someone to come that I know. I saw a pet and I told them it was a cool pet and that was all I said the whole morning. Then I left and played on another website for a little and when I came back I had a message that said “You are discussing something not suitable and could upset other players,” and so on it went. Im not asking you to expand what we can say without getting a message if anything that should be limited, but I just dont see why the people that talk about books and the people that say nothing get banned and not the people sounding out bad words? It is really hard to ignore the people talking bad because they always harass the people that are just talking. Please read what I have to say carefully. Merry Christmas! :)

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