Naming service!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Naming service!!

This topic contains 71 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #785846


    I know theres alot of them but i wanted to make a naming buisness. I also want to be a 2 in one naming buisness. I want to be able to give names to people who need help naming their webkinz but i also wanna tell somebody what kind of webkinz pet i think they are most like. So all i need is for you to tell me your gender, personality, your favourite colour and your favourite genre of music. (what kind of music you listen to). sorry if it seems like im copying the others i just really wanna try this out!! :)

    1. #822828

      Hello foxstar2000! I’m so happy I found your forum because I need the naming service. :) My parents bought me a webkinz corgi online that came in the mail from the UK, and I need help naming it. It’s a girl, and I want a royal name. I know you will probably tell me to name her Elizabeth, but I would like some other suggestions because there are probably a lot and a lot of webkinz corgis with that name. In other words, I don’t really like to be the same as everyone else and select the most popular name. Does Alexandra sound nice since that’s one of the Queen’s middle names? I need your opinion. Have a sweet day!~SC

      • #822983

        sorry foxstar could not resist but how about Alexandra, Diane, Victoria. Had to some common royal names

        • #823166


          Hey SPQ! I acually do like Diane and Victoria alot, but if you could please refrain from naming people for me, that would be great. Im sorry if that came off rude, but i prefer to do things on my own because i have a special way of doing these kind of things. Its some thing that is one of my flaws, i dont like help, unless i ask for it, and usually when i ask for it, i dont get help, so most of the time i like to do things on my own. Once again, im really sorry if that came off rude. ~~Ash

          • #823444

            i could not resist i just thought and as she named it Alexandra i just thought back to the names that were for the royal baby although whats scary is me mum called all the names it was the name’s for it wrong order but you know “i can see her naming it Alexander, but she might name it Louie to, or if she goes the common way George.” i laughed at the name. But sorry that i put some name suggestion’s i just inside it was just bursting with names but i will NEVER do it again sorry again

            • #823616

              Hello Snowflake Pup Queen! I have a forum that’s in moderation right now. It will be in the pets section of the forums, and it will be called cupcake’s name team( hiring! :) ) Since I know you’re so eager to use your mum’s name book, you can join. Two or more is always better than one: that’s why it’s called a team. ;) I have my mum’s name book as well. It has thousands of names, including some really old names, and unusual names. What do you think? By the way, for those of you out there that have name forums, I’m NOT copying you all. I just want to make a name forum just for fun, and also because I love helping people. :) Have a sweet day!~SC

        • #823184

          Hello Snowflake Pup Queen! Thank you so much! I think I will name my corgi Alexandra. :) Have a sweet day!~SC

          • #823446

            thanks sweetcupcake16 friend me as EmiliaGG you are awsome and check out Jackie Evanco, [an opera singer]

          • #823939

            eep thanks i did reply to this one but thanks it is old i can’t wait although some names i’ll keep do i have to apply

            • #824494

              Hello Snowflake Pup Queen! :) I hope I answer this correctly. If not, I’m so sorry. Anyway, to apply on my forum, just visit it, and post that you will be making name suggestions. Afterwards, I will reply and say you’re hired! :D Is this what you have asked me? ~SC

      • #823165


        I think Alexandra is acually a really great name! Naming pets with uncommen names is some thing i am good at, at least i have been told that XD. But yes, i like Alexndra, Alice Amelia, Beatrice, caroline. I have alot more if you dont like any of these :) ~~Ash

        • #824495

          I really like your name suggestions! Although I’m naming my corgi Alexandra, Beatrice is a really nice name for another pet. :)

    2. #821771

      and do you mind if i do something like this like what webkinz are you

      • #823164


        Acually, that was one of the things i mentioned when i firts posted this forum. Most people said that i would be a rockerz pet, but i will post againand the you guys can name what pet you think i am (Hoping that is what you meant XD) :) ~~Ash

    3. #821770

      Okay so, I would like to see what kind of pet I am. I would describe myself as a fun loving, thrill seeking girl, who obviously enjoys the finer arts. Fashion Design, Interior Design, pretty obvious from the name, right? I also love to sing and preform, and have on numerous occasions. My personal style tends to lean toward a classic modern. I am girl who loves a little lace and ruffles now and then, but I mix it with printed\solid denim. I think it balances the look out perfectly, the frilly with the denim is a chic casually elegant look. The colors I use most is the summer are very preppy and nautical, but is the colder months I much prefer warm tones, creams, ivory, olive, some reds, a bit of pink, classic combos like white cotton coats and plaid leggings. I am loving infinity scarfs now too. I also really enjoy soothing calming blues and greys. I am into art, and again VERY much into interior design. I love sea creatures, such as dolphins and whales. I find webkinz sea creatures mostly to be fake-ey and cartoon-ish. I like realistic pets in natural colors. The reason I explained my style by clothes is it gives a major hint to what pets I may enjoy. Oops! I forgot to add I love warm cozy boots and simple comfy flats in the winter. But, boat shoes are awesome for anytime of the year as well…………………………………………… And flip flops with details,……… a bling never hurt anybody……………………………… P.S if you ever need any room designs I have two design forums, Casually Elegant Design and Lovely Design that you will Love. Both seem to be pretty popular, which means they can’t be that bad right? Check em’ out, even if you don’t want to order any rooms it may interest you.

      • #822342

        designergirl101 i just had to reply i love to sing actually i am doing it right now as we type but you probably sound beautiful me i think i can really only sing opera anything other well i think not really and for fashion not really for me because i am more of a nerd i just pul out some random cloths and well play some video games or sports outside. But my family is gamers but my mum is well a builder that is a clean freak but also is always getting mucky but you know it is just like okay 0)-(0.

        • #822977

          Ha, Ha thanks for the post!

          • #823149

            no problame ijust happened to read it and me i try fashion and get bored after 5 minutes in real life i try a little but hardly much just not for me

      • #823163


        Hey there Designer girl! After i read all that i thought for a bit, and i think i finally found out witch pet you might be. I think you would either be the ribbon yorkie or the chichi chihuahua. Also, after reading all about your choice in colours based on the seasons and stuff, i will probably check it out ’cause it really seems like you know what your doing :) ~~Ash

    4. #821753

      ok so what webkinz am i? I am a girl with a kinda snooty smart Alec girlygirl in a tomboy way who loves games but not killing games like my three older brothers and enjoys horses and all horse kind and i am super tall taller than my friends who are boys. My Favourite colour is Pink and purple. Music wise is mostly classical but i also like country. I am also british but live in well the neighbor to the south foxstar. XD just pointing out

      • #822374

        Hello Snowflake Pup Queen! You’re almost just like me! :) I really love classical music, and I just wanted to say that I love watching the BBC Proms. I also play classical piano, and I really want to perform a concerto there someday. :) Did attend any of the performances? I’m a girlygirl/tomboy too, we like the same colours, and although I’m not British( I’m American), I really enjoy watching British shows, and I picked up on some of the accent and some words just from watching them, but I don’t speak it to people. I like playing games too, and I absolutely do not like violent games either. Have a sweet day!~SC

        • #822836

          sweet cupcake omg check out music by Jackie Evacho i can realy sing classical we are basicaly twins and when you said you picked up the accent just use the words in all hosnesty i love watching shows like keeping up appearances and fraiser. I love games like mario and sonic ad want dineys emic mickey. Freind me as EmiliaGG eep

        • #822872

          and no i do not know who BBC is can you tell me

          • #823197

            The BBC Proms is an annual classical music festival held at the Royal Albert Hall in London presented by the BBC( British Broadcasting Corporation). Proms is short for ”promenade concert” which originally referred to outdoor concerts where the audience was free to stroll while the orchestra was playing. Now it refers to the use of the standing areas inside the Royal Albert Hall.

            • #823198

              Sorry I forgot to put: the festival starts around the middle of July and ends around early September.

        • #823162


          Hello Sweet Cupcake! Like i said to SPQ, i think you and her are very clos to th same people, but i dont want to give you guys the same pets, so i think you would be the pom pom kitty or the shimmer bunny. Hope you agree to :) ~~Ash

        • #823568

          and question do you have the smart Alec sort of side well me i notice improper grammar and correct it because it irritate’s me. But ironically I hate grammar school work I get frustrated with it like this is useless, and the book says ” Grammar Skill’s For The New Medellin” ok can’t spell it but you no what i mean. This is the time of abv. I mean seriously TTYL

          • #824001

            I’m a nerd. :) Although I don’t get frustrated with grammar, I get frustrated with math all the time. :(

      • #823161


        Hey SPQ! Sorry for not replying so soon but it didnt show that people were commenting on here untill today. Anyways, i think you might be a pink pony or a peace puppy. Same goes for Sweet Cupcake because you guys are almost exactly the same, but i dont wanna give you guys th same pets or that would’nt make you guys unique :) ~~Ash

    5. #821752

      Hey foxstar if you ever need help with names let me know i should be able to give some name if you need them since my mum gave me a baby naming book cause i always look for unique name even if their common its for a different pet than usual check out my my page and see what i mean just wanted to unicorns let you know if you EVER need help with names find this lone horse at webkinz rockerz idea’s

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