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This topic contains 234 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  KASSUZY 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #756140


    Hay y’all!! This is Stealthstorm, and my best friend Flicka! If you need any horse advice, just click here! We will get to you as soon as possible! Or, you can just chat about horses! Have fun, horse lovers! ~Flicka and Stealthy~

    1. #769843


      Chilly, that is great!!!! My first lesson horse was also lazy, haha I ALWAYS had a whip with me! Taking the reins is like your first big step at becoming a rider, so congrats! That is so sad! It is so sad what people do to animals. Will those rescues become lesson horses at some point? I’m so excited, this Saturday we move Nashville to our boarding facility, and next Saturday is my 13th birthday!!! Angel, your welcome! Your always so nice to me too and I love visiting you in Webkinz World! ~Peace, Love, Ride, The Horse Fanatic~

    2. #769584

      thanks stealthstorm for being a good friend and thanks for the gifts, if it wern’t for webkinz having forums, i would have never met you guys

    3. #769546


      Hey there! I had my riding lesson on Saturday and it was awesome!!! I finally got to take the reins! But since I was learning how to ride by myself I got to ride a different horse! I was so happy! The horse I rode was very gentle and has a very smooth trot and he’s VERY old so he was somewhat lazy. He would walk REALLY slow and he’d be going like”Do I have to walk? I don’t want to.” But the horse I would ride before was like”Let me go!! I want to run!!!!” The day before I had my lesson two rescues came in and they looked awful. A lot of their fur was missing and they were starving. But after my lesson I went out next to their pen with my mom and sister and we picked lots of clover and grass for them. They had had to be rescued because their owner completely ignored them. But thankfully they hadn’t been beaten so we were able to feed them very easily because they weren’t afraid of people. When it’s my next lesson we’re going to bring lots of carrots and apples for the horses to eat.

    4. #769040


      Dapple, Angel, and Chilly: I hope y’all enjoy your present! Some Deluxe goodies, and a small “horse” themed gift. I want to thank y’all for coming here all the time and keeping this forum alive! Don’t worry to ask questions to me, or just chat! I will be more than happy to help! :) Thanks y’all, your the best! ~The Horse Fanatic

    5. #768500


      Ok!!!! ~The Horse Fanatic

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