Marigold Garden and Room Decor: Will always stay within your budget!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Marigold Garden and Room Decor: Will always stay within your budget!

This topic contains 187 replies, has 33 voices, and was last updated by  perfectandpink 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86554

    <p>Do you need a trendy room? Well, you came to the right place! I will create a unique and creative room just for you! Just tell me your room size, what you want the room to be, and what style you want to the room to be. If you have any further comments or questions, feel free to post them. perfectandpink

    1. #645270


      Oh. :(

    2. #645252

      bugaboo832 wrote on 2012-08-04 at 07:40 PM

      Hi! I’m bugaboo! You can call me bugs. I need a bathroom for my girl pets. I would like it laid back but still a bit chic and stylish. I would like to see blue, green, yellow, orange and purple. My budget is 3500KC no estore please! The room is medium!
      Peace, Love, Hunger Games Forever!
      ~The Worlds biggest Hunger Games fan, bugaboo832~

      Powder Blue Wall Paint 60
      Pop Star Flooring 100
      Lavender Counter x3 450
      Daffodil Bathroom Sink x2 600
      Daffodil Toilet x3 975
      Sea Blue Bathtub 1000
      Citrus Swirl Paint 550
      Lime Twist Painting 550

    3. #645249

      09137 wrote on 2012-08-05 at 05:58 PM

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-08-04 at 09:29 PM

      09137 wrote on 2012-08-04 at 09:22 PM
      so im bothering you so much this is my fvorite design fourm and im remodeling my whole house so could you do me a backyard?My webkinz want a place to hang out and swim. NO E-Store items please!My budget is 10,000 I love this fourm! It for boys and girls

      Glad You like it!!! I am awesome at back yards. I am guessing you want a layout?


      I am sorry for the wait! Here it is-
      Inground Lap Pool 1400
      Square Hedge x12 1200
      Broilkinz BBQ 500
      Pink Petunias x2 240
      Blue Petunias x2 240
      Cherry Blossom Tree 975
      Striped Beach Lounger x4 1120
      Strawberry Pot Table 150
      Allium Flowers x2 120
      Daisy Patch x2 100
      Flower Garden x2 100
      Geranium Bush x2 180
      Guzmania Plant x2 180
      Iris Garden x2 130

      Put the pool in the top corner. In the right corner, put 3 hedges in a row, and the other 3 accros from the other ones. Put 2 more out to the side, and the last one going the same direction as the first 3, but coming out from the other 2. I know this is confusing, and if you dont get it, you can put them in your own style. Next, put the grill in the center of the hedges. Put 2 of the petunias by the entrance, and the other 2 by another entrance. Put the tree in the left corner. Put the chairs and table in the center somewhere, and scatter the flowers in place you think are empty, like by the tree, or around the pool. I hopw you like it!

    4. #645235

      09137 wrote on 2012-08-06 at 03:08 PM


      I am sorry, I currently dont need help

    5. #645234

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-06 at 02:33 PM

      perfectandpink wrote on 2012-08-06 at 11:35 AM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-05 at 12:22 PM
      i still need my birthstone psi room…

      2 Amethyst Bed
      4 Ruby Windows
      2 Aqua Maraine Furniture Set
      Emerald TV
      Pearl Dining Set (table only)
      Opal Dining Set (4 Chairs Only)
      Garnet Desk Set
      Peridot Table Set (2 Sidetable and Lamps, One Coffee Table)
      Diamond Piano
      Sapphire Bathtub
      Topaz Bathroom Set
      Zicron Sofa
      Put One Bed along the left side, and the other along the right. Put 2 windows on eachside. With the furniture set, put one a few spaces away from one bed (towards the corner), and the other one by the other bed. Put the TV along the left side by the bed. Put the dining table and chairs in the middle somewhere (there is no exact middle. Play around to see what looks best) and put the piano along the right side by the bed. Put the bathroom area by the entrance. You can buy a divider to block it off if you want. Then, put 2 sofas in the top corner, along with the sidetables, lamps, and coffee table. I hope you like it!

      i’m confused… :/ on where everything goes… could u re-describe it? or, i have an idea, make a room like that in your house except not birthstone, just reqular, us become friends on WW, then me go to your WW house, then me see what u meant? or u could just re-describe it lol. so plmk your thoughts, and yeah.

      Sorry, I cant get any more specific, and I am almost broke, so I cant do any of this right now. I am so so so so busy. Just make the room by yourself. I am sure it will turn out great!

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