Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 22 hours, 8 minutes ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #899049


      How about a storage shed for special garden seeds, those that cannot be traded, sold or sent? Sometimes a little break from gardening is needed, and those special seeds, if unplanted, will fill up our docks pretty fast. What do you think?

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    2. #899054


      I think there should be a stuffed animal version of the Cotton Candy sheep. There should also be more googles because googles are the most loved Webkinz animal (in my opinion) and they are a unique feature of only Webkinz. Nobody else can make googles. Googles are amazing, and there should be more of them (such as a Musical Googles or a Candy Corn Googles). There are only four types of stuffed googles. (I know there is a Online Only googles, but that does not count.) Also, you should make Lil’ Kinz of the other googles types, such as the Pink Googles and the Blue Googles. You can help make Webkinz World a happier place for everyone if you make more googles and a stuffed animal version of the Cotton Candy sheep.

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      • #900530


        Yes!!!!! I love googles! they are the cutest things ever! if they can make musical dogs, they can make musical googles!!!!!

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    3. #899055

      Zingoz Pop is for everyone.16

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    4. #898913


      I would really like it if there was a way to sort through the new W shop. The way I thought of was to have different filters that would help you narrow down what you’re looking for. The most frustrating thing is when I am looking for something and I have to mentally block out all the items that are purchased with estore points. I think it’s a good idea to include those items but it can be frustrating when I’m dealing with two currencies. If there was a way to divide them that would make it much easier to find the things I am looking for

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      • #900528


        I want to be able to search in the Wshop it is so hard to find stuff in it. It would also be nice, like you said albkiss100, to separate Kinzcash and Estore points. It is very annoying to find something you just love, then find out that you cannot afford it because it is Estore.

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    5. #898688


      i think we should have a room decorating contest. if we have one, i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ready!!!!!!!!!

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