Need help with a Food/Clothing recipe?

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Need help with a Food/Clothing recipe?

This topic contains 71 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  webkinzlover2011101 11 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #690267

    Ask me! I know over 25 clothing machine recipes and over 200 food recipes!

    1. #705221

      do you know wild watermelon shirt?if you tell me it i will tell u sparkely silver suit jacket and busy artist smock.

      • #756068

        I need the sparkly silver suit jacket can you please tell me the recipe???

        • #763705

          Busy Atrist Smock: Pink Polka Dot Rain Boots/ Purple Beanie/ Yellow Raincoat ……… Sparkly Silver Suit Jacket: Academy Slacks/ Tuxedo Jacket/ Tiara ……………… Wild Watermelon Shirt: Ballet Leotard Top/ Summer Fun Swimsuit Top/ Emerald Polka Dot Rain Boots

    2. #705034


      any clothes please

    3. #704329


      what about that watermelon shirt thing

      • #704586


        Re: watermelon shirt , I haven’t a clue. Do you know what it looks like? Heard the neon tutu appears in different colours? Many debates on those 2 recipes on this forum. Seems that there are frequently unlikely items in these clothing recipes. I mean, who would think the fall floral would be in the plaid gown? I would never have suspected that.

        • #735199


          i think that it green with pink ruffles around the shoulders and bottom and has a pic of a watermelon on the front thx for the reply if you want friend piggy4400 on webkinz thx again

      • #737966

        Ballerina Leotard top/Emerold Rain Boots/Summer fun swimsuit top= Wild Watermelon Shirt

    4. #704051


      Do you know grapplesnap?

      • #704585


        GRAPPLESNAP – apple juice / baked beans / grn, grapes

      • #704903

        Grapplesnap: Apple Juice/ Green Grapes/ Baked Beans (Blender)

    5. #703015


      Webkinzlover, or anyone, have you attempted to duplicate the new food on the Wheel of Wow, the Wigglumdrip? I’ve been studying it and so far, can only think it may contain sushi, but can’t really see it very well. Maybe asparagus? Any ideas? Any tips on how you figure these recipes out?!

      • #703172

        Not all food is a recipe. Only specific ones are. Every one in a while they announce new food recipes, but if it’s just new food, you can’t actually make it. I don’t know about that specific food, but there’s your answer in general. :)

        • #703265


          Thanks, Webkinzlover. Am fairly new to Webkinz (a few months) and don’t know all this. Have been wondering how everyone even knows about some of these food and clothing items. Do they announce them on Webkinznewz? Is there a list or pictures, somewhere? I only know about the ones I receive from others(got a wurstinfurst the other day) or see on the wheel, etcetera. How would we know if that wheel food CAN be made? There is a list, of desired recipes, from another user, Narnian, on another page, and I have never heard of most of them. I do not know any of them! If you know any of them, would you share them? Thanks.

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