Marigold Garden and Room Decor: Will always stay within your budget!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Marigold Garden and Room Decor: Will always stay within your budget!

This topic contains 187 replies, has 33 voices, and was last updated by  perfectandpink 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86554

    <p>Do you need a trendy room? Well, you came to the right place! I will create a unique and creative room just for you! Just tell me your room size, what you want the room to be, and what style you want to the room to be. If you have any further comments or questions, feel free to post them. perfectandpink

    1. #639033

      fashiongurl101 wrote on 2012-07-04 at 02:59 PM

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-06-29 at 11:15 AM

      fashiongurl101 wrote on 2012-06-29 at 09:11 AM

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-06-25 at 09:37 PM

      fashiongurl101 wrote on 2012-06-23 at 04:05 PM

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-06-12 at 08:14 PM
      Do you need a trendy room? Well, you came to the right place! I will create a unique and creative room just for you! Just tell me your room size, what you want the room to be, and what style you want to the room to be. If you have any further comments or questions, feel free to post them. perfectandpink

      HI I need a backyard. my budget is 2,000. it is an outdoor room. I already have an oak paneled pool and a luxury hot tub i would like included. Im thinking maybe tables and chairs and flowers. If you can get back to me soon that would be great!

      Okay. Sorry for the wait. It is a little over your budget, but should look good. If you friend me, I also may be able to send you some stuff.
      Flower Garden x6-300
      Begonia Flower Box x2-700
      Daisy Patch x6-300
      Geranium Bush x3-270
      Guzmania Plant x3-270
      Iris Garden x6-390
      Plastic Patio Table-75
      Plastic Patio Chair x4-160
      That is a total of 2465. Again, if you friend me, I can send you some bonus stuff to put in there. My user is crystalkin

      Thanks That Would look famtastic!. I added you and my username is ksgksg. I already bought everything except the table and chairs. I am in the middle of re-decorating my house so i will definetly come back.

      Cool! Check out my specials and tell all of your friends. This forum isn’t going very well, so I stopped doing the daily room things. Plus, my computer started slowing down for about, a week. Thank goodness we got a new laptop!!! But when I checked the forums, all of my forums were at the bottom of the chart. Thankfully, you came along! I thank you.

      Hi i need another fantastic room from you! I have an empty large room and i want it to be a girls hangout.. most of my webkinz are girls except 2 and my budget is 3,000. maybe you can section the room off like 1 for a seating area and a tv and another for games?? I dont care how you do it I just want it to look great and I know you can do that.

      I posted this a little while ago and would still like you to do it thanks!

    2. #638991

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-07-28 at 12:59 PM

      BallerinaKiki wrote on 2012-07-27 at 11:50 AM

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-07-26 at 12:04 PM

      BallerinaKiki wrote on 2012-07-25 at 11:09 AM

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-07-24 at 01:22 PM

      BallerinaKiki wrote on 2012-07-23 at 07:40 PM

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-06-12 at 08:14 PM
      Do you need a trendy room? Well, you came to the right place! I will create a unique and creative room just for you! Just tell me your room size, what you want the room to be, and what style you want to the room to be. If you have any further comments or questions, feel free to post them. perfectandpink

      i need help creating a bedroom for my lilkinz white poodle. I picked out the plush bed to use. Its a medium-sized room with doors on all walls. Right now i’m using it as her nursery but i need ideas for her room after. Any style but it cant have any boy stuff. I need spot for the bed, an area for friends, a fashion design and craft corner (which i have a room in the works for that so you dont have to put one.), and space for sleepovers. Also a reading and tv area if you can fit it in somewhere. Budget is 1000 or less. Thanks. -BK

      Okay, you want alot for only 1000 KC. If you want, I will send some items to you. I could only afford 3 items with your budget of 1000. If I were you, I would earn about 2000 more KC. Here is the room I made for you (it is way over budget)
      Zebra Prin Couch
      Be Mine Heart Chair
      Art Station
      Art Paint Pallete Rug
      Fashion Sewing Machine
      Princess Television
      3425 Without Wall Paper and Flooring.
      3725 With Nursery Wall paper and flooring

      Its nice but the themes aren’t fitting together, and Belle likes everything perfect……which makes it alot harder to decorate! Maybe i could leave the fashion design part out…..raise the budget a bit higher to 1500. I could get a sofa, two chairs, a coffee table and a tv that isnt too expensive, possibly a shelf of books, i’ll come up with something. Also, could you help me with my backyard? I have some stuff for it but i can’t figure out how to arrange it. Maybe do one room as a park and another for the backyard, maybe some stuff in the frontyard. Anyways, here’s what i have: Pig wading pond (large, but its very calming and inground, unlike a pool, plus it can be out any time of year), Turtle wading pool, oak paneled pool, lifeguard chair, blue striped pool chair, blue umbrella, Hippo-shaped hedge statue, 4 yellow porch chairs, 1 yellow table, 1 ruby striped chair, 2 antique lampposts, palm tree, outdoor treadmill, 2 outhouses, persian cat gazebo, soccer ball, trampoline & cat trampoline, Lemonade pitcher w/ cups, medival-looking tabletop lantern.
      If you can work with that and maybe add or take out some stuff that will be great, just i need a place for my lil’kinz to cool off, while the webkinz watch them from the lifeguard chair. And then a spot for an outdoor BBQ in the summer, then if theres a pool i take it out in the fall and put it back in the spring or summer. BTW the backyard has a doorway on the bottom left,
      For the frontyard, i decided to make a race track sort of thing, but its not to belle’s likings. I don’t have any other ideas for the roads that i get from SPREE! shopping bag collections. Unless i make a town-like thing in teh future. 4 round-corner road piece, 3 corner pieces w/ stripe, 4 corner pieces w/o stripe, 3 3-way street tiles, 2 street tile w/ stripes, 2 street tile w/ parking spaces, 1 country road corner piece, 2 country road straight piece, 1 4-way street piece, 2 tractors, 2 skateboards, 2 spooky trees, 3 bus stops, 2 guzmania flowers, picnic table and benches, wheelbarrow of flowers, blossom bear statue, Welcome to Kinzville sign, no parking sign, 2 slow sign, W sign, school sign, campkinz billboard, scooter, tiger car, soe racers, bulldozer, swan car, space car, clown car, gas station. You can add/remove some stuff if you’d like. I’d like a peaceful, comfortable, front yard with a road but some nature. thanks. -BK

      Ok. Do you want me to arrange the room for you? For the bedroom, I would sell the bed you have to pay for the Ballerina Bed which is 900, so you will have to chip in with a bit of your own money. I have created a pink room for you, and it is all matching! I am bad with matching unless I do the same theme, which I am sure you don’t want me to do because it would be a waste of time to come over here when you can do it yourself!
      Moving on to the front yard, I am making it for you, and it should be cheep, because a front yard usually has mostly plants, so I was thinking flowers, trees, that stone well, and the spree roads which will create a road, or a driveway, or whatever you want. Maybe you could add a “sidewalk” Along the side of the road with the stone path, or the dirt path.
      For the backyard, Maybe one of your pools, a few blue striped beach chairs, 2 beach side tables, a palm tree, the liffegaurd chair (if you want) and the table and chairs. Then, just go in and add a ton of plants around the edge of things. this is what I did for my backyard.

      I have a ballerina bed i was using for my pink&white dog, but i think its ok if belle uses it. What else do i need for her bedroom?

      Ballerina Bookcase-400
      Pink Perfection Couch-425
      2 Just Lovely lounger-580 (total)
      Visions in Pink TV-600
      Cotton Candy Coffee Table-175
      Ballerina Side Table-80
      You can do the nusery wallpaper and flooring with this. I think it will look just fine!
      Sorry, yesterday was my birthday, and I was too busy preparing for my party, so the front yard isnt ready yet.

      Okay, I have it. You may add some new ideas if you want, and if you want have me arrange it. Here it it (front yard).

      Flowered stone well
      A row of bushes on the left side of the door, and a row of flowers on the right side
      2 Park Benches
      Cherry Blossom Tree
      Elm Tree
      2 Spiral Bushes
      White Picket Fence along right and left side of room.
      Flag Path Tile one space away from SPREE road.

      Total should be about…………………………..5000 KC total. I hope this isn’t too much! You could always check whats on sale, or leave out some stuff. If you want to leave out some stuff, let me know, so I can tell you what to leave out, and it will still look pretty good.

    3. #638671

      BallerinaKiki wrote on 2012-07-27 at 11:50 AM

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-07-26 at 12:04 PM

      BallerinaKiki wrote on 2012-07-25 at 11:09 AM

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-07-24 at 01:22 PM

      BallerinaKiki wrote on 2012-07-23 at 07:40 PM

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-06-12 at 08:14 PM
      Do you need a trendy room? Well, you came to the right place! I will create a unique and creative room just for you! Just tell me your room size, what you want the room to be, and what style you want to the room to be. If you have any further comments or questions, feel free to post them. perfectandpink

      i need help creating a bedroom for my lilkinz white poodle. I picked out the plush bed to use. Its a medium-sized room with doors on all walls. Right now i’m using it as her nursery but i need ideas for her room after. Any style but it cant have any boy stuff. I need spot for the bed, an area for friends, a fashion design and craft corner (which i have a room in the works for that so you dont have to put one.), and space for sleepovers. Also a reading and tv area if you can fit it in somewhere. Budget is 1000 or less. Thanks. -BK

      Okay, you want alot for only 1000 KC. If you want, I will send some items to you. I could only afford 3 items with your budget of 1000. If I were you, I would earn about 2000 more KC. Here is the room I made for you (it is way over budget)
      Zebra Prin Couch
      Be Mine Heart Chair
      Art Station
      Art Paint Pallete Rug
      Fashion Sewing Machine
      Princess Television
      3425 Without Wall Paper and Flooring.
      3725 With Nursery Wall paper and flooring

      Its nice but the themes aren’t fitting together, and Belle likes everything perfect……which makes it alot harder to decorate! Maybe i could leave the fashion design part out…..raise the budget a bit higher to 1500. I could get a sofa, two chairs, a coffee table and a tv that isnt too expensive, possibly a shelf of books, i’ll come up with something. Also, could you help me with my backyard? I have some stuff for it but i can’t figure out how to arrange it. Maybe do one room as a park and another for the backyard, maybe some stuff in the frontyard. Anyways, here’s what i have: Pig wading pond (large, but its very calming and inground, unlike a pool, plus it can be out any time of year), Turtle wading pool, oak paneled pool, lifeguard chair, blue striped pool chair, blue umbrella, Hippo-shaped hedge statue, 4 yellow porch chairs, 1 yellow table, 1 ruby striped chair, 2 antique lampposts, palm tree, outdoor treadmill, 2 outhouses, persian cat gazebo, soccer ball, trampoline & cat trampoline, Lemonade pitcher w/ cups, medival-looking tabletop lantern.
      If you can work with that and maybe add or take out some stuff that will be great, just i need a place for my lil’kinz to cool off, while the webkinz watch them from the lifeguard chair. And then a spot for an outdoor BBQ in the summer, then if theres a pool i take it out in the fall and put it back in the spring or summer. BTW the backyard has a doorway on the bottom left,
      For the frontyard, i decided to make a race track sort of thing, but its not to belle’s likings. I don’t have any other ideas for the roads that i get from SPREE! shopping bag collections. Unless i make a town-like thing in teh future. 4 round-corner road piece, 3 corner pieces w/ stripe, 4 corner pieces w/o stripe, 3 3-way street tiles, 2 street tile w/ stripes, 2 street tile w/ parking spaces, 1 country road corner piece, 2 country road straight piece, 1 4-way street piece, 2 tractors, 2 skateboards, 2 spooky trees, 3 bus stops, 2 guzmania flowers, picnic table and benches, wheelbarrow of flowers, blossom bear statue, Welcome to Kinzville sign, no parking sign, 2 slow sign, W sign, school sign, campkinz billboard, scooter, tiger car, soe racers, bulldozer, swan car, space car, clown car, gas station. You can add/remove some stuff if you’d like. I’d like a peaceful, comfortable, front yard with a road but some nature. thanks. -BK

      Ok. Do you want me to arrange the room for you? For the bedroom, I would sell the bed you have to pay for the Ballerina Bed which is 900, so you will have to chip in with a bit of your own money. I have created a pink room for you, and it is all matching! I am bad with matching unless I do the same theme, which I am sure you don’t want me to do because it would be a waste of time to come over here when you can do it yourself!
      Moving on to the front yard, I am making it for you, and it should be cheep, because a front yard usually has mostly plants, so I was thinking flowers, trees, that stone well, and the spree roads which will create a road, or a driveway, or whatever you want. Maybe you could add a “sidewalk” Along the side of the road with the stone path, or the dirt path.
      For the backyard, Maybe one of your pools, a few blue striped beach chairs, 2 beach side tables, a palm tree, the liffegaurd chair (if you want) and the table and chairs. Then, just go in and add a ton of plants around the edge of things. this is what I did for my backyard.

      I have a ballerina bed i was using for my pink&white dog, but i think its ok if belle uses it. What else do i need for her bedroom?

      Ballerina Bookcase-400
      Pink Perfection Couch-425
      2 Just Lovely lounger-580 (total)
      Visions in Pink TV-600
      Cotton Candy Coffee Table-175
      Ballerina Side Table-80
      You can do the nusery wallpaper and flooring with this. I think it will look just fine!

      Sorry, yesterday was my birthday, and I was too busy preparing for my party, so the front yard isnt ready yet.

    4. #638199

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-07-26 at 12:04 PM

      BallerinaKiki wrote on 2012-07-25 at 11:09 AM

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-07-24 at 01:22 PM

      BallerinaKiki wrote on 2012-07-23 at 07:40 PM

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-06-12 at 08:14 PM
      Do you need a trendy room? Well, you came to the right place! I will create a unique and creative room just for you! Just tell me your room size, what you want the room to be, and what style you want to the room to be. If you have any further comments or questions, feel free to post them. perfectandpink

      i need help creating a bedroom for my lilkinz white poodle. I picked out the plush bed to use. Its a medium-sized room with doors on all walls. Right now i’m using it as her nursery but i need ideas for her room after. Any style but it cant have any boy stuff. I need spot for the bed, an area for friends, a fashion design and craft corner (which i have a room in the works for that so you dont have to put one.), and space for sleepovers. Also a reading and tv area if you can fit it in somewhere. Budget is 1000 or less. Thanks. -BK

      Okay, you want alot for only 1000 KC. If you want, I will send some items to you. I could only afford 3 items with your budget of 1000. If I were you, I would earn about 2000 more KC. Here is the room I made for you (it is way over budget)
      Zebra Prin Couch
      Be Mine Heart Chair
      Art Station
      Art Paint Pallete Rug
      Fashion Sewing Machine
      Princess Television
      3425 Without Wall Paper and Flooring.
      3725 With Nursery Wall paper and flooring

      Its nice but the themes aren’t fitting together, and Belle likes everything perfect……which makes it alot harder to decorate! Maybe i could leave the fashion design part out…..raise the budget a bit higher to 1500. I could get a sofa, two chairs, a coffee table and a tv that isnt too expensive, possibly a shelf of books, i’ll come up with something. Also, could you help me with my backyard? I have some stuff for it but i can’t figure out how to arrange it. Maybe do one room as a park and another for the backyard, maybe some stuff in the frontyard. Anyways, here’s what i have: Pig wading pond (large, but its very calming and inground, unlike a pool, plus it can be out any time of year), Turtle wading pool, oak paneled pool, lifeguard chair, blue striped pool chair, blue umbrella, Hippo-shaped hedge statue, 4 yellow porch chairs, 1 yellow table, 1 ruby striped chair, 2 antique lampposts, palm tree, outdoor treadmill, 2 outhouses, persian cat gazebo, soccer ball, trampoline & cat trampoline, Lemonade pitcher w/ cups, medival-looking tabletop lantern.
      If you can work with that and maybe add or take out some stuff that will be great, just i need a place for my lil’kinz to cool off, while the webkinz watch them from the lifeguard chair. And then a spot for an outdoor BBQ in the summer, then if theres a pool i take it out in the fall and put it back in the spring or summer. BTW the backyard has a doorway on the bottom left,
      For the frontyard, i decided to make a race track sort of thing, but its not to belle’s likings. I don’t have any other ideas for the roads that i get from SPREE! shopping bag collections. Unless i make a town-like thing in teh future. 4 round-corner road piece, 3 corner pieces w/ stripe, 4 corner pieces w/o stripe, 3 3-way street tiles, 2 street tile w/ stripes, 2 street tile w/ parking spaces, 1 country road corner piece, 2 country road straight piece, 1 4-way street piece, 2 tractors, 2 skateboards, 2 spooky trees, 3 bus stops, 2 guzmania flowers, picnic table and benches, wheelbarrow of flowers, blossom bear statue, Welcome to Kinzville sign, no parking sign, 2 slow sign, W sign, school sign, campkinz billboard, scooter, tiger car, soe racers, bulldozer, swan car, space car, clown car, gas station. You can add/remove some stuff if you’d like. I’d like a peaceful, comfortable, front yard with a road but some nature. thanks. -BK

      Ok. Do you want me to arrange the room for you? For the bedroom, I would sell the bed you have to pay for the Ballerina Bed which is 900, so you will have to chip in with a bit of your own money. I have created a pink room for you, and it is all matching! I am bad with matching unless I do the same theme, which I am sure you don’t want me to do because it would be a waste of time to come over here when you can do it yourself!
      Moving on to the front yard, I am making it for you, and it should be cheep, because a front yard usually has mostly plants, so I was thinking flowers, trees, that stone well, and the spree roads which will create a road, or a driveway, or whatever you want. Maybe you could add a “sidewalk” Along the side of the road with the stone path, or the dirt path.
      For the backyard, Maybe one of your pools, a few blue striped beach chairs, 2 beach side tables, a palm tree, the liffegaurd chair (if you want) and the table and chairs. Then, just go in and add a ton of plants around the edge of things. this is what I did for my backyard.

      I have a ballerina bed i was using for my pink&white dog, but i think its ok if belle uses it. What else do i need for her bedroom?

    5. #637905

      I am hiring if anyone is interested. Just tell me what kind of room you would be interested in designing. I will give you a task, and if you pass, you are hired!

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