Moving Doors and Deleting\Relocating Rooms Petition

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Moving Doors and Deleting\Relocating Rooms Petition

This topic contains 61 replies, has 34 voices, and was last updated by  designergirl101 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #789926

    This is a petition and hence is why it is not in the suggestions section. Please, Please, Please Support the Cause! The more people who support the sooner these options will be added!

    1. #800046

      I really want some of my doors equal count me in

    2. #798405


      Count me in. -KC

    3. #798303

      17 signatures so far, it would be great if we could get a to 100 over the weekend. I hope so, we have to do this soon, or it will lose its impact!

    4. #797987

      Okay, great! I am SO happy all of you signed but I think more need to, so spread the word and add this to your favorites so others can see!

    5. #797832


      yes! all of my doors are in the most problematic places. i am signing his petition

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