Home › Forums › Webkinz World – Archives › ~NEED CITIZENS OF KINZVILLE ITEMS,(like Fluffington armchairs…)!!!~ By JEWELS
This topic contains 230 replies, has 22 voices, and was last updated by jewels250 12 years, 3 months ago.
June 13, 2012 at 8:39 pm #616401
jewels250 wrote on 2012-06-13 at 07:38 PM
HI! I really need Fluffington armchairs, Ms. Cowaline reading chair and many other Citizen of Kinzville items. I have lots to offer!!! Thanks.
HI JEWELS, I still have the Fluffington Chair for you. I need your cupcake forklift and your solar car. Did you see anything from my list that I can add? Please lmk. Thanks. Your friend, Cruisingal
June 26, 2012 at 1:00 pm #622134
jewels250 wrote on 2012-06-26 at 12:49 PM
nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-26 at 12:01 PM
Did you happen to see my post asking about trading for one of your webkinz wardrobes? I am sure you have probably been pretty busy recently cuz I havent seen you much LOLZ
NBHi Nuttybuddy, Happy Summer Vacation! Yes, I haven’t been to the Forums all week, been really busy. I didn’t see your post. Do you mean the Webkinz Wardrobes? I have all 3. Did you want one? PLMK Thanks,
JEWELSHey-a jewels happy summer vacation!!!!!! thats kinda what I figured :) I actually just posted to you on another forum too LOL. Did you see that I got my neo gothic bed by the way (you had offered one cuz you had seen where I traded mine LOL)? The 2 I like are the fantastic fall and the magical. If I am able to, I would like to try and trade for both (if I can swing it LOL) if you have extras on both. Oh, and I picked up an extra neo gothic bed this morning, for being so kind to me and offering to replace mine, I would like to send it to you (I dont need an extra lol) if that is ok?
June 26, 2012 at 12:58 pm #622133
3queenie3 wrote on 2012-06-25 at 06:27 AM
OMG you are my newest bestest good friend, LOL……….OK I tried to simplify, I hope that helps and I just went over the first list you made cause my list is getting WAY too big. OK here is my list………
I have” Well everything and multiples-Amanda Panda Chest and Spice Cake, Artes Phote and Clock
Chef Gazpacho’s Stove, Dr Quacks Hospital Bed and SideTable, Fred Rover Sofa and Table,
Monkey and Monkey Banana Tree and TV, Mrs Cowline Chair, Plumpy Chair and Desk, Quizzy Chair and Table,
Plus I have all of the character’s clothing-poncho, dr quacks eye chart, tabbys hot cocoa, all of the 2nd round that included nefarias slippers but included the other characters as well, Sheldons surfboards
And I likeDeer Forest Window, Hippo Loveseat, Bengal cat canopy bed, stylish salon seat, beaver, spot bunny, ragdoll cat, prehistoric pond, endangered island getaway, honey waterfall and tru luv wishing well. And I can look over the 2nd list when we get this one figured out! I saw you are looking for white bunny ears too, got them………aWESOME! I’m pretty sure I still have all of those since I’ve been away all week and haven’t really done any trading. These are the items from your list I need the most. Dr. Quack’s side table, Mrs. Cowaline chair (how many do you have?) Sheldon’s Surfbord. Do you not have any Fluffington armchairs? PLMK. Also, would you trade 2 chairs for Sig. items? LMK what’s what! Thanks,
June 26, 2012 at 12:49 pm #622125
nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-26 at 12:01 PM
Did you happen to see my post asking about trading for one of your webkinz wardrobes? I am sure you have probably been pretty busy recently cuz I havent seen you much LOLZ
NBHi Nuttybuddy, Happy Summer Vacation! Yes, I haven’t been to the Forums all week, been really busy. I didn’t see your post. Do you mean the Webkinz Wardrobes? I have all 3. Did you want one? PLMK Thanks,
June 26, 2012 at 12:01 pm #622088
Did you happen to see my post asking about trading for one of your webkinz wardrobes? I am sure you have probably been pretty busy recently cuz I havent seen you much LOLZ
June 25, 2012 at 6:53 pm #621730
Hey Jewels! I found a Fred Rover Sofa in the TR the other day and I thought of you. Would you like it?
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