My ‘For Trade’ List

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This topic contains 238 replies, has 68 voices, and was last updated by  FoxesRule612 5 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #858307

    Key Master
    1. #1300146


      Idk if I’m doing this right but like I’m trading a swirl tiara if anyone has any offers??

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      • #1300768


        Hi peygan53 – is it the swirling leaf Tiara from Magic Mire? If so, I am interested. Do you have a list of items you are looking for to trade for it? alphacat

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    2. #1284094


      Hey guys! This is my “For Trade List”. 1 Puggy Bark-O-Lounger (PSI) 1 Wallowing Tub (PSI) 1 Royal Cat Chair 1 Chair of Diamonds 1 Bloomin’ Dining Chair 2 Bloomin’ Dining Tables 1 Bloomin’ Standing Lamp. I also have a Big Bow Dining Chair, Funky Table, and Super Scary Stove. I do have some of the Modern Boutique items from the Webkinz mobile app. I would like 2 or 3 rares or other PSIs for my PSIs (Sorry, no valued items). Also, is the Porcupine Sculpture a PSI? I don’t have anything on my want list at the moment. Please reply if you want some or one of the items I have! -silver1298

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    3. #1259534


      Looking for the Matching floor that goes with the “Whimsical Wonderland Wallpaper”. I’m also looking for anything in the villa theme. My username is Sfup

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    4. #1252480


      @obvsaprincess , I have sent you some balloons and the red tea set you requested from a couple of our storage accoutns ( hope7905 and seasona15) , enjoy your new items , nothing needed in return. Hugs, paisley7905 aka lfrank

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      • #1252564

        Thank you so much!! Let me know if you ever need anything :)

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    5. #1252290

      Hello friends! I’m currently looking for balloons! I’ll take anything but the welcome balloons and webkinz cares balloons, since I have a lot of those. But any other balloons you have I’d really appreciate! Not the kind you ride in, just the regular lil ol’ floating kind :) I have a lot of balloon pop clothing items, posters, gem lamps, chocolates, wheel items, etc. to trade for them! Side note: I’m also looking for the red tea set prize from the mobile wheel of wow. Let me know if you’d like to trade! UN obvsaprincess

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      • #1252490


        Hi there obvsaprincess – I just sent a couple of tea sets and the shiny party balloons- Enjoy! alphacat :-)

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        • #1252566

          Thanks alphacat! I love them! Where are the balloons from? I haven’t seen them before! Thank you so much :)

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          • #1252622


            Hi again! I’m so glad to send you something you didn’t already have. The balloons are a prize from the Wshop Party Packs. Aren’t they pretty? Everyone gets a loot bag at the end of the party and these are part of the prize pool. :-) I’ve found the party packs to have several glitches, so sometimes I just throw myself a little party and invite my other account just to get the loot bags. Haha – alphacat

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    6. #1239810


      Hi clementinesunshine, I’d be happy to trade. I’ll send you a FR

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    7. #1249452

      Thanks so much! I’m logging in to send your fridge right now:)

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    8. #1249632


      Thanks so much for the awesome extra gift @clementinesunshine! Let me know if there’s anything else you’re needing.

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    9. #1249692


      Oh, wait, I saw you are looking for a Chair of Diamonds. If I win one on the mobile wheel I’l send it your way. :)

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    10. #1844233


      sorry for the duplicate

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    11. #1844243


      jammershark did you get all the arcade units you wanted? do you have the webkinz arcade wall sign?

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    12. #1844251


      hey hey i would like to trade my stately chair for your dr quack bed. please send me a fr to beanieuncle ( i can’t send them)

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    13. #1844545


      Yes I did, thank you so much!

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    14. #1844591


      Just sent a FR. Thanks :) ch711

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    15. #2010645


      I’m sorry, I wish I had this but I don’t. It’s gorgeous though! I had to google it. lol

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    16. #2010655


      Do you mean a hammock?

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    17. #2010653


      Oops! Wrong post!

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    18. #2266683

      Can I have super fan items please? My user is HannahMontana199

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