Marigold Garden and Room Decor: Will always stay within your budget!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Marigold Garden and Room Decor: Will always stay within your budget!

This topic contains 187 replies, has 33 voices, and was last updated by  perfectandpink 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86554

    <p>Do you need a trendy room? Well, you came to the right place! I will create a unique and creative room just for you! Just tell me your room size, what you want the room to be, and what style you want to the room to be. If you have any further comments or questions, feel free to post them. perfectandpink

    1. #643375


      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-08-04 at 05:33 PM

      09137 wrote on 2012-08-04 at 03:24 PM

      09137 wrote on 2012-08-04 at 03:11 PM

      09137 wrote on 2012-08-04 at 12:38 PM
      hi its me,09137, AGAIN!I need a room for my rockerz bulldog, my lil kinz lamb, my reindeer, and my lil kinz koala. The entire budget for all rooms is 20,000

      any1 going to do my room?


      Sorry for the wait. Here are your rooms:
      Lil Lamb
      For this room, I chose to do a soft color theme with a few pops of color to match the lambs soft fur.
      Ballerina Bed
      Dainty Dining Chair x4
      Funky Girl Dining Table
      Bloomin Couch
      Wicker Chair x2
      Bloomin Floor Flowers 285
      Plasma Plush TV 1200
      Light Sea Grean Wall Paint 70
      Golden Hardwood Flooring 100
      Rockerz Bulldog
      For this room I chose to do a rock star theme with light hardwood flooring to lighten it up a bit.
      Rock Star Bed 1050
      Rockin Red Couch
      Boomin Black Lounger x2
      Golden Hardwood Flooring
      Red Wall Paint
      Snare Side Table
      Tambourine Chair x4
      The Reindeer reminds me of Christmastime, so I did a Candy theme because Christmas is full of sweet treats!
      Sweets N Treat Wall Paper 125
      Sweets N Treats Flooring 120
      Sweet Dreams Bed 1200
      Be Mine Heart Chair x2
      Friends 4 Ever Heart Chair x2
      Dessert First Dining Table
      Gumdrop Lamp x2
      Sweet Stuff Sofa
      Ginger Bread TV
      Lil Koala
      For this room, I decided to do some kind of bamboo theme.
      Bamboo Print Walls
      Bamboo Strip Flooring
      Bamboo Bed
      Bamboo Brush Painting Scroll x2
      Paper Lantern x2
      I hope you like it!!!

      I love the rooms! thanx so much! i guess i could’ve been quite a bit more patient

    2. #643366

      09137 wrote on 2012-08-04 at 03:24 PM

      09137 wrote on 2012-08-04 at 03:11 PM

      09137 wrote on 2012-08-04 at 12:38 PM
      hi its me,09137, AGAIN!I need a room for my rockerz bulldog, my lil kinz lamb, my reindeer, and my lil kinz koala. The entire budget for all rooms is 20,000

      any1 going to do my room?


      Sorry for the wait. Here are your rooms:

      Lil Lamb
      For this room, I chose to do a soft color theme with a few pops of color to match the lambs soft fur.
      Ballerina Bed
      Dainty Dining Chair x4
      Funky Girl Dining Table
      Bloomin Couch
      Wicker Chair x2
      Bloomin Floor Flowers 285
      Plasma Plush TV 1200
      Light Sea Grean Wall Paint 70
      Golden Hardwood Flooring 100

      Rockerz Bulldog
      For this room I chose to do a rock star theme with light hardwood flooring to lighten it up a bit.
      Rock Star Bed 1050
      Rockin Red Couch
      Boomin Black Lounger x2
      Golden Hardwood Flooring
      Red Wall Paint
      Snare Side Table
      Tambourine Chair x4

      The Reindeer reminds me of Christmastime, so I did a Candy theme because Christmas is full of sweet treats!
      Sweets N Treat Wall Paper 125
      Sweets N Treats Flooring 120
      Sweet Dreams Bed 1200
      Be Mine Heart Chair x2
      Friends 4 Ever Heart Chair x2
      Dessert First Dining Table
      Gumdrop Lamp x2
      Sweet Stuff Sofa
      Ginger Bread TV

      Lil Koala
      For this room, I decided to do some kind of bamboo theme.
      Bamboo Print Walls
      Bamboo Strip Flooring
      Bamboo Bed
      Bamboo Brush Painting Scroll x2
      Paper Lantern x2

      I hope you like it!!!

    3. #643294


      09137 wrote on 2012-08-04 at 03:11 PM

      09137 wrote on 2012-08-04 at 12:38 PM
      hi its me,09137, AGAIN!I need a room for my rockerz bulldog, my lil kinz lamb, my reindeer, and my lil kinz koala. The entire budget for all rooms is 20,000

      any1 going to do my room?


    4. #643277


      09137 wrote on 2012-08-04 at 12:38 PM

      hi its me,09137, AGAIN!I need a room for my rockerz bulldog, my lil kinz lamb, my reindeer, and my lil kinz koala. The entire budget for all rooms is 20,000

      any1 going to do my room?

    5. #643274

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-08-04 at 02:39 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-04 at 02:33 PM

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-08-04 at 02:11 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-04 at 12:13 PM

      springtime4ever wrote on 2012-08-04 at 12:05 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-03 at 09:50 PM
      ROOM #1—–cotton candy puppy (girl), large room, i want it colorful as in colors like a mellow pink and aqua or light blue, maybe a light yellow or mint green, just light colors basically i guess. and budget is…. umm… 3500 i guess. maybe 4000. i don’t know. as long as its not over 5000 i guess.
      ROOOM #2—— aquamarine puppy, girl, large room, and i want it to include every birthstone psi at least once and no more than 4 times. i already have the walls/floors picked out, aqua blue, and u can add a couple wshop things if u want, and i would like a layout of it, and u can include gemsters if u want, not needed though, and no peek-a-newz type stuff. also, i want it to be a mellow but fun room where u can have some peace, but it isn’t boring. and not too crazy, and again, not boring. if u use wshop things, then budget is 1300.

      Hi, 444polarbears I think I may be able to help you.
      Room #1~ For your cotton candy puppy girl, I think the best choice is to go with the plush theme. Try:
      Plush wallpaper and flooring (both are 250)
      Plush pillows bed- 1250 kc
      Cushy Dining Tables- 900
      Cotton Crafted Dresser-980
      Cotton dining table chairs-380 each chair
      “Be Mine” hearts chair- 175 each chair
      Gumball lamp- 125 kc
      This adds up to 4310.
      For room #2~ I can’t help you with this room unless you give me more details. Do you want mostly e-store items? And I need a budget…. for your furniture and stuff. Give me all those answers and I can help you more. Thank you for choosing Marigold’s!

      well- i would like it to not have esotre items, but estore pet psi. and those pets would be birthstone pets. i would like it to include at least 1 of each birthstone pet psi. also gemsters if u want, and a couple wshop things that would match if wanted. i already have walls/floors picked out, aqua blue. if u want a better description, go to extreme makeover:webkinz addition and on the last page or 2 i should have like 3 posts describing it. also, if wshop items r also used along with birthstone psi, then budget is 1300.

      Sorry its me. I dont know how to arrange the gem room yet, but I got the cotton candy room, and I think I may use it as one of my pets room. I think its awesome!
      Golden Rose Bed 600
      Light Sea Green Wall Paint 70
      Nursery Flooring 150
      Mursery Rug 150
      Soft Side Table 450
      Ballet Chair x4 400
      Ballet Swan Floor Lamp x2 240
      Beach Sofa x2 900
      Plushy Soft Sofa 775

      well, i looked at all yhose items in wshop and they seemed to match perfectly for my description, and so yeah… anyway, could i also have a layout 4 this? i will be working on getting more KC to buy all this…. i said budget was 5000 just cuz i figured i could earn all that KC soon… yeah, i am pretty broke, lol. right now i have 1710 KC. so if u could make alayout, that would be awesome, thanks! :)

      Ok. And if you want me to send you some stuff I can. Just add me @crystalkin
      Ok, put the bed in the top corner. You know where to put all of the wall paper and flooring. Put the side table and ballet chairs in the middle somewhere. Put one beach sofa along the right wall, and the other along the left wall. Put the rug with the table and chairs, and you dont really need the sofa, but you can put it at the bottom of your bed. I hope you like it!!!!

      sure, that would be awesome! i will send something of some sort in return… and my UN starts with xha. i already have the ballet swan floor lamp, and so yeah. cant wait to try layout!


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