My first trade list!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives My first trade list!

This topic contains 141 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  Angelthepup22 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #772018


    Zodiac Air shoes, pants, shirt and hat
    Zodiac Earth shirt, hat, pants and shoes
    Road trip yellow shirt and hat
    Road trip red shirt and hat
    Good to be the king dress
    Pink berets
    Springtime laced heels
    Springtime Cardigan
    Springtime leather skirt
    Girl cave explorer top, skirt and hat
    Team lug shirt
    Magnolia tree
    Green stage light x2
    Vases of pink petunia’s x3
    Pretty pink roses x3
    Glowing lamp x2
    Blooming coffee table x6
    Nafaria potted vine x2
    Nafaria House candelabra x5
    Alyssa House candelabra x5
    Nafaria plush x5
    Touring van x2
    2011 touring van
    2012 touring van x3
    Tangerine chair
    Blue striped chair x4
    Rose Zircon birthstone gem lamp
    Garnet birthstone gem lamp
    Amethyst birthstone gem lamp
    Aquamarine birthstone gem lamp
    Diamond birthstone gem lamp
    Sapphire birthstone gem lamp
    May birthstone gem lamp
    Alexandrite birthstone gem lamp
    PJ Collie framed poster
    Lavender love letters
    Nibbles Camcorder
    Alex ‘Kinz plushie
    Cowabelle ‘Kinz plushie
    Roberta ‘Kinz plushie
    Nibbles ‘Kinz plushie
    As soon as this goes up I will post the other part and my wish list!

    1. #777031


      Hey guys :) I’m looking for these—
      cinnamon bun bed ** especially this
      tulip tower windmill
      friendly forest window
      cozy hayloft hideaway
      canyon crosswalk
      day dreamer’s window

      I haven’t been on in maybe a year, but here’s my to-trade list for those things. It’s ok if they’re worth more :)
      Frozen fountain
      Hidey house lounger
      Milk truck
      Friendly anemone stove
      Charming charcoal easel
      Little lamb bed
      Northern nights bed

      Other assorted things:
      Experiment station 1
      Flying Saucer
      Year one trophy
      Red lava lamp
      Blue lava lamp
      Frightning lightning window
      Safari Pith helmet

      • #777366


        Hi! I will have to check for the items on your wish list but I am interested in your first year trophy and red lava lamp! Please check out my trade list and tell me if you see anything you like! :) LT

      • #777426


        Whoa! I want to let you know not to just trade that Year One Trophy for anything. It’s VERY valuable, as well as both of those lava lamps! I’m interested in the blue and red lava lamp, and the charming charcoal easel. I have a long list of items to trade! If you want to look for my trading forum, let me know. If not, I can give you an updated list here! (I just don’t want to clutter up someone else’s forum if I can help it.)

    2. #776552


      Hi everyone. Thanks to everyone that has already helped me get something off my wish list. MORHB – which plushies do you have, I might need some? JANENEONGREEN – Did you want to add something to out trade to make it fair? THEPINKKOALA – What do you want for the Festive Place Setting, Curio Shop Festive Gingerbread House, White Tiger Cub Plushie, and PJ Collie Holiday Plush cause I really need them? :D Also I heard that there was a new superbed coming out and one is going to retire. I almost have all the super beds but I need 3 more. Does anyone have the acropolis bed, railway dreams bed or fantasy coach bed? PLMK! ~LT~ :)

      • #777477


        i have fantasy coach bed, acroplis bed, and the railway dreams bed. i need the zodiac earth hat and rest of costume and something else (offer)

        • #778354


          I only need the railway dreams bed now :) So is you offer earth zodiac outfit? Let me know! :) LT

          • #778396


            Wait I also need the fantasy coach bed! PLMK! :)

            • #779450


              whats ur username.? and you can just have the beds, i dont use them anyway

            • #780381


              My username is Bubblon. Thanks a lot for the beds (I only need the fantasy coach and railway dreams bed now) Let me know if there is something I can send you back :) LT

    3. #776235

      Dogfish yes i think i have some of those i need to check, is the offer still up???? ~Texas Girl

      • #776540


        Hi angel, lets do medieval first, I have a lot of that, tell me what you already have, and I’ll send the items I have in storage. OK? Texas Girl? wow I’m right next door. LOL Guess I’m Cajun Girl. DF

    4. #774991


      My trade list: Royal reign rug, royal red carpet, Grandfather clock, 2 antique mirrors, bed of roses(Superbed), 8 golden recored plates, medieval curtain, baroness bookshelf, her serene highness sofa, retriever treadmill, ice resurfacer, enchanted garden fountain, topiary of spades, true fan soccer wallpaper, exotic bear cub statue, wind farm turbine, wild west dress, starlight head wreath, venetian mask, 2 pair of zangoz slippers, 2 wheel of yum t-shirts, festive red pair of pjs and green festive pjs, 2 ballon dart hoodies, 2 magic w shades, tutti frutti headdress, bee shoes, knitted sweater, gravy boat hat, orange life jacket, clown wig, 5 chef hats, 2 wheel of wow hats, nakamas t-shirt, 2 sparkle heart dresses, designer dress, green popstar dress, pink pony sparkle dress, yoga outfit, blue and pink treble clef glasses, winterfest hoodies, Ms. Birdy’s pink blazer, stunning kimono, sunshine hat, purple flip flops, 2 winterfest pj pants, snowy face stickers, 2011 holiday slippers, dj outfit, turkey hat, reindeer slippers, toy soldier coat and hat, spring fling dress, zodiac fire costume bottoms, robosuit boots, tye dye top, merry Christmas toque, fishing hat, candy corn witch full outfit dress hat and shoes, I have some recipe food and I also have an endless supply of certain psf just ask which ones you need. Please comment on what you would like to trade for! ~ranlove2~

    5. #775001

      Does anybody have neo gothic, medival or persian? give me your wishlist and i might be able to help. if you want psf, i have thirteen pets ~Thunderhead Forever!

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