Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 17 hours, 24 minutes ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #900774


      New Super Beds please. Also, it’d be nice if EVERYTHING could be sent through KinzPost. I also wish that all items could be placed in all rooms–I thought this was supposed to change when Cowabella became Mayor of Kinzville. Maybe Ganz is just trying to keep things realistic with the broken campaign promises. ;)

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    2. #900613


      I don’t understand why there are items you can receive but not sell. I have had my account for 7 years, I’m loyal to Webkinz. I have all of these items that I really don’t like and I am stuck with them. I cant sell them and I cant trade them. I think you should be able to sell any item in Webkinz with some minor exceptions like the guide and such. Please let me sell this stuff, it is piling up. I have a room full of it!!!

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    3. #900453


      Kinzville Park- I love the Kinzville Park! Around the campfire, the log benches are so cool and are great to sit on and chat while looking for trash to collect! Some of the single log stump seats are turned backward though, and when your pet sits on them, they are facing backward, instead of facing the campfire. I don’t mean to complain, but if that would be a simple change, I think Webkinz members would really appreciate it if Webkinz could turn the seats around. I wasn’t sure where to suggest this or who to tell, so let me know if you know of a better place or site to suggest this recomenddation at. Thanks for all you do! I love Webkinz!

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      • #900611


        Hi kaitlyn 28. I agree with you completely. It seems rude to sit with your back to the people you are talking to. It couldn’t be that difficult to write a few lines of code to change the seating arrangement. How about it, Ganz? You are doing a large amount of changes for the upcoming 10th anniversary, why not just slip in the changes to the park fire seating??

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    4. #900337


      There should be a gerbil webkinz!!! I mean there are hamsters, mice, and Guinea pigs, and maybe the gerbil could even be used on Amazing World!

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    5. #900323


      Oh, Yay! I can spill my dreams :D Bring back. . . yellow zone, green zone, vacation island, endangered species, more movie and show giveaways, themes + furniture, and the most recent W-shop Suggest . . . I really agree with a lot of your ideas guys, but here are some of mine! 1. We should be able to trade more than once a day. 2.. We should have mini shops that you can just sell your unwanted stuff for any price! 3. More music making objects/furniture please! 3. Bank accounts! 4. Minigames on your Webkinz phone and Music, too. 5. Clothes on Clothes. 6. We should trade wish tokens and stuff like gunk too. If you collect rares or room design, add me @ (just kidding :D no www. or .com)

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