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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #901324


      IDEA FOR A ROOM THEME: wizard of oz! This room theme should include: Dorthy costume, lion costume, scarecrow costume, tin man costume, witch costume, golden brick road tiles, rainbow maker, bubbling cauldron (for witch), Toto (a webkinz to buy in the estore) , red ruby shoes (to wear or on display), moving animated trees with faces, Mini emerald city (Castle) Prop, hot air balloon(rideable), wizard of oz chairs and tables and other things you creative people think of!!! ANOTHER AMAZING THEME IS: FROZEN THE MOVIE! and most people can think of the props in frozen! and the costumes toooo!!! What do you think ;)

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      • #901347


        …This is…is this my birthday? It’s my birthday, isn’t it. WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION. But seriously, a Wizard of Oz thing would make my head explode with rainbows, sparkles, and possibly straw. They do have a Scarecrow costume, though, which is also very happy! I do have a Wizard of Oz yard (because everyone needs one of those obviously), but a real actual Wizard of Oz room theme would make me super happy. Unfortunately, they probably can’t do that because copyrights and all that fancy-schmancy business. :P

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      • #901456


        That would be pretty sweet! They could do a generic version, couldn’t they? Then they wouldn’t have to deal with the copyright issues…maybe? I mean that one rare theme (I forget the name) is basically supposed to be Alice in Wonderland. If they did do the Wizard of Oz, they would need munchkins, or maybe little munchkin statues. They could also represent the Emerald City by having a window (or wallpaper) with the Emerald City Castle in the distance. They could sell Glenda “the good witch’s” dress and wings. They could also bring back that Twister in a Pot to go with the theme. Ooh, ooh…and they could sell a vehicle based on the “Horse of a Different Color” that would change colors, and pull a carriage, like it does in the movie. Excellent idea, wbirkas! Only problem is, because it’s so cool, all of the items would probably cost estore points. (BTW…they do already have a “rainbow machine” in WW. It’s the grand prize from one of the Adventure Park Pet’s Quests–I think the Mud Hippo? But, that’s cool–it’s just one less thing the Webkinz peeps have to make to complete the theme. ;) )

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        • #901507


          *HEAD EXPLODES WITH SHEER JOY AT THE MENTION OF HER FAVORITE SERIES OF ALL DIDDLY-DANG TIME* Seriously, that’d be awesome. All we need now is a Tin Woodman costume! :D

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      • #901818



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    2. #901317


      we should be able to call webkinz over to a room using a whistle… like on sims freeplay.

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    3. #901286

      Zingoz Pop is for everyone.17

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    4. #901284


      I think you should make these for pets.
      Golden Raccoon, Snowy Egret and an Great Blue Heron
      Sea Friend Dolphin (For Earth Day by saving our oceans from oil spills)
      Love-a-Lot Kitty (For valentine’s day)
      Tenderheart Pup (For valentine’s day)
      Daydream Puppy
      Grams Turtle
      I Love You Pup
      Perfect Pup
      Polite Pup
      Surprise Jackal
      Take Care Kangaroo
      America Care Pup
      Bashful Lamb
      Best Friend Kitty
      Laugh-a-Lot Hyena
      Thanks-a-Lot Turkey (For thanksgiving)
      Hopeful Bunny
      All My Heart Kitty (For valentine’s day)
      Amigo Chihuahua
      Heartsong Canary
      Play-a-lot Pup
      Shine Bright Firefly
      Superstar Dog
      Sweet Dreams Owl
      Pink Power Pup (for breast cancer awareness)
      Snuzzle Bunny
      Cotton Candy Cat
      Butterscotch Bear
      Minty Bear
      Blossom Bear
      Blue Belle Pup
      Applejack Alpaca
      Bow Tie Kitty
      Seashell Otter
      Bubbles Bear
      Lickety-Split Cow
      Posey Pup
      Tootsie Tiger
      Cherries Jubilee Cat
      Sunbeam Snail
      Glory Gorilla
      Medley Songbird
      Firefly Firebird
      Twilight Terrier
      Moondancer Wolf
      Powder Polar Bear (Winter Theme)
      Skyflier Songbird
      Heart Throb Hyena (For Valentine’s Day)
      Surprise Kitty
      Sparkler Snake
      Gusty Goose (Fall Theme)
      Parasol Duck (Spring Theme)
      Moonstone Wolf
      Skydancer Swan
      Windy Wolf (Fall Theme)
      Sunlight Sparrow
      Starshine Owl
      Tickle Monkey
      Confetti Kitty
      Trickles Terrier (Spring Theme)
      Starflower Bat
      Pinwheel Piglet
      Flutterbye Fox
      Peachy Pup
      Sprinkles Duck
      Lemon Drop Dog
      Majesty Lioness
      Sundance Squirrel
      Best Wishes Wolf
      Party Time Puma
      Scoops Puppy
      Cupcake Cat
      North Star Nightingale
      Ribbon Rabbit
      Wind Whistler Wolverine
      Lofty Lion
      Magic Star Mouse
      Truly Dove
      Shady Sun Bear (Summer Theme)
      Paradise Panther
      Hippity Hop Hare
      Bouncy Bear
      Fifi French Poodle
      Twist Tiger
      Skippity Doo Springbok
      Scrumptious Snake
      Taffy Tiger
      Bangles Beaver
      Crumpet Camel
      Angel Affenpinscher
      Sweet Stuff Swan
      Gingerbread Giraffe
      Fizzy Frog
      Masquerade Magpie
      Whizzer Wasp
      Galaxy Grouse
      Sky Rocket Sparrow
      Speedy Cheetah
      Sweet Pop Skunk
      Mimic Macaw
      Quackers Duckling
      Bright Eyes Rooster
      Tic-Tac-Toe Tiger
      Locket Liger
      Rosedust Robin
      Peach Blossom Bowerbird
      Honeysuckle Hummingbird
      Morning Glory Goose
      Forget-Me-Not Finch
      Lily Lark
      Wind Song Swan
      Cloud Puff Parrot
      Wind Drifter Dipper
      Tropical Breeze Bee Eater
      Sweet Tooth Crocodile
      Love Melody Maltese
      Dancing Butterflies Dog
      Sugarberry Bear
      Up, Up, And Away Airedale
      Bonnie Bonnets Bear
      Merriweather Mouse
      Night Glider Bat
      Munchy Chipmunk
      Yum-Yum Yorkie
      Milky Way Wolf
      Salty Stingray
      Slugger Shih-Tzu
      4-Speed Ferret
      Steamer Sand Lizard
      Quarterback Quokka
      Tex Coyote
      Chief Dalmatian
      Barnacle Whale
      Wigwam Wolf
      Peppermint Crunch Collie
      Crunch Berry Cow
      Coco Berry Crocodile
      Banana Surprise Monkey
      Sherbet Snake
      Swirly Whirly Snail
      Tossles Bear
      Tall Tales Giraffe
      Woosie Mouse
      Squeezer Pup
      Romper Rabbit
      Braided Beauty Bear
      Curly Locks Lion Cub
      Twisty Tail Tiger
      Bouquet Bombay
      Pretty Vision Poodle
      Ringlets Rabbit
      Cuddles Bear
      Mirror-Mirror Mouse
      Magic Hat Bunny
      Cloud Dreamer Dog
      Floater Frog
      Cherry Treats Kitty
      Raspberry Jam Jaguar
      Cranberry Muffins Mouse
      Blueberry Baskets Bear
      Strawberry Surprise Squirrel
      Boysenberry Pie Pup
      Mint Dreams Dormouse
      Sugar Apple Alligator
      Lemon Treats Lion
      Caramal Crunch Cat
      Sugar Sweet Sugarglider
      Molasses Mouse
      Daffodil Dog
      Tulip Tabby
      Snowdrop Snake
      Bluebell Bear
      Playtime Pig
      Paintingtime Puppy
      Musictime Moth
      Sportstime Snake
      Mainsail Manta Ray
      Shoreline Seal
      Seaflower Sea Lion
      Sand Digger Crab
      Beach Ball Bulldog
      Wave Runner Whippet (a dog breed)
      Daisy Sweet Dog
      Sweet Suds Skunk
      Dainty Dahlia Dhole
      Red Roses Rabbit
      Lavender Lace Lion
      Sweet Lily Lab
      Bright Night Owl
      Starflash Bat
      Sunblossom Songbird

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    5. #901280

      Ok. I am REALLY REALLY REALLY not trying to be rude or anything, but I get so annoyed when I try to send one of my friends something through Kinz post, and then it tells me I can’t send it!!! Most of the time i figure out that the item i tried to send was from the ganz estore, but anyway, please make estore items sendable!!! Also, If i want to sell an estore item because i found out it was boring, I can’t sell it. So, please make estore items sendable and sellable!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! -macyloveshorses

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