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This topic contains 234 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  KASSUZY 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #756140


    Hay y’all!! This is Stealthstorm, and my best friend Flicka! If you need any horse advice, just click here! We will get to you as soon as possible! Or, you can just chat about horses! Have fun, horse lovers! ~Flicka and Stealthy~

    1. #773769


      Awesome Chilly!!!! :D Nashville, unfortunately, has really bad hoofs at the moment. :( So we have to put stuff in diapers and wrap them on his hooves! He will look FUNNY!!!! :P Poor baby. :) I love your signature, BFF! :) You rock, your the best! Angel, hey! I was going to show you my Lounge Room but I didn’t know if you could find me in my monstrous house! :D Well y’all, I am very excited! My birthday is Saturday, my party is Sunday, so today I am going to get my hair tip-dyed (sort of), or an ombre since I want 5 inches of blonde in my brown hair!!! It will look like Laura Marano (from Austin and Ally) when her hair is straight! I hope to hear from y’all today, I will be on till 4:00, 6:00 Kinz Time! ~*Hakuna Matata*~

    2. #772860

      Hey there Stealthstorm! ~ Thunderhead Forever!

    3. #772733


      Hey y’all!! Well, Saturday was very stressful. We went to the barn we were moving to to get a trailer from our friend to hook up to our car. When we got there, Nashville WOULD NOT trailer!! He put two feet in, the stepped back out. We shook grain, put hay in front of his nose, even put a strap behind the back of him to push him forward. He would not go! Finally after 45 minutes (no joke), our friend went to the right side that had an escape door. So she walked Nashville in (which worked) and she crawled out the escape door and we quickly put the strap behind him so he couldn’t come back out. We hurried into the car before he could do something. We trailered him to the boarding barn. When he got out, he looked right at this beautiful white horse named Hope. She has a gray mane that goes to her shoulders! It was totally love at first sight! :D We put him in the bigger round pen while we got his stall ready. He is next to two mares, Taxi and Mira. He likes both of them, he is a lady’s man! All was well, and I’ve ridden him twice there! The arena makes it so nice! Hope to hear from y’all soon! ~Ride and be Happy Happy Happy

      • #773204


        Awww. So sweet. :D

        • #773276


          Haha yeah!!! How is your riding going? ~*Hakuna Matata*~

          • #773414


            Wonderful! It’s all green meadows and butterflies. Just kidding. More like a stinky barn and huge piles of…. yeah.. I think you know what I’m talking about. But the riding is going great!!! But unfortunately my teacher can’t give me lessons for a few weeks until she’s back from vacation. I’ll let you know once I’m riding again, BFF :D !!!!! ~Stay Chilly(just thought of that nickname, haha, part of my UN!)

    4. #771853


      I hope y’all have a great day! I won’t be on at all, my friend is coming over! We will have fun though, as she also owns a beautiful horse! Nashville will be moved to my boarding barn! He gets a nice stall with an out pen. The barn is HUGE, has 30 stalls, tack rooms with lockers, feed rooms, an indoor arena, a lobby, 2 round pens, a cart arena, a jumping arena, a dressage arena, 30 outdoor stalls (for shows and camp!), and 300 acres of pasture! Nashville will love it, it is where I kept my last horse, Lyric. :) She also liked it, so much to do! Then I am going to a late night soccer game, which will be a blast! So I will get to y’all on Sunday! ~Ride and be Happy Happy Happy

    5. #771133

      hey guys, check out page three of my forum horses deluxe to learn a little bit about Celtic Thunder and part of a song they did. ~ Thunderhead Forever!

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