Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives NEED eStore POINTS

This topic contains 98 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  AliceInWebkinzland 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #91941


    <p>I have most priceless, promo, new, estore, sig, rockerz psi. Please let me know what you need for how many points!! :D

    1. #687149

      Also, forgot to ask about whether or not you happen to have the Spotted Tea Trolley PSI? Sorry, long list lol. LMK, thanks. *AIW

    2. #687147

      Hi again Bullet. Was wondering briefly if you had any of the following-

      Candy Cane Canopy Bed
      Peridot Puppy Set
      Diamond Piano
      Magical Retriever Bed
      Sweet Tooth Sofa
      Science Goggles

      LMK, thanks. :) *AIW

    3. #687087

      BULLET- Thanks so much for the trade! I love my new items!! Hope you enjoy your points. Happy trading! *AIW

    4. #687083

      Bullet wrote on 2012-12-05 at 07:48 PM

      LOTH – Received the points, thanks!

      Thanks so much for a great trade! Hope you enjoy the points as much as I love my items!

    5. #687073

      Bullet wrote on 2012-12-05 at 07:36 PM

      AIW- Yup, I can do that! I’m already added to the one that starts with pookie, so I’ll send some stuff, and then we can meet up in the TRs for the final item. :)

      Okay, perfect. I received the first three items and am ready to meet up for the last whenever you’re available, thanks so much! *AIW

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