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This topic contains 234 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by KASSUZY 11 years, 3 months ago.
May 6, 2013 at 2:43 pm #756140
Hay y’all!! This is Stealthstorm, and my best friend Flicka! If you need any horse advice, just click here! We will get to you as soon as possible! Or, you can just chat about horses! Have fun, horse lovers! ~Flicka and Stealthy~
June 24, 2013 at 10:42 am #775553
Hey there. I didn’t get a Webkinz. I GOT TWO WEBKINZ :D !!!!! I got a Choco Cheeky Dog and a Sapphire Pegasus!!!! Though I don’t have a clue as to what to name them……
June 24, 2013 at 10:42 am #775548
hey gals for some reason my comments wont post lately.~dapplegreyhorse
June 24, 2013 at 10:34 am #775498
Hey y’all!! Thank you for all the birthday letters and gifts, I appreciate them all! I am having a great 13th birthday. I got tons of cool stuff! I went to the barn to ride which was a complete disaster. Nash isn’t completely used to the place, so I decided to ride in a big round pen in case he decided to do something stupid, which he did anyways. We were trotting, and normally when I say easy, he slows down. But this time he speeded up. He doesn’t have a developed canter yet, so its more like trot and gallop. Well, he trotted faster and faster and I was telling him Whoa, Stop Nashville, Easy!!! He started to go faster and galloped, and we were flying! I knew I had to stay on or I would break my arm on my first day of being a teenager! So I held on for my life to his mane and squeezed the reins. I literally thought I was going to fall. My feet were falling out of the stirrups and his bounciness messed with my head. It was so scary, its my second bad incident on a horse (last time I got rolled on by a horse!). My mom ran into the pen and jumped in front of him, and grabbed his bit. It was SO SCARY!!!! Well, I hope the rest of my birthday is not so scary! I love all my presents, if y’all wanna know what I got I will tell you. Soon we are going to eat out for lunch and then go to church. :) Talk to y’all later! ~*Hakuna Matata*~ (No Worries, hmm, well I had worries all right when I was riding!)
June 27, 2013 at 2:10 pm #776558
Oh I’m so glad you’re okay!!! What do you mean you got rolled on?!?! Does that mean that the horse just decided to roll over like a dog with you still in the saddle?!?!?! And WOW we’re so alike! Maybe we’re like long lost twins. Just kidding!~Stay Chilly and Pretty Like a Lily
June 27, 2013 at 3:32 pm #778208
Yep!!! We were looking to buy this horse named Enya a few years back and she rolled on me while I was in the saddle. :D I luckily got off in time, but my leg got crushed underneath her. It hurt forever!!!! Haha, maybe we are!!! Maybe our past generations of our family had the same last name! HAHA!!! ~*Hakuna Matata*~
June 24, 2013 at 10:31 am #775492
I Would like to use the grey arabian since she is my newest pet. her name is Jeannie ~ Thunderhead Forever!
June 24, 2013 at 10:24 am #775471
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BFF!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D I’m so happy for you!!!!! I hope you have the best birthday ever!!!!! And yeah! I have brown hair too! The end reaches about halfway between my shoulder and elbow. And since its summer I have to put it up all the time or it will tangle really easily. Is your hair straight, wavy, or curly? Mine is wavy but if I got my hair cut short it would be slightly curly. Now I really wish I had green eyes but unfortunately I’m stuck wih blue. I sent you your gift and a bunch of letters. I had one outfit and traded for another(angel, if I can find another of the outfit I’ll send it to you so all three of us can be like triplets!) and decided to send it to you as a birthday gift! Hope you like it!!!!! And yes we can definetely meet in WW today(if you wear your gift on your pinto we can be twins :D !!!!)!!!!! Though I’m probably not going to be up till midnight; I’ll probably be up till 10:30 and maybe a little later. Again: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :D ~Stay Chilly and Pretty Like a Lily
June 24, 2013 at 5:15 pm #776258
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!! Mine goes halfway between my shoulder and my elbow too!!!!! And mine is wavy too, one time I got it cut really short and it poofed out and got curly! Mine gets tangled so easily too, it hurts SO bad to brush it!!! Blue is pretty :) Haha, our eyes are are friend’s favorite colors (mine: green yours: blue!!!!) Thanks so much for the gift! I LOVE IT! And everyone who sent me gifts. I got the Signature Normandy Cow and named it Smooch! Cows are my second fave animal…:) ~*Hakuna Matata*~
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