Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives NEED eStore POINTS

This topic contains 98 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  AliceInWebkinzland 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #91941


    <p>I have most priceless, promo, new, estore, sig, rockerz psi. Please let me know what you need for how many points!! :D

    1. #687036


      LadyOfTheHouse- Could you please transfer the points to iambu11et? (the L’s are ones) Thanks! Sending your items now.

    2. #687020


      njw2002 wrote on 2012-12-05 at 12:25 PM

      i have 500 estore points add me im njw2002

      Hi there! Must have skipped over this earlier. Could you send a friend request to Bulllett please?

    3. #687015

      Bullet wrote on 2012-12-05 at 05:03 PM

      LadyOfTheHouse- Yeah, I can do that. Please send a friend request to Bulllett (3 L’s, two T’s) and plmk who it’s coming from. We can meet up in the Trading Rooms, or I can just ship off your items.. I’ll let you know where to transfer the points after you’ve gotten your items. :)

      I’ll go ahead and send you a friend request from my Goomelus account. I’ve got to get off and cook dinner shortly, so it might be easier if you’d go ahead and let me know where to send the points; that way I can them to you before I get off, since I don’t know if I’ll have time to be back on tonight. Just let me know.

    4. #687012


      PLEASE RESPOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. #686991


      AIW – I’ll just throw out “20″. That would be 5,000 per item, but we can bring it down if that’s too high. Maybe 16k, 4,000 per item, or in the middle of the two, or less than that.. I can be flexible. It’s your money, so it’s your call. :)

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