Need help with a Food/Clothing recipe?

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Need help with a Food/Clothing recipe?

This topic contains 71 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  webkinzlover2011101 11 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #690267

    Ask me! I know over 25 clothing machine recipes and over 200 food recipes!

    1. #701184


      Webkinzlover, do you know recipe for True North Sweater and Cool Squares Shirt? Has neon tutu been solved? Watermelon Shirt? Thank-You.

      • #701622

        Sorry, but I don’t know True North Sweater and Cool Squares Shirt, and the Neon Tutu and Watermelon Shirt are still unknown. :)

        • #763072


          Watermelon Shirt: Ballerina Leotard Top, Summer Fun Swimsuit Top, and Emerald Polka Dot Rain Boots. I hope this helps 8-)

    2. #701097

      Fizzletwist Pop: Cola/ Cream Soda/ Licorice
      Triopop: Lollipop/ Orange Pop/ Popcorn

    3. #701056

      Do you know any food recipes? I’m looking for the Fizzletwist Pop recipe and the Tripop recipe.

    4. #700867


      clothing recipes please!

    5. #700713


      Please, please post your clothing recipes! I’d really appreciate it. Thanks! :)

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