My first trade list!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives My first trade list!

This topic contains 141 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  Angelthepup22 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #772018


    Zodiac Air shoes, pants, shirt and hat
    Zodiac Earth shirt, hat, pants and shoes
    Road trip yellow shirt and hat
    Road trip red shirt and hat
    Good to be the king dress
    Pink berets
    Springtime laced heels
    Springtime Cardigan
    Springtime leather skirt
    Girl cave explorer top, skirt and hat
    Team lug shirt
    Magnolia tree
    Green stage light x2
    Vases of pink petunia’s x3
    Pretty pink roses x3
    Glowing lamp x2
    Blooming coffee table x6
    Nafaria potted vine x2
    Nafaria House candelabra x5
    Alyssa House candelabra x5
    Nafaria plush x5
    Touring van x2
    2011 touring van
    2012 touring van x3
    Tangerine chair
    Blue striped chair x4
    Rose Zircon birthstone gem lamp
    Garnet birthstone gem lamp
    Amethyst birthstone gem lamp
    Aquamarine birthstone gem lamp
    Diamond birthstone gem lamp
    Sapphire birthstone gem lamp
    May birthstone gem lamp
    Alexandrite birthstone gem lamp
    PJ Collie framed poster
    Lavender love letters
    Nibbles Camcorder
    Alex ‘Kinz plushie
    Cowabelle ‘Kinz plushie
    Roberta ‘Kinz plushie
    Nibbles ‘Kinz plushie
    As soon as this goes up I will post the other part and my wish list!

    1. #778341

      who is clo3? you sent me Neo Gothic stuff thanks. was i supposed to send something in return? ~Texas Girl

      • #778462


        No, please don’t send me anything back. I have eight accounts, and it comes in handy when I want to send more than once a day. I made notes and will send some more medieval soon. I will get some neo gothic dining tables next week, and send to those that need it. DF

    2. #776671

      Ranlove2 i will take the retiever treadmill. what is your wishlist? ~Texas Girl

    3. #776674

      Dogfish, i have the shepard pie and the friut salad, but i can’t seem to find the recipe for the peanut butter and banana sandwich. is it ok if i make another type of sandwich???? ~Texas Girl. The Eyes Of Texas Are Upon You!:)~

      • #778290


        Hi angel, I am good on the foods, another friend read my post and sent three of each. If you could tell me what you need most, I can check if I have it. I have extra of almost all the rare themes. Other players need some also, so it helps to know what you need. PB&B is peanuts, banana and bread. In case you want to make some for your pets, DF

    4. #777519


      Hey Lamb :) I looked over your trade list, but I really am sorry to say the only items I’m looking for are the ones I listed :( You seem so nice, if ever you get one of them let me know and I would LOVE to trade with you!

      To everyone else:
      I’m looking for these—
      cinnamon bun bed ** especially this
      tulip tower windmill
      friendly forest window
      cozy hayloft hideaway
      canyon crosswalk
      day dreamer’s window
      —–Here’s my to-trade list for those things. It’s ok if they’re worth more
      Frozen fountain
      Hidey house lounger
      Milk truck
      Friendly anemone stove
      Charming charcoal easel
      Little lamb bed
      Northern nights bed
      Other assorted things:
      Experiment station 1
      Flying Saucer
      Year one trophy
      Red lava lamp
      Blue lava lamp
      Frightning lightning window
      Safari Pith helmet

      • #778305


        Hi kc, I have extra day dreamer window, friend me at clo92 ans I’ll be happy to send you one, DF

      • #778503


        Hey!! Thanks for what you said up above. That was nice :) I looked for the cinnamon bun bed in the trading room and I got it!!! :D Would you trade it for the year one trophy? Or the red lava lamp? PLMK!!! :D :D :D ♥♥LT♥♥

        • #778508


          And hey I saw that you said you wouldn’t mind if the values were a bit over so I was wondering if you wanted to trade the bed for the trophy and the red lava lamp? I mean you did say you needed the bed a lot and I really need those 2 items! :D PLMK, thanks!

          • #779308


            Hello Lamb! :D I did say I didn’t mind if the values were a BIT over, but not two near-priceless things for a PSI. xD But don’t get me wrong, I am VERY interested in your cinnamon bed. Do you think you could maybe get the tulip windmill or the forest window with it? I would trade the year one trophy for one of those and the cinn. bed. :)

            • #780337


              Yes I understand :P I will try to get one of those other to items you want. Just make sure you hold those items for me while I try to look for them ;) Thanks, LT

    5. #776896

      Just send me anything. i don’t mind having several of something. and yes i am a true Texan Thru And true! ~Texas Girl

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